ficus sur uses



[family MORACEAE] Isotype of Ficus sycomorus var. Ficus lyrata. Their Characteristics and Uses. United States. Ficus benjamina trees are commonly known as weeping trees because of their shedding leaves. Rhamnus staddo and Rhamnus prinoides are the only two Rhamnus species that occur in Africa and the latter is widespread in many parts of eastern and central Africa (Abegaz et al., 1999). I have used this example just too literally to emphasize the amazing goodness of the rich flavor of mango fruit in its various stages. [1][4][7] The figs are 2 to 4 cm in diameter[1][8] and acquire a rosy, speckled exterior when ripe. Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI: 50. 2. [family MORACEAE] Holotype of Ficus gongoensis De Wild. Ficus sur Forssk (Moraceae) is used in traditional African medicine in the treatment of epilepsy, pain and inflammations. The bark yields a brown dye and is used for tanning leather. [family MORACEAE] Type of Ficus ostiolata De Wild. Fruits, seeds, pulp, bark, leaves, roots and almost any part of the plant are used for medicinal purpose. Articles and News. Plant Knowledge. 15-18. It is used as a gargle to relieve laryngitis, sore throat and mouth infections. Leaves are usually entire and stipules are present. Family: – Synonym: Ficus capensis. actively used against some of these infections as primary care before seeking conventional treatment at hospitals. They are prominent components of riparian zones where they may also contribute to bank stability as well as supporting associated animals. United Kingdom. The tree is found from Cape Verde and Senegambia across tropical West Africa to Cameroon and the Central African Republic; eastwards to Eritrea, northern Somalia and Yemen; and southwards through all tropical eastern and southern African countries. The ripe figs are sometimes eaten and are also made into jam. The figs are borne throughout the year on heavy, long branches off the main stems. Ficus sur a de nombreuses applications en médecine traditionnelle, même si la plante contient des substances toxiques et si on a signalé que des décoctions de racine et d’écorce ont entraîné la mort. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. [family MORACEAE] Filed as Ficus sur Forssk. In Ayurveda, the bark is used in preparation of medicines used for ulcers, skin diseases, oedema, and inflammations. List of various diseases cured by Ficus Sur. Ficus sur is a fairly hardy, semi-deciduous, large tree with smooth grey bark. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Ficus Sur. Photo Gallery. from South Africa Filed as Ficus sur Forssk. Adult female and infant wild chimpanzees feeding on Ficus sur.jpeg 2,932 × 2,048; 4.23 MB. Ficus sur fruit. White blood cells are defensive mechanisms used by the body to fight against cell infiltrations by foreign agents or infections; hence, their increased proliferation could be an indication … var. It is only a protected tree in Ethiopia. Streaky-headed Seedeater feeding on fruit of a Cape fig, at Plettenberg Bay, South Africa Photograph by: DickDaniels Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 . Plant Classification Group: Moraceae; Plant Locations: Africa > Ethiopia; Plant References: RAHMATO 1991 ; Location Map. The cytotoxic, antiplasmodial, and antitrypanosomal activities of two medicinal plants traditionally used in Cameroon were evaluated. Botanical name. The powdered bark is applied on skin rashes and mouth sores. Pollination is performed by three species of Ceratosolen wasp. J, 4 (1) (2011), pp. sur – Arabic name for species. Menu. I shan't be too fussed at this stage - I never liked Catalina - even the pic of it looked like a Crocodile! Besem-Trosvy. 2012, 1:1371–1386. 1.5mm, 23.9µm 7.5µm for C. gigantea and F. sur respectively. Names of Ficus Sur in various languages of the world are also given. The bark can also be boiled and used to treat diarrhea. Ficus sur (Moraceae), is a plant that has found use in traditional African medicine in the treatment of sickle cell disease, epilepsy, pain and inflammations. #PolliNationSA. Dear nimedhealth, Does Apetamin increase breast size? Previous namesFicus capensis, Ficus mallotocarpa, Sycomorus capensis, Ficus lichtensteinii. Conservation: National Status: L C. (Least Concern). Burkill, H.M., 1997. United States. In Ghana they are fed to cage-birds. Root preparations are used for treatment of cough, sore throat, diarrhoea, stomach pain in babies, chest pain, infertility, uterine