can rabbits eat lettuce



Lettuce is often referred to as “rabbit food.” However, this is somewhat misleading. For the safe varieties, ensure they have them in moderation, as a part of their leafy greens. In short, yes they can and it's a great addition to their diet. For more information about the nutritional value of a variety of popular lettuce types, check out the table below. In reality, your bunny needs a diet made up mainly of fresh hay and supplemented by vegetables and pellets. However, as always, make sure to only feed it in moderation. Common cultivars of the red leaf include Lollo Rossa, or New Red Fire, Red Sails, Redina, Galactic, or Benito. During the colder months, wild rabbits eat more of a wood-based diet like tree bark, twigs and pine needles. No, and Yes. Iceberg lettuce… Rabbits are known to enjoy eating lettuce and it is written in many stories how much they enjoy it. Therefore, let your bunnies eat them occasionally. Yes, but the type of lettuce matters! However, according to the UK RSPCA, light-colored lettuces have minimal nutritional value and are not recommended. Rabbits can eat lettuce in moderation. No. Just make sure you choose a safe variety for bunnies to eat, such as romaine, and never give iceberg lettuce to your furry friend. Also, avoid any other wide variety. Low in calories and a good source of a number of vitamins, green leaf lettuce is readily available from your local grocery store. Green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, Boston lettuce, bibb … If you’ve never heard of arugula before, you may know its leaves better by another name: rocket. As a result, you should never share iceberg lettuce with your beautiful bunny. The answer is yes. Native to the Mediterranean, arugula is widely available in countries all around the world. Most dark lettuces are healthy for rabbits, while light lettuce like iceberg lettuce … Secondly, avoid those that have lactucarium as this milky sap from these plants is harmful to not only bunnies but also humans and other animals. Any new food has the potential to cause an upset stomach for your unfortunate pet, so don’t rush into things. The key when introducing any new vegetable into your bunny’s diet is to do it slowly. Top 7 High-Quality Beds to Keep Your Dog Warm Outside, 11 Essential to Buy Before Bringing a New Puppy, Bearded Dragon Basking and Nighttime Temperature, Best Terrarium, Vivarium, or Tank Heat Sources. Vitamin C is good for healthy and strong bones, and teeth and vitamin K will ensure no bone mineral loss. The big no-no for rabbits when it comes to lettuce is iceberg lettuce, as well as any white part of a lettuce head. Iceberg Lettuce is listed as a food that rabbits should not eat according to and, well everyone who knows rabbit health. They also love flowers such as marigolds, pansies and petunias. i thought they were 2 girls. Butter lettuce is a type of lettuce with soft and tender leaves. When deciding on the kids of lettuce that rabbits can eat, look at their nutritional content. Red leaf lettuce looks a lot like romaine lettuce but has reddish-purple tips. Come and camp in a beautiful natural environment and form a community of like-minded souls who want to escape the hustle and bustle of … It’s beneficial if you want to add some vibrant color to a salad and is a rich source of vitamins A and K. And just like green leaf lettuce, it’s also safe to give to your precious bunny in small amounts. Make leafy greens the bulk of the 10-15%. Butter lettuce is also OK to feed to your bunny. Also known as cos lettuce, this commonly used salad green is a good source of calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, and a number of vitamins. If the owner of the animal has his own garden, the animals can be offered fresh carrots, pumpkin, lettuce, zucchini, apples, lettuce… Choose leafy, dark lettuces such as romaine lettuce … grace on July 08, 2012: my bunny just had 4 bunny's and they all died cause they where cold. Lettuce may be commonly dismissed as “rabbit food”, but does that mean it should form a major part of your rabbit’s diet? Boasting a peppery, tangy taste, arugula is low in calories but high in calcium, potassium, vitamin C and more. Rabbits need to consume leafy green vegetables, such as most types of lettuce, as it provides them with a series of essential nutrients … Rabbits can eat lettuce in moderation. Why Rabbits Can’t Eat Nuts (Peanuts, Almonds, Pistachios,…)? Iceberg lettuce is high in water and quite low in nutritional value, so it doesn’t offer many health benefits for your furry friend. Iceberg lettuce also contains lactucarium, a chemical that can potentially be harmful to your bunny. No. Also, besides romaine, which you can include more often, like 2-3 times a week since it is nutritionally superior, make the others occasional inclusions like once a week. Otherwise, they may end up with stomach problems, diarrhea, gas, bloating, and so on. Like other dark-green leaved varieties, it is a good source of vitamin A, folate, and vitamin C. Also, it has a smaller amount of calcium, iron, potassium, and phosphorus, as well as antioxidants that may help prevent chronic illnesses and fight some cancer forms. On the fruit side, avocado is a fatty fruit