rare aura colors



9. It also shows disease – often long before the onset of symptoms.” – Robert Bruce. Yellow aura energy has a specific physical correlation to the spleen and to the person's energy source, aka chi. Kitsune Commander's Tails (0 AC) ... Mana Rune Aura . Kinnaree Wings . Blue Aura people are the master communicators of the world. Many things will affect the shade of each layer of people's aura colors, from simple things like mood to major issues such as spiritual development. In this, we think they are some of the strongest who walk among us. 5-7 sometimes. The aura reflects our health, character, mental activity and emotional state. When reading an aura color, you must take into account the shade of color in order to be precise. It’s true that monochromatic color scheme becomes a design tool when a light color is used in a small room, it makes it “feel” larger. Learning how to read aura colors and understanding your aura colors can provide a greater understanding of yourself by giving a glimpse into your hidden thoughts, buried emotions, and long forgotten memories. Rainbow colored auras are found in healers, especially those trained to work with the body's energy fields. The Gold Aura goes up one notch from Silver as the color indicating an evolved soul or one who is under the safekeeping of specific spiritual entities like angels. Those with a Rainbow Aura are ethereal beings who simply want every living thing to be surrounded by love at all times. Once you learn which colors are in your aura, you can begin to heal and change things you previously didn't recognize were holding you back. Kezeroth's Cape 13 (Rare) Kezeroth's Cape (Legend) Kezeroth's Cape (Non-Legend) Killer Bee . Please help us improve. White aura energy can also be found in souls that are very new to the incarnation cycle on earth, typically in a first lifetime. This really helps when you are painting with colors that are known to be problematic. Rainbow auras are typically seen as shards of colorful light, resembling a sunburst. Monochromatic Quartz Countertops Colors. A Purple or Violet Aura indicates that a person is attuned vibrationally to the Divine and angelic realms. ), their Auras would be White or Gold. If you enjoy this article and want to learn more, get a copy of my LoveToKnow eBook about auras, detailing how to see your aura and other people's auras; how to repair your aura; and what your aura says about your strengths, ideal careers and relationships. Some judge them to be weak. Please note that these correlations are generalized. Their color can be hard to describe. A light aura may also indicate newly dawning energy or the presence of some energy that is new to you. If angels walk among us (and we think they do! Other colors beyond the traditional Rainbow array can appear in a person’s Aura too. This is usually found within the aura of healers, teachers, and people who work for the public good. What do the different colors mean? Get in-depth information on how to see Auras – the divine colors that glow and emanate from all living things’ auric energy field. A form of energy emanating from your body, your aura can tell a lot about you, from your personality to your innermost emotions and conflicts. Many healers have a significant amount of White in their Aura – especially energy healers. © 2006-2021 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. If they are around light classy colors, they will feel restricted and as if they cannot be their true deep self. By the very nature of the high energy frequency required to generate a rainbow aura, the colors are reportedly always bright and shiny. Rainbow people gift the world with unconditional love and acceptance. Purple energy in auras is associated with the pituitary gland, pineal gland, and the nervous system. Other colors beyond the traditional Rainbow array can appear in a person’s Aura too. Aura Color meanings vary depending on culture and era. When this Auric color seems off it means that the person is hesitant to embrace their spiritual gifts and living their truth. All the “darker” colors suit a Scorpio, such as black, deep red, and dark purple. How bright or dim your aura is indicates how strongly the energy is that you emit right now. The Auric Blue Ray is not only perceptive but also clairvoyant. Bright Yellow, however, moves into fears about how you’re being perceived particularly professionally. Sagittarius: Silver, Gold, Purple, Royal Blue Rainbows may well be healers, individuals who are working through their first incarnation or potentially a star-seed. Dream Interpretation, Analysis, & Meanings, Claddagh Ring Meaning, History & How to Wear It, Every Aura is unique, as different as snowflakes, A healthy and clear Aura supports the immune system, There are ways to empower your Aura including practices like Yoga. An Indigo or Dark Blue Aura ties to our emotions and also psychic senses as communicated through the 3rd eye. This love is considered the highest and most healing of all. Rainbow children are believed to be incarnate for the first time on Earth. Silver Aura. Usually red, bright yellow and dark blue are colors that need a grey primer as a base in or multiple coats. What does a green aura mean? The aura meanings and colors vary; auras can be light or dark shades, and they can be vivid or dim. Manticore Assassin Wings . If the Yellow in the Aura, particularly near the head, looks muddy it represents someone who is having a lot of trouble learning something new, or someone with sleep problems. Be sure to read our comprehensive Color Meanings descriptions so you can have an even richer understanding of the meaning of colors. There are no bad aura colors; however, there are aura colors that could indicate you need to work on certain aspects of self energetically. If your aura energy is blue, you're intuitive, and you love helping people. A Violet or Purple Aura correlates to the nervous system and the Crown Chakra. Highly evolved spiritually, a person with a rainbow aura is believed to be attuned to the spiritual frequency of the fifth dimension (also called heaven). Common Themes in Near-Death Experience Stories, 7 Ouija Board Stories That Are Creepy but True, Black History Month Printable Activities and Worksheets, How to Make Yourself Cry to Relieve Stress. However, that said, seeing a Black Aura surrounding someone is also to be treated with the utmost caution. If it’s very metallic looking it shows that