pain, gonorrhoea, oedema, and as an emmenagogue and emetic. [8][10][11] The Ceratosolen wasps are parasitised by Apocrypta guineensis and Sycoscapter niger wasps during their larval development inside the flower galls. AgboolaAntimicrobial and phytochemical screening activities of Ficus sur (Forssk) New York Sci. Additional Information Name Authority: Forssk. Ethiopia; Plant References: RAHMATO 1991; Location Map. Lumbile AU, Mogotsi KK: Ficus sur Forssk. There are 26 widely distributed species of the genus Ficus in southern Africa. Therefore, both Ficus sur and Cola gigantea can be used as a suitable raw material for pulp and paper production in Ghana if their pulping characteristics proved suitable. Ficus sur Forssk. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The latex is used for treating wounds, toothache, eye problems, general body pain, lung and throat problems, gonorrhoea and as an anti-emetic. [4] The latex has been shown to contain ursene and oleanane triterpenoids,[12] of which the latter may be effective in cancer treatment,[13] while a methanolic extract from the roots is potentially effective against chloroquine-resistant malaria. Synonyms . Wood of Ficus elastica Roxb. As so many of us have this issue it is a 'feature' of the Big Sir upgrade. Ficus sycamorus (Moraceae) Uses. Useful Tropical Plants Database 2014 by Ken Fern, web interface by Ajna Fern with help from Richard Morris. Food: The leaves of Ficus sur are used for making palm soup. PLANT GUIDE ORDER FORM : Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in. [family MORACEAE] Ficus sur Forssk. Ficus sur Forssk. Discover. The bark is chewed with kola in Sierra Leone. Anticonvulsant activity was investigated using picrotoxin (PTX), strychnine (SCN), isoniazid (INZ), pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid NMDA models of convulsion. The wood was formerly used for making brake blocks and bed boards for ox wagons. [1][3][5], Over its extensive range it is variable with respect to leaf shape, texture of the leaves and figs, deciduousness and overall size. The wood is also used as fuelwood. Thus, care should be taken in using it. Pat Grant, Jim Cameron, Peter Jackson and Mike Dacombe permitted me to use the Ficus sur trees on the properties under their jurisdiction. Plant Classification Group: Moraceae; Plant Locations: Africa. In spring the new leaves flush the tree with a beautiful coppery colour. Ficus sur bark. Medicine: The fruits are used in the treatment of hypertension and headache. How much does cataract surgery cost in Nigeria? Invasive root system. Sycomorus sur Miq. Uses. The inner bark is used to make rope and cloth. Sarah Radloff and Martin Villet contributed helpful statistical advice. 1. Medicine: The fruits are used in the treatment of hypertension and headache. Publication Author von Maydell H. Publisher Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit; Germany Year 1990 ISBN 3-8236-1198-4 Description A well-researched book, usually with more than one photograph of each species and good information on the plant and its uses. Ficus sur (Broom cluster fig) Botanical name: Ficus sur; Common name(s): Broom cluster fig; Categories: Trees; Plant description: A spreading tree with an attractive crown. Young aerial roots are said to be edible as well. It may be of, "The species richness of fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae, Pteromalidae) in Yemen",, Plants used in traditional African medicine, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 14:04. Young leaves are cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Members of the genus Ficus (Moraceae) are traditionally used in Zambia against many diseases caused by bacterial, fungal and protozoal infections. "Aam" as is commonly known in Hindi is Mangifera indica botanically. Ficus is the Latin name for the cultivated fig; sur from an area in Ethiopia named Sur. The bark is stripped and the inner, softer part is boiled before eating. