why should judges be elected



The system in which Supreme Court justices are elected or appointed may shape how they act and decide on rulings. They shouldn't be worried about being re-elected. Also, one must exude excellent judgment and exemplary line of patience. The third justification—that judicial elections result in higher quality candidates—is generally no longer used, probably because in modern times the appointment method r… The Supreme Court is the highest court in the legal hierarchy. <> Judges are appointed, usually by the governor. SHOULD JUDGES BE ELECTED OR APPOINTED ESSAY. stream %PDF-1.4 For example, if the executive branch appoints judicial positions and quite a few positions come open during the term of a specific leader, then that leader will appoint judges that follow his or her political leanings. Many out there ARE appointed. , Dr. Howard Fields, No Comment, January 4, 2018 , Jecinta Morgan Please rate this article: Similarities Between Capitalism and Socialism, Difference Between Coalition Government and Alliance, Similarities Between Humans and Chimpanzees, Similarities Between Traditional Curriculum and Progressive Curriculum, Similarities Between Hypothesis and Theory. Some U.S.A. states elect judges. The public should have a direct say in who gets to be judge instead of the president or the Senate.” I don't know. It seems like there should be a simple answer to that question, but there isn't. Elections ensure that judges are accountable to the people. This process makes fewer biases and prevents any backdoor businesses that may occur at court houses. Appointments are a more efficient mechanism for selecting judges than elections. However, I feel very strongly as do the majority of my Texas judges use partisan election where judges are elected by the people. A poll taken in Texas found that 83 percent percent of Texans believe that campaign contributions influence judicial decisions and 48 percent of judges agreed. Judges have their own take on what’s constitutional or not, and with different people running, you’d have choices between who gets elected. Not to say they shouldn't have an interpretation ideology, but trying to run on it, politically is … I think judges should definitely be elected by the public because judges are the important people in a society that make decisions that don't only effect it's environment, but further on. ��F΢�^�J$L0;uv�^��F�-�2 ��zj�q�h In Canada supreme court judges are appointed until age 75. �w�6�9�""��"e�������UF��ey�j@��u��f�$�}Kx���Pg?�ቦ�>�(J�Ez ��Q3��E!�8�э(-iOB��Ew���k^�7�/��˔Ǥ!��=t�%�Ж��[� This ensures that judges ultimately answer to the people they serve, not the one that appointed them. November 30, 2017 Some appointed judges act irresponsibly. A judge is a public entity that presides over a court trial. Often there is a mix of appointed and elected judgeships. Even though justices are usually appointed, some argue that elections should be held to ensure an independent judiciary. The … Express your views about whether or not judges should be elected to serve on the bench or if they should be appointed. The people should have some input, but I am not sure how much. %�쏢 Texas should adopt a system used by other states that strikes a good compromise on this issue. Marjory Pogue. Some people claim that Supreme Courts' members should be … Until relatively recently, several of North Carolina's judges were appointed. Although there are still some states and countries that appoint judges, most people prefer the process of election to face out any issues that may greatly affect the regulation of laws. The should make their rulings in accordance with law and precedence and not by what their constituents want them to do. Some law schools incorporate in their teaching that judges can be appointed. t�(t�q�T �w�7������Q��7���#MP���ա}Rg:y�fQ�w%�zas$�mn"03��(���o�6!5_L��E�q�.� ��RLMR0VXC�:�L�[lG��f b‰���h�a3���jR�U����f�B+B"��;7͘�|�������sW�!z�"���9��f+�4����S��� ��]���� , Dr. Howard Fields, No Comment, January 2, 2018 Judges shouldn't be elected because in order to get elected you need a political ideology. It would, however, be better if the society had a hand in selecting judges, but of course, majority of society does not understand the requirements and the standards of competency in being a good lawyer. , Dr. Howard Fields, No Comment. Furthermore, elected judges become more accountable of their actions and decisions because it is the public who believes in their fidelity to rule the law and legally implement it. ~��nF�Z��s�B���5��R3���$D�=�� +Kn���ƆR��)‡~�Ƙ��tBn~�'�l%!Gv There are more than 3,000 elected judges in the state. Most political experts explained that judges need to elected because it allows the judicial system to be transparent to the public and this makes the judges more open to the opinion and concerns of the public rather than by just merely enforcing the law at their own confines. Tweet Share Share Email This November, citizens in 31 states won't just vote for president. Apart from that, a judge must widely be knowledgeable of the laws promulgated in their place. , No Comment, January 6, 2018 Otherwise we are locked in circulus vitiosus. , No Comment, November 27, 2017 The popular election of judges opens up the judicial branch to the same partisan and commercial pressures that the other branches experience. Judges should not be elected. Why Judges Should Be Appointed, Not Elected. Why elected judge is better? SUPREME COURT JUSTICES SHOULD BE ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE The United States Supreme Court Justices have been appointed by the president, with consent from the Senate, since the ratification of the constitution. , Dr. Howard Fields, 1 Comment, January 5, 2018 I think judges should be appointed because their position in the justice system are very important in determining criminal and civil cases. Electing a judge is very different from electing a legislator or executive, because judges must be impartial, notes Marshall, who is author of the majority opinion in the 2004 decision that made Massachusetts the first state to recognize the marriages of same-sex couples. Supporters of judicial elections still cite two of the original arguments from the early 19th century: first, that the judiciary deserves (and requires) independence from the other two branches, and second, that in a democratic society, government officials who wield this amount of power should be chosen by—and answerable to—the electorate. �O&r��� Of its many varied functions, the most critical of it all is the responsibility of making a decision over the conducted trial. Should Judges Be Elected or Appointed? When the idea of electing judges was first introduced, it was seen as a way to avoid corruption. Arrogant, elitist proposals that judges should be protected from citizens in this day of rampant judicial political agendas is unthinkable in our free society.

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