this person is very interested in emerging concepts. Your aura is said to change over time, so colors may come and go. Your aura is connected to these chakras, and is composed of the aforementioned auric layers. Green is the most common color associated with Healer spirits, inventive souls and people with the ability to communicate effectively. The color Red is a very physical color. ), their Auras would be White or Gold. Dark colors add to their aura of mystery. The layer of titanium in Titanium Aura also carries its own metaphysical properties. Healers tell us that a lot of Gray in a specific part of the body reveals some physical problem to which to attend in that region. Your auric color is a reflection of your current energy status. When the color is dull or brownish it implies problems with the victim mentality, struggles with culpability, the proverbial ‘green eyed” monster and general resentment about something current or something the person cannot release. Black auras indicate you're holding on to negative feelings. Just as with the way colors affect psychology the symbolism of Auras often varies with personal experience, cultural perspectives and social changes. Having a predominantly Orange Aura means that the person is creative and has tons of energy! But click and decide for yourself if Auras are real. A more vivid aura may indicate this is an energy you have been working with for a long time. By the time a human has reached the place where the color Gold is the predominant color of their Aura, it symbolizes they’ve transcended ego and walk with the Divine. Though soldiers and police officers must often times use brutal force, most of them (presumably) assume these roles in life because their soul lives to serve. Titanium Aura is not a rare gemstone and can be purchased in stores at affordable prices. Purple moves further up the Chakra scale to the Crown. However, depending on what part of the body the color is flowing from an Orange Aura could portend of addiction issues. Colors that symbolize “death and rebirth” are the best. What does a black aura mean? Those that practice Reiki, Qu Gong, and Theta Healing open up as a channel for Divine energy. These special vibrations and colors can be seen by gifted people and those trained in the healing arts, who can manipulate energy fields for effective healings. So, whether you’re an energy healer, psychic, or simply one person interfacing with another, it’s wise to exercise discernment when working within the vibration of someone who is carrying around so much darkness in their Auric Field. The darker the color of Red, the more intense it becomes. You may see Silver, which is oddly not only a prosperity color but also shows an individual’s connection to the collective unconscious. Kirin Horns . If angels walk among us (and we think they do! White aura colors typically indicate a newness and purity. Aura colors can reveal information about your thoughts, feelings and dreams. The rich colors of Titanium Aura are pulsing with dancing energy that will liven up your life and add magic to your every day. Aura colors can reveal information about your thoughts, feelings and dreams.The aura meanings and colors vary; auras can be light or dark shades, and they can be vivid or dim. When we see a Yellow Aura you’re speaking of the inner child who remembers how to play and sees the world in a positive, innocent way. When Yellow moves into Gold we are talking about the Divine mind and spiritual awakening. Things change colors or tilt to the side. Such people are driven by those things that they see as being best for all humankind. Stauer is your passport to celebrating the special people and moments in your life. Service to others is their highest intention. The pink aura is very rare, so is the person who has it. It represents sagacity, insight and vision. In some cases, you may get an aura without a headache. Mana Tendril Cape . Red represents blood and life force. From the time man drew on cave walls, through medieval times, to now when holistic and alternative medicine is being proved by science, humans have seen the gorgeous colors of the auric field. Those with a predominantly Black Aura are to be treated with the utmost compassion as they likely are carrying extreme trauma which could stem from the current lifetime or previous lifetimes. When the Orange Aura glows bright and clear, it symbolizes a person who can manifest success in ways others can only dream of. It is the most attuned area of the aura that can see and think forward in truly visionary ways. A brighter aura indicates a powerfully strong energy, while a dimmer aura may indicate weaker energy. Black can also indicate emotional blockage, unresolved grief, and ruthlessness. Knowing which colors correspond to which chakra can help you interpret what your aura is telling you. Typically, it indicates an unwilling and unforgiving spirit. All Rights Reserved. Stories filled with history, art, innovation and adventure–– all told from a romantic point of view–– because what really matters begins with the heart. Some can be a composite of rainbow colors. They make for excellent writers, poets and politicians. Dark colors can be indicators of blocked energy centers within the body. Conversely dull Gray shows fear about personal health. They have the ability to convey their thoughts, ideas, views and concepts eloquently and charismatically. It's rare to have only one color in your aura, although auras typically have one predominant color. The soft colors of a Rainbow Aura show a sensitive soul. Other Reddish hues also have significance. It is not unusual to see a Gold Aura surrounding those who put their lives on the line so others may be free from harm. Click to get more information about what Auras are. The Stauer Story. Why wasn't this page useful? A Green Aura can be a very healthy hue symbolizing growth, new changes and a strong connection to nature. It's a vibration of action with the ability to either attract or repel. The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every creature that exists. ... Rare is the human who has a significant amount of White in their Auric Field. This is why Aura is such a good paint. Green is the color of the heart and of nature. They are sages and seers and, as such, often misunderstood by the mainstream. You may find that your interpretation of Aura Colors differs from this list.

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