that contains a fungicidal toxin called persin that can … He has six years of experience keeping small pets, from guinea pigs, rabbits, to hedgehogs. They are fine to have a nibble at it, but because of the amount … They are the most popular type cultivated for use as a salad, mostly green leaf lettuce. It all depends on which specific type. This means that although rabbits are renown for eating lettuce, and they absolutely love it, butterhead lettuce is not very good for them to eat. However, be aware that iceberg lettuce has little … These high-carb sugary treats will really only “treat” your bunny … Iceberg lettuce contains a chemical called lactucarium, which can hurt or kill a rabbit if it eats too much of the lettuce. Both wild and pet rabbits can eat lettuce according to the House Rabbit Society. Rabbits … Despite some alarming reports of lettuce’s psychoactive properties, it does not pose any threat of toxicity to rabbits. Therefore, feed rabbits romaine lettuce, butterhead lettuce, green leaf, red leaf, and oak leaf and avoid iceberg lettuce, wild lettuce, … Therefore, there is no point in including it in your rabbit diet. Iceberg lettuce is poisonous for rabbits because it’s packed with a chemical called … There’s a common misconception that rabbits need to eat lettuce, carrot, and not much else. May 9, 2017 June 1, 2017 admintag Juicy food is a mixture of vegetables and fruits. Boston lettuce and Bibb lettuce are classified as types of butter lettuce, and this vibrant green vegetable is a popular salad ingredient. People who ingest lactucarium may be dizzy, vomit, and diarrhea. Except for the wild and iceberg or any other that are low in nutrients or have lactucarium, the others are good. However, dark-leaf lettuce, such as romaine and red leaf lettuce, tends to be the best option for your furry friend, while iceberg lettuce should never be given to rabbits. Rabbits on July 16, 2012: here's a tip they said lettuce is bad for rabbits/bunny and am not sure about nuts. Also, beta-carotene (a form of vitamin A), which is a potent antioxidant that will support good vision, support reproductive health, and cell growth, among other benefits. You may want to shred the leaves up into smaller pieces for your bunny to chew on. Can rabbits eat lettuce ? Looking at its nutritional value, it has is a good source of vitamin A (beta-carotene), folate, and vitamin K. Also, it has some iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, among others, making it the right choice for your furry friend. Some of the veggies that you can give your bunnies more since they are more nutritive include the following: Don’t forget to look at their oxalic levels and calcium levels and only include one type high in ether these two. Iceberg lettuce: Rabbits can’t eat iceberg lettuce as it contains lactucarium which can … We use cookies to help give you the best experience. Rabbits shouldn’t iceberg lettuce (head lettuce) or any other that is light-colored since it has lactucarium, which is harmful to your furry friends. Just include it in your vegetable mix. Though dark green, leafy lettuces are good for rabbits, thanks to their high fiber and … Copyright © 2021 Pet Care Advisors | All Rights Researved. But if you want to give your rabbit some lettuce, it’s safe to do so in moderation. Rabbits can only eat certain kinds of lettuce. Finally, treats like fruits, non-leafy veggies, flowers, herbs, or commercial ones shouldn’t exceed 5% of the total calorie intake. Can rabbits eat lettuce? While rabbits can eat iceberg lettuce in small amounts, the lettuce provides little of nutritional value to bunnies, with low levels of minerals, vitamins and fibre (iceberg lettuce is mostly water). There are many excellent brands of grassy hays to buy. Lactucarium is a milky fluid that actually has a sedative effect on your pet and can be dangerous in large quantities. The general rule of thumb is the dark-green leaved varieties are more nutritious while the light-colored have minimal nutrients. A mineral called laudanum (which is toxic to rabbits) is present in some types of lettuce and cabbages.. You can make it part of their vegetable mix, like once a week. Your email address will not be published. However, if offering them celtuce, ensure you give them a small amount as a treat while the others can be part of their leafy veggies. Rabbits Eat Lettuce has tragically lost one of our beloved & valued crew members over the weekend. Also known as looseleaf, bunching, or cutting lettuce, these cultivars have leaves that bunch loosely and don’t have heads. Monitor your rabbit closely for signs of any adverse effects. Steven is the guy behind SmallPetJournal. This post may contain affiliate links. However some types of lettuce are very bad for rabbits, like iceberg lettuce.. It is nutrient-weak … Let us now see which ones are safe and which ones are harmful. Rabbits in the wild all over the world successfully consume a wide variety of plant material. But where does lettuce fit in? Let’s take a closer look. Make sure to wash any lettuce thoroughly before giving it to your pet, just as you would before preparing a salad for yourself. Org and, well, every person who recognizes bunny wellness. I think we’ve answered the