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Fl. Choose a country to see content specific to your location. Adult female and infant wild chimpanzees feeding on Ficus sur.jpeg 2,932 × 2,048; 4.23 MB. Articles and News. The useful plants of West Tropical Africa. Food: The leaves of Ficus sur are used for making palm soup. Gmelina arborea (Verbenaceae) Uses … Newbouldia laevis: Bark is used in the treatment of conditions such as fracture, menstrual pains, piles, and body pains. ... Y.A. Physical description. Common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) feeding.jpg 3,048 × 3,648; 11.52 MB. Traditional uses include the use of the sap as birdlime and the making of twine and rope from the bark. Solanki and Bhavsar, 2015 . Many are tall forest trees that are buttressed by great spreading roots; others are planted as ornamentals. The leaves are used as fodder for livestock; The roots can also be boiled with potash and used to treat intestinal worms; … Bark decoctions or infusions are used against pain, rheumatism, diarrhoea, stomach problems, oedema in children, infertility and as a galactagogue (increase breastmilk production). The thin, leathery leaves are dark almost grey-green and paler green beneath which make the tree shimmer in the wind. Last update on 2019-06-13: Now containing 11906 plants. ex Hornem. Startup Disk does not see the BS partition in Mojave. South Africa. Methanolic extracts from the roots has . As of 2006, 19 species of fig wasp were known to associate with the Cape fig, these belonging to genera Acophila, Apocrypta, Apocryptophagus, Ceratosolen, Eukoebelea, Idarnes, Sycomacophila, Sycophaga, Sycophila, Sycoscapter and Watshamiella. An interesting finding of the current study was that some fruits are utilized as hunger quenchers and harvested during months of low agricultural productivity. The leaves can be used to make traditonal soups and can also be used to treat jaundice. 180 1775. Broom Cluster Fig Ficus sur. The bark is stripped and the inner, softer part is boiled before eating. Besem … [family MORACEAE] Syntype of Ficus erubescens Warb. It is also suitable for sporting goods, agricultural implements, hardboard and particle board. South Africa. … The effect elicited by the extract was not statistically different (p<0.05) when compared to silymarin, a standard drug”. Choose a country to see content specific to your location. Trees are evergreen and have milky or watery latex present. Ficus trichopoda has apparently been used successfully as a street tree along Riverside Drive in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, where the crown has been kept pruned into shape. United Kingdom. Chewing a leaf tip and swallowing the juice is enough to ease a sore throat. Ficus sycamorus (Moraceae) Uses. Plant parts used for medicinal purpose and the diversity of growth forms. Traditional uses and benefits of Cape Fig Leaf juice is mixed with water and swallowed to treat diarrhea, dysentery and stomach cramps. Identify Plants. The wood is light and soft, and is not much used commercially. Ficus sur can be used to produce sheets with higher tensile strength, burst index and fold endurance whilst Cola gigantea can be used for sheets with high tear index. Ficus sur bark. Fluggea virosa : The root is used in Rhodesia as an aphrodisiac. The sap of young shoots is taken against gonorrhoea. Ethiopia: fruit and bark eaten. 2nd Edition. Volume 4, Families M–R. About Candide. Dr. Yakubu corresponding author of this paper, concluded that ethanol leaf extract of Ficus sur can be used to remedy the abnormal increase in the liver biomarkers … is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Ficus (family Moraceae ). So, this study aimed the assessment of antioxidant properties and identification of some compounds from the ethanolic extracts of different parts of the plant (leaves, fruits, roots, and barks).Methods: The phenolic and flavonoid contents of the ethanolic extracts of different organs of Ficus sur were assessed using … Leaves are used to … This non-strangler Tree ranges in height from 12m to 25m (in forests). Botanical name. One of the beneficial parts of this tree is the root. The wood is locally used for construction, furniture, mortars for grinding flour, kitchen utensils, pots, boxes, beer troughs, drums and beehives. This Ficus tree category is considered to be trendy and is often used as an ornamental piece. N.D. Solanki, S.K. The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2012-03-23 ) which reports it as an accepted name with original publication details: Fl. Leaf infusions are drunk to treat tonsillitis and stomach pain. Bark macerations are drunk for treatment of fever and cough. F. sur is the only species with leaves with a serrated margin. Streaky-headed Seedeater feeding on fruit of a Cape fig, at Plettenberg Bay, South Africa Photograph by: DickDaniels Creative … Also known as. Common names: Broom-cluster fig, Wild fig, Cape fig, Bush fig, Fire sticks (sticks can be used to make fire by friction), wildevyeboom. The bark, and leaves are astringent, refrigerant, acrid, and stomachic. United States . [4], The heavily clustered figs suggest fecundity, and some trees in East Africa have been venerated as sacred shrines in animist practices.