western hognose snake care



Sometimes a hognose bite may lead to mild swelling at and around the bite site. With increasing varieties of color phases, patterns and genetic mutations, its ease in care, and its uniqueness, the Western hognose is a great choice for new and seasoned reptile enthusiasts. More exotic alternative diets like gerbils, hamsters, multimammate mice or chicks could be used if the western hognose snake won't take anything else but they aren't as nutritious as the mice, it can be difficult to find them in the size required and they aren't always as available. No matter which type of behavior your animal displays, use hemostats, tongs or forceps to reduce the chance of an accidental bite. It is best to feed an appropriately sized meal—meaning a prey item that’s about the same diameter as the snake’s head—one to two times per week. The western hognose snake is primarily diurnal. Hognose Snake Care Sheet . I have worked with the Western hognose for many years, and it is my absolute favorite snake to keep and work with. Western Hognose Housing What Enclosure To Use Finally, on occasion the Western hognose—most often younger animals—will play dead when it has exhausted its other defenses to ward off danger. They can play dead, flatten their neck ribs to “hood up” like a cobra and false strike. Established Western hognoses are usually eager feeders; some will come at you with open mouths appearing to say, “Feed me!” For stocky snakes, Western hognoses can be quick, and they often don’t follow the standard practice of striking at prey head-on—they will strike at food items from any direction. Do not bother a snake that is exhibiting bluffing behavior, so as not to cause it undue stress. As hatchlings, western hognose snakes should be fed weekly on defrosted pinky mice, as the snake grows the food size should be increased until the snake is taking large mice or even jumbos. One of these can be used to provide a hot spot basking area maintained at about 90 degrees Fahrenheit for your Western hognose. For these reasons, it’s best to use tongs, forceps or hemostats when feeding Western hognoses. Examples of full cover decorations would be caves, flat cork pieces or any other ornament that provides a shady spot to rest. Hognose snakes are diurnal, which means that they are most active during the day. When selecting a bedding we try to ensure that the pieces are unlikely to increase the enclosures humidity. If you’re considering a Hognose, we highly recommend you stick with Western and Eastern breeds. Western hognose snakes, as with most pets, require a clean environment to thrive. Ecology Behavior. We recommend this process is done during the day time to make sure that the snake will be going back to a warm vivarium for at least an hour before the basking lamps are turned off for the night. Hognose snake is a common name for several colubrid snake species with upturned snouts. To insulate against both of these factors we recommend keeping the snake in a wooden vivarium. Full Grown Hognose Snake Weight And Length. While individuals may exhibit spectacular bluffing displays as mentioned previously, these are not signs of aggression. Housing An enclosure with dimensions of 24”x12”x12” is ideal for housing a single adult Western Hognose Snake. Scientific Name: Heterodon. In the wild, they mostly eat toads and other amphibians, but they are also known to eat small mammals and reptile eggs. Dorsally, the Western hognose has a ground color of tan, brown, gray or olive, with darker, somewhat square blotches or bars, or rows of parallel spots that run longitudinally along the body. In this video we cover cool facts and care tips for the Madagascar Giant Hognose! Responsible breeders will not offer Western hognoses for sale unless they are established feeders. They also absorb odors fairly well and allow the snakes to burrow, which is important to hognoses, especially younger snakes. Hognose snakes are known for their acting skills. Female Western hognoses can grow to a maximum size just short of 3 feet, with a weight that normally does not exceed 800 grams. How to Care for a Western Hognose Snake. These snakes make great pets and don’t require a ton of experience to be properly cared for. These can be purchased from reptile specialty stores or online. Though rarely seen in adults in captivity when threatened this species can attempt to feign death by opening its mouth, rolling onto its back and releasing an odour. Finding toads throughout the year can present problems, too. Western Hognose snakes are an incredibly interesting and unique species that many reptile-lovers enjoy.

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