question — can rabbits eat cabbage — with a resounding yes! Safe Food for Rabbits- This is as comprehensive a list as I can come up with, I may have left a few things out and would be happy to hear from you, i will add them and will post comments to … If lettuce doesn’t agree with their stomach, there are plenty of other delicious veggies your pet will happily munch on. Rabbits should eat lettuce in moderation, and not all lettuces are good for your bunny. Required fields are marked *. Various types of dry and fresh grasses and plants with leaves comprise the largest portion of the wild rabbit diet. This means that it is safe for rabbits to eat … Arianna on July 01, 2012: Can bunnies eat … Required fields are marked *. While lettuce offers some health benefits, not all forms of lettuce are suitable for rabbits to eat. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a vegetable that belongs to the family Asteraceae or Compositae (the aster, composite, daisy, or sunflower family) valued majorly for its leaves, but at times for its stems or seeds for oil production. At times, rabbits eat something toxic without us … Greens of all kinds are an important part of any rabbit's … Poisonous vegetables for rabbits include potatoes, rhubarb, mushrooms, broad beans, kidney beans and iceberg lettuce, Dacombe says. Rabbits can eat Butterhead lettuce, a tendered textured and sweet flavored variety, also known as round, Bibb or Boston lettuce as part of their leafy veggies occasionally. Iceberg lettuce can cause diarrhea, and some cabbages are actually toxic to rabbits. The other varieties are Summercrisp, stem (stem, celery, Chinese or asparagus lettuce or celtuce), and oilseed (grown for seeds). Lettuce has a high water content, so it can help your bunny stay hydrated, while it’s also a source of fiber to aid proper digestion. As with all treats, it’s best to portion these out otherwise your rabbit may overindulge and feel unwell. Rabbits Can Eat Lettuce. In your garden, he’ll snack on the tender shoots of plants like lettuce, beans and broccoli. There are others are the oak and red leaf lettuce. You can feed your rabbits some dark leafy lettuce in small quantities. Rabbits shouldn’t eat wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa) since it has lactucarium, a milky fluid that is potentially toxic to rabbits. As you try to vary the diet, your furry friends have, ensure they eat at least 80% grassy hay. Grapes: Rabbits have a sweet tooth, so grapes are great as a treat. Rabbits Eat Lettuce is a place of Freedom, Love & Music. Iceberg Lettuce is to provide food that rabbits need to not consume according to the humane society. It’s easy to digest, high in water content, and will work well for all … However, the romaine variety is the best choice. What Lettuce Can Rabbits Eat (Romaine, Iceberg, Red Leaf...)? Caleb was always a shining light of good vibes and such a positive person to be around, lifting the … Can rabbits eat romaine lettuce (cos lettuce)? Finally, don’t forget to slowly introduce any new food gradually over a week, starting with a minimal amount to give these animal’s sensitive tummies to get used to the vegetable or food. Keep reading to find out why. Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage: Summary. Pet owners should feed rabbits a balanced diet of purchased food pellets, hay, fruits and vegetables. Best of all, it’s another lettuce variety that you can safely give to your rabbit in moderation. Also, if you look at its nutritional composition, it is low in nutrients, and it is majorly water, i.e., higher water than other types and less flavorful. Your email address will not be published. Rabbits can eat romaine lettuce as a part of leafy greens you give it your rabbit, including the violet cultivar, in moderation, a few times a week. The high water content can lead to diarrhea if your pet consumes too much. Foods like iceberg lettuce and cookies are less likely to be fatal to healthy, adult rabbits. However, if you compare them with other leafy greens, there are many more nutritious veggies you can include in your rabbit’s diet. The iceberg lettuce … Start with a small amount of lettuce in among other safe vegetables for rabbits to eat to reduce the risk of diarrhea. Even though rabbits can have lettuce, it’s best to choose darker-colored varieties with lower water content. And this is where lettuce comes in. He currently lives with his wife & three guinea pigs in Texas. Not all types of lettuces are good or safe for bunnies. In your mix, you can include safe lettuces as one of the vegetables in your mix. Instead, darker, more leafy types of lettuce should be fed as they are higher in fiber and other nutrients. No! Romaine … All these three varieties are ok for rabbits. Lettuce is considered good food for rabbits though it might be misleading because not all kinds of lettuce are okay for them to eat. Several sources also list it as a safe type of lettuce for rabbits to eat, so romaine lettuce is safe to feed to your bunny. Fresh hay should make up the majority of your bunny’s diet, while adding a limited amount of pellets and vegetables into the mix can help provide complete nutrition for your pet.

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