[4]. They are also suited to preparation of fig preserve,[7] if other suitable fruit are added. The diversity and distributions of riparian fig trees in deciduous and evergreen … Knowledge and Plant ID. Menu. The bark can also be boiled and used to treat diarrhea. Bush Fig; Botanical name. Ficus sur (Moraceae) Uses. In ethnomedicine, the two plants, especially their roots are … Everything you need to know about Broom Cluster Fig (Ficus sur), including propagation, ideal conditions and common pests and problems. Ficus capensis Ficus mallotocarpa. Sycomorus thonningiana Miq. Choose a country to see content specific to your location. Malaria Parasites: What are the species of Plasmodium? Large clusters of ornamental fruits appear in summer. ]. The tree is used as an ornamental and shade tree, and in hedges; in Ethiopia it serves as a shade tree for coffee. United States. [11] The Afrotropical fig wasp fauna is however poorly known. Most notable is the common cultivated fig (Ficus carica) which is referred to in the Bible. Ficus sur : The latex is used for general body pain. [5] Fresh foliage is a conspicuous red colour and the papery, 1 cm long stipules are soon dropped. The latex is used for treating wounds, toothache, eye problems, general body pain, lung and throat problems, gonorrhoea and as an anti-emetic. Ficus sur (Moraceae) Uses . Olusesan AG, Ebele OC-L, Onwuegbuchulam ON, … [11], The figs are edible and utilized in fresh or dried form by native people in many regions. Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad. Similarly, this kind of ameliorative effect exhibited by Ficus sur leaves extract was also recorded by Li et al. 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The fact that all the Ficus sur parts investigated showed a modest antimalarial activity underscores the need for further investigation of the plant. United Kingdom. [4] The bark of younger trees is smooth and pale greyish-white in colour, in contrast to the flaky, yellow bark of F. sycomorus. [3], It is found in tropical forests and grassy woodlands, and occurs in higher densities within well-watered, temperate upland habitats. The figs are carried on short or long drooping spurs (or fascicles) which may emerge from surface roots, the trunk or especially from lower main branches. Ficus sur Forssk. The plants are native primarily to tropical areas of East Asia. Everything you need to know about Broom Cluster Fig (Ficus sur), including propagation, ideal conditions and common pests and problems. LEAVES: large, broadly oval, to 13 x 20 cm, usually smooth, edge often widely toothed, sometimes wavy, veins clear below, stalk grooved and flexible to 6 cm. However, treatment with Ficus sur extract ameliorated the levels of these biomarkers in the experimental group. Many species have aerial roots, and a number are epiphytic.The unusual fruit structure, known as a syconium, is hollow, enclosing an inflorescence with tiny male and female flowers lining the inside.. … It is not found in Lesotho or the dry interior regions of Botswana, Namibia, or South Africa. Unspecified parts are used as aphrodisiacs. You have entered an incorrect email address! The presence of two stamens per flower, rather than one, was found to be an inconsistent characteristic, see: A subtropical form with shaggy figs that ranges from Tanzania to northern South Africa, The etymology of the specific name is unclear. In Plant Resources of Tropical vitro antioxidant studies and the scavenging potential of pulp and peel Africa 7(1): Timbers 1. Purdue Sites. Ficus sur. Many studies conducted in different parts of Ethiopia and in many parts of the world also showed that leaves are used more than the other parts of a plant [36, 33, 29, 39, 40, 30]. Ficus sur has many applications in traditional medicine, although the plant contains toxic substances and root and bark decoctions are recorded to have caused death. Trees of southern Africa. This makes a fine shade tree for large gardens in warmer areas. The present study was aimed at investigating hexane and methanol stem-bark extracts of Ficus sur for their phytoconstituents, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Struik Publishers, Cape Town, South Africa. Tree . Sycamore. Identify Plants. [1], Ficus sur is a fast-growing, deciduous or evergreen tree. Assessment: 2005 (J.E. Leaf decoctions are used as a disinfectant wash and in the treatment of ophthalmia. South Africa. I am a practicing medical doctor, a philosopher, critical thinker, a globalist, a patriot, SEO expert and a patient blogger. 