my bird runs away from me



Thank you for sharing your art and your experience. The low hit rate, too. I need to find something that works to get rid of the squirrel in my yard. Most of the shots I took of the birds visiting my feeder had obvious signs of rolling shutter. Get some apple cider vinegar put in a spray bottle and squirt generously along where you need it. For example, underneath my bird feeders, I have a tray that … I’d love to see a picture of your pergola and planter! You probably wouldn’t notice they are off unless you look closely. My wife is too shy to be seduced. Out-Maneuvering a Hawk. I would be very sorry to stop feeding the birds altogether. I can relate to the random lockups where I need to restart. So in a way, that’s a good thing you’re not feeding them any more. I have had my kitten for about a month. I saw a beautiful, sleek one last year creeping shamelessly at the bottom of the feeder. With the R6 and eye AF I can use more of the frame and just let the camera handle the placement of the AF point. This gadget work on a detection area of 110 degrees only, so it is suitable for a smaller place with erected fences and walls. I ended up going through about 4 batteries a day using three LP-E6N’s (all pretty new ones) and the LP-E6NH that the camera came with. My fiancé wants me off the deed and mortgage to our new home. That camera may never come but it’s really what I want. BUT when she is tired or sleeping she'll let me get her and then she'll cuddle with me for a while. Use common sense. Try to inspect the bird and determine the extent of its injuries. All lived and one even flew away into a car with it's windows down. Most importantly I liked the camera quite a bit and it has me more excited about mirrorless than I have been so far. To try to find another point of view I have asked the local council pest-control people to come and look and give their view. I hadn’t put seed out for a couple of days prior to seeing the rat so maybe extra hungry…My neighbour kindly put bait in the holes and has checked and is waiting till no longer taking any. Try these tips to discourage rodents while enjoying birds at your feeder: I have a bird feeder with a tray and up to three mice sit on it happily eating the sunflower seeds. Saw a dead rat in the hole bait doing its job…much as I hate poisoning them the idea of a rat infestation is not something I could bear if they got in the house I would crack up and have to leave my home. The rear screen and viewfinder (I pretty much used the R6 exclusively outdoors) were able to get the job done but definitely there is room for improvement. I am trying to move toward RF lenses, but still have a couple of EF mounts, in particular the 100-400 Sigma C that you also used. The AF system also seemed to struggle a good bit more in lower contrast scenes such as Western Sandpipers foraging on mudflats or Clapper Rails moving through the salt marsh. Unfortunately a few days ago spotted a rat in the garden in daylight..saw it go up to the back of the garden and a very big nest at the bottom of the compost heap. The AF box would be right on the eye in frame after frame in a sequence but a good number of the shots were slightly out of focus. It’s great for killing weeds. The best way to stop your husky from running away will depend on the situation. Possible solutions include having higher fences, using baby gates, getting it neutered, using a long leash, giving it lots of exercise, training it to not run away, giving it distractions such as toys, and crate training. This is me and my girlfriends song. first, thanks for the great captures. thank you. I have had 4 birds so far hit my windows, in 3 different windows. Second, you noted the issues with the older Canon lenses. My neighbor and I both like to feed the birds, usually we give them bread left-overs. Free Classifieds and Support Forum Community Service for the Sale of Wanderlodges and the Exchange of Technical Information. Overall I struggled with brightness in that the viewfinder looked pretty dark much of the time. We’re opening this question to the community. Although I know they have been there much longer, the past few weeks a few large rats have been eating black oil sunflower seed from my feeders in daylight, about dusk, 6-7 PM. --Some of my bird photos can be viewed here: Because the weeds are not on my property, this will be an ongoing problem for me but hopefully it will work. Can you comment on the R6 with the Sigma lenses? I’m so done!! Assess the bird’s injuries. The vast majority of the time the focus locked right onto my intended subject so I was happy. This can happen if you overtrain a parakeet and start to fatigue him. A good rule of thumb — you should be able to see the pattern clearly from ten feet away. Good luck and go mark your territory. ... Did that with me too before and my reaction was the same. Any ideas? As I have 2 cats I am sure that any mice are not coming through my flat though reading this article I appreciate that mice can climb