where do thunderstorms occur



As the thunderstorm progresses, eventually the rain cools the entire process down and the energy is gone. This happens most often near the Great Lakes and other large bodies of water, when a cold front passes over a warm surface, causing the instability needed for a thunderstorm. Relatively weak thunderstorms are sometimes called thundershowers. Thunderstorms are an uncommon temporary, global occurrence that can happen randomly at any time, within the Overworld.The exact type of precipitation during a thunderstorm varies depending on the temperature of the current biome, as well as the current altitude.. Thunderstorms may occur randomly, as rain or snow storms worsen. More thunderstorms occur on the peaks of the highest mountains, where surface daytime heating moves air upslope from all sides, converging at the peaks and forcing additional uplift. A thunderstorm, also known as an electrical storm or a lightning storm, is a storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth's atmosphere, known as thunder. Thunderstorms occur in a type of cloud known as a cumulonimbus. Thunderstorms can produce damaging straight-line winds, hail, heavy rain, deadly lightning and tornadoes. In the spring and summer months, thunderstorms seem to occur like clockwork. 4. … now, where can we find great differences! During the peak season, hurricanes form in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. Thunderstorm - Thunderstorm - Movement of thunderstorms: The motion of a thunderstorm across the land is determined primarily by the interactions of its updrafts and downdrafts with steering winds in the middle layers of the atmosphere in which the storm develops. Thundersnow is a snowstorm event in which thunder and lightning occur. It is very simple: The weather is all about the thermodynamic effects of air masses with different temperature, pressure and moisture. To highlight how few thunderstorms occur along the West Coast every year, we can look at climate data taken from some of the region's largest cities. Thunderstorms help keep the Earth in electrical balance. Thunderstorms can consist of just one convection cell, multiple convection cells, or even one extremely large and powerful convection cell. The hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin begins on June 1 and ends on November 30, although some storms can occur outside these dates. NOAA National Weather Service. The records keep count of the number of days that featured thunderstorms each year, along with the average number of thunderstorm days seen over the thirty year period between 1981 and 2010. Below is a description of three types of thunderstorms, classified by their structure: single-cell, mulit-cell and supercell. In the Midwest and Northeast, thunderstorms increase in frequency from north to south. A large amount of the thunderstorm's energy comes from the condensation process that forms the thunderstorm clouds. In the United States alone, an estimated 100,000 thunderstorms occur each year. ... Thunderstorms … Behavior []. The greater the difference, the stronger the weather! Why do thunderstorms occur in nature? The most active period in the Atlantic starts from mid-August all through to late October. An example is the classic 2011 thundersnow in Chicago that surprised Jim Cantore. But don't be fooled! The speed of isolated storms is typically about 20 km (12 miles) per hour, but some storms move much faster. And although thunderstorms are a summertime phenomenon, she notes, in some rare situations a winter thundersnow can occur. Thunderstorms can occur at all times of the year, and at all hours of the day (not just afternoons or evenings). A map showing the average number of thunderstorm days each year in the U.S. (2010). 4.

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