2004-03-27-Chimpanzee-eatin.jpg 1,016 × 614; 207 KB. Also known as. The leaves are used as fodder for livestock. The leaves, bark, rootlets, and latex are used medicinally in the treatment of a variety of diseases. Fresh young aerial roots and inner bark are chewed with kola nuts for the alleviation of thirst. Most Ficus species are evergreen; there are a few deciduous members in nontropical areas. Ficus sur fruit. Thus, care should be taken in using it. ” For example, Ficus sur are available all year round while others occur in a specific season. Ficus sur has many applications in traditional medicine, although the plant contains toxic substances and root and bark decoctions are recorded to have caused death. Media in category "Ficus sur" The following 28 files are in this category, out of 28 total. Rhamnus prinoides is used for preparing a local beverage “tella” (Bongers, 2010)which is used in cultural and religious ceremonies and family or other informal gatherings. 2nd Edition. The foliage is eaten by cattle, sheep and goats. Burrows and J.E. In Uganda the leaves are made into good-luck charms. Food: The leaves of Ficus sur are used for making palm soup. Nikite Mulier, Tony Ware and Stephanie Vincent assisted in the field. Full Sun. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Health Benefits of ginger, garlic, turmeric and cloves combo plus Side... 120 Nigerian foods for Diabetics: managing diabetes in Nigeria. Ficus glumosa (Moraceae) Uses . Ficus sur Forssk. They are prominent components of riparian zones where they may also contribute to bank stability as well as supporting associated animals. Leaf maceration is drunk against chest problems. RSA Tree No. Botanical name. Magical properties are often ascribed to the tree and it is a symbol of fertility. Name derivation: Ficus – Latin for fig. Food: The leaves of Ficus sur are used for making palm soup. Tetrapleura tetraptera: Food: Fruit pulp is used for flavouring food especially soup. Ficus sur (Moraceae) Uses. Sap squeezed from leaves is applied onto wounds, and the leaves are chewed as a remedy for peptic ulcers. aerial roots (Moraceae) and Selaginella vogelii Spring (Selaginellaceae) leaves were collected from two different sites in Cameroon. Introduction: Ficus sur is a plant widely used in traditional pharmacopoeia in Togo. Ficus sur is an imposing, fast growing semi-deciduous to evergreen tree that can reach a height of 20m, and develops a wide, spreading crown, making it a superlative shade tree. United States. Produces aerial roots in humid areas. polybotrya Hiern [family MORACEAE] Filed as Ficus ingens (Miq.) Medicine: Leaves are used in the treatment of fever. Key words: Fibre morphology, Cola gigantea, Ficus sur _____ … Ficus sur. FIGS: in heavy clusters on branches to 70 cm long from trunk or older wood, round, 2-4 cm across, on stalks, orange-red, often hairy, soft and edible but watery and tasteless, having many seeds and often insects too. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Ficus (family Moraceae). Ficus sur is used to treat diarrhoea, epilepsy and anaemia as well as sexually transmitted diseases (Adeshina et al., 2010). All parts may exude a latex, which has some traditional medicinal plant uses. World J Pharm Res Wageningen: Prota Foundation; 2008:285–288. I can only move from Mojave to Big Sur via an 'option' start and then it is calling Big Sur 'OSEFI'. In traditional medicine, this plant has been used for conditions that include eye problem, pain, gonorrhea, cough, anti-emetic, sore throat, stomach pain, diarrhoea, oedema, infertility, peptic ulcers and wounds either as sap latex, decoction, infusion or as … C’est pourquoi il faut être très vigilant en l’employant. [13], Drooping paniculate spurs with fig clusters, Ceratosolen capensis adult, a pollinating wasp, Apocrypta guineensis wasps, parasitoids of Ceratosolen capensis larvae. Ficus sur is used to treat diarrhoea, epilepsy and anaemia as well as sexually transmitted diseases (Adeshina et al., 2010). Name Authority; Ficus beniensis: de Wildeman: Ficus brassii: Sabine: Ficus capensis: Thunberg: Ficus capensis var.

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