up walls. The build quality of the R6 seemed fine to me though I was being very careful with the camera I was using since it was a rental. New bird … We watch the birds eat until all the food is gone. The protagonist is weak, fragile, idiotic, naïve, and reckless. Don't walk the nest 20 feet away and place it in a tree. Confirms my doubts about the R6 when used to a crop. I hope this helps others. My budgie has what I'm assuming is a feather cyst, took him to the vet and he said he wouldn't be quite sure until he opened it but there is a really high chance he will die, hes 9 months old and a very quiet we bird, he has never been able to fly, he has never got past knee height, but now this lump has gotten alot bigger and his flying … I sold my 1dxII after I received the R5 and have no regrets. Weather it’s intentional or not it’s a pretty good motivation to upgrade to the latest version of the 500. crackles(?) May be that will help? My Min Pin, Charlie, does this rather annoying thing where he runs from me almost everytime I try to pet him or pick him up or even just show some affection. Birds like Black-necked Stilts and Snowy Egrets seemed to be very easy for the R6 while Long-billed Dowitchers and Least Grebes seemed to be a real challenge. Nice clean neighborhood, but I guess rats invade if there’s any food source around. Happy ending for me. Since I’ve got more than half a brain . Learn more. Also if you have ants squirt them and where they are as they will move elsewhere. While photographing various species of wood warblers, flycatchers and a handful of Blue-gray Gnatcatchers I managed lots of nice photos, even when the birds were in pretty cluttered settings. When I leave for work, he runs from under the car. Other than that I felt like I could shoot with confidence with the R6 and a big heavy lens. There were times when I was set up at a water drip waiting for songbirds to come in to bathe. Please!!! I have a sunflower hearts holder hanging from my pergola. I tried pouring peppermint oil in and around the hole they chewed in the porch, but it only deterred them for one day. He wants me to pay rent, which essentially leaves nothing for my children.’ Choosing the best camera for bird photography is the first step and this … 12 Best Cameras for Bird Photography (2021) Read More » Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Hopefully, they address it in firmware along with the red skin tones in certain lighting conditions. Are squirrels or rats able to get into the feeders that sticks to the window? It did struggle some with the Brown Pelicans, especially when they were sitting on the water but overall I was pleased with the R6’s ability to detect the bird’s eye and track it. We have had similar issues with rats! To prevent and deter squirrels from accessing and eating all of your food and scaring away birds, try feeding them at a separate feeder just for them! One last thought, clear out the planter regularly of any debris. What I wasn’t as thrilled about was what I found when I got home and reviewed the photos on my computer. I have a lot of traps and always have set in the same spot under my shed. Every time I even look like I'm going to walk up to her she runs and hides. For some reason the possums and rats mice hate the smell of it. We recommend placing bird feeders away from the house for this very reason. . I recently had the opportunity to spend a week with the EOS R6 which I used quite a bit for five days doing bird photography. I do not pay much attention to watch when this device runs out of … It wasn’t until later in the day that I started to really understand the extent of the rolling shutter on the R6. Positive is the lens + extender IQ is very good and it is awesome having a 700mm in a small, light package. I stopped feeding birds with seeds but I do keep a water fountain on a 5 foot pole and the birds love it! This was also the case as I tracked Reddish Egrets and Tricolored Herons foraging in open water with a clean background. Pyramus I see a voice: now will I to the chink, To spy an I can hear my Thisby's face. Canon Rumors reported an APS-C coming in 2021. --Good judgment comes from experience.Experience comes from bad judgment. Erotic Couplings 02/26/14 You've been dogging me since I left the gas station—what's your deal, man? It runs under the deck floor when we go out to try a catch it. It was better performance than I saw with the hummingbirds but still enough to make me decide to stick with the mechanical shutter for those sorts of shots in the future. When mice holes pour directly down. Would a shy guy avoid/run away from a girl if he likes her? I don’t want to poison the other animals by putting that out, but don’t know what to do and any ideas appreciated. The other issue that took me a bit to get used to was the refresh rate. This was never an issue with my DSLR’s as I can set them to never go to sleep and the battery still lasts for hours. Carol. Thanks for the suggestions. Based on your circumstances, I think you made the correct decision. I also throw out seed onto the snow. I got an Aldi metal ball feeder…which they unscrewed from the top…tray from bottom gone too….they are so clever!!! They will work at 20FPS with the electronic shutter but I found that to be a little limited by the rolling shutter. My thought is that what the R6 is bringing to the table is maybe a slightly improved AF system with a drastically improved system for automatically getting the AF point where it needs to be. I say try it you’ll be surprised. I still enjoy watching birds drink and bathe but don’t see mice or rats anywhere! But the guy who is against it got his way. I was at the beach trying to photograph Sanderlings and Ruddy Turnstones as they flew past. During my time with the R6 I did find that it works better with some species of birds than others. There were many times when a bird would come to a favorable perch and I would go for the shot only to catch an empty perch by the time the camera was powered up and ready to go. I would use this to get the AF close to my intended subject then let go of the AF-on button and let the auto select (that was set for the half-press of the shutter button) take over. Thanks for the detailed review (and beautiful pics BTW). I haven’t scoured through the images, but I can confirm AF point can be highlighting the the eye but may be just a bit softer than other images in the same burst. Another motion-activated bird deterrent that should be on my list is the Humutan Ultrasonic pest repellent. One of the bummers for me on the R6 is that my old 500mm f/4 and 400mm f/5.6L only get up to 6.8 FPS with the mechanical shutter. Sorry if that is a dumb question. Second -RATS & other little critters. Squirrels are bad enough. Based on 3 days of shooting in the parks, I can confirm several of your observations. Backed by his 40-year remodeling career, Danny served as the home improvement expert for CBS’s The Early Show and The Weather Channel for more than a decade. Thanks. --Some Wildlife Images:-----, My experience with the R6 for bird photography, Re: My experience with the R6 for bird photography, Page 1 of 10 (posts 1-10 of 99 in thread),,,,,,,, DPReview TV: High resolution mirrorless cameras compared, DPReview Readers' Choice Awards 2020: Product of the Year. If other larger animals are wandering your garden, I guess mode 5 should be used. The rats have given up as they can’t reach it! Though the R6 was good at locking onto the eye, the AF system wasn’t as consistent at actually getting the lens to focus exactly on the eye. This tip runs counter to almost everything else on this list. So basically the animal eye-AF is pretty impressive but still has plenty of room for improvement. Ok, hummingbird wings move crazy fast so it’s not the end of the world, I still managed lots of great shots with the mechanical shutter. I do miss the f4 of the 200-400 but not the 8lbs. One this girl could like you, or just be afraid of you. The problem with that solution is the poison they use to kill the rats will also kill any animal or bird that finds and feeds off the dead rats. Extending the zoom to 300mm before adding the TC is a pain and restricts the lens to 420-700. My cherry lips have often kiss'd thy stones, Thy stones with lime and hair knit up in thee. I am in a similar situation to Sunny Turner as my neighbours 2 flats above me blame me for the occasional mouse in the house (part of a terrace) although there have been mice in our building long before I started to feed the birds using hanging bird-feeders. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My main concern is the amount of weather sealing as I’m usually working around water and it isn’t terribly uncommon for me to get caught in the rain. Many times I found that there just wasn’t enough detail in shots of birds at distances that aren’t a problem for the 90d. By nature, Border Collies are highly intelligent, sensitive, and eager to please but they are also one of the most challenging to live with. Big Bird starred on the big screen in the 1985 film Follow That Bird, in which he is sent by Miss Finch, a bird social worker, to live with a foster family of Dodos. Great review and images. For parting my fair Pyramus and me! It's really not a big deal. He's a shitty character, and an annoying one as well. I'm aware of what it says and am confident in it's intent. This spring, my son saw a hawk swoop down and grab up a nice fatso for dinner! Finally when photographing Brown Pelicans I saw some slanted pilings as the birds flew past a nearby pier.While the rolling shutter was frustrating with the R6, I believe it is significantly improved on the R5. However make sure that it doesn’t blow on bird seed or on them. As it’s spring probably enough around to keep them going but I don’t know what to do now …maybe just put a little food out with a big tray below once the rats are dead…add chilli to seed if it definitely doesn’t hurt them and lose the compost heap.

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