how to fix root rot fiddle leaf fig



Ask a Question forum: Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Droopy Leaves. ♥ KC. You should be able to make your fiddle leaf fig tree bug-free again. The only way to be sure is to lift it out of the pot and examine the roots. Even fiddle leaf figs that have adequate drainage can suffer from root rot if they’re not getting enough light. lj_b. The differences are that root rot is often (though not always) most pronounced at the bottom of the plant rather than all over and the spot coloration will be a lighter brown rather than almost black. Here are some efficient treatments: Apply neem oil directly to the leaves. Though it’s not impossible, getting the amount of water that you’re giving your fiddle-leaf fig just right is going to be difficult, and the risk of wet feet and eventual root rot is high. 2. Are the roots sitting in moisture? Good luck. Here are a few clear signs your Fiddle Leaf Fig has root rot: Dripping, soaked, or waterlogged soil and roots, An unpleasant smell in the soil or around the roots. Cutting promotes branching and new growth. Pot Size Matters. Overwatering Symptoms: Brown spots or brown shaded areas in the middle of the leaves along with around the edges, yellowing leaves, and leaf drop (lower leaves often dropping first).. Overwatering is one of the most common Fiddle Leaf Fig problems. This picture was taken a few weeks after cutting. Mistake 4: You Have Root Rot . Grab the plant at the base and … The best thing you can do to help your fiddle leaf survive is to let it recover, slowly, on its own. After all, it’s a tropical plant. Facebook: Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource Group. Please look here for info on how to properly diagnose and treat root rot in fiddle leaf … lj, it looks like a simple fungal mat of hyphae and mycelium to me. The best way to save your fiddle leaf fig from root rot is to recognize the signs quickly and act fast. We all want fiddle leaf fig plants that are healthy, green, and gorgeous. After that, wait. Then, water once and make sure the excess water is draining out of the bottom of the container… Root fungus on Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. The root ball was completely wet, dripping water when she removed it from the pot. You’ll also want to make sure that your plant is getting enough light. It can live for up to 25-50 years (if cared for properly in non-tropical conditions). Views: 16534, Replies: 8 » Jump to the end. I recently purchased a fiddle leaf fig from a nursery. Good luck. Remove any that are brown or mushy with a sharp pair of pruning shears like these. The damage to the roots will eventually transfer to other parts of the plant if left untreated. In the photo below you can see where I cut the top off and a new branch growing. Is it wet? Don’t wait to re-pot your fiddle leaf fig after buying—do this immediately. If its too small, roots will fight for nutrients and your fig’s growth will slow. Nothing to worry about. Let’s explore how to diagnose and treat root rot in fiddle leaf fig plants. A sure sign of root rot, particularly in the popular Fiddle Leaf Fig plant, is browning on the edges of the leaves. Note: Fiddle leaf figs are prone to root rot. You may need to break apart the soil to properly look at the roots. Don’t wait to re-pot your fiddle leaf fig after buying—do this immediately. To avoid root rot, keep your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a tight pot, since too much soil and space can lead to more moisture collecting around your plant’s roots. Fiddle leaf fig trees do best when planted in a well-draining soil mix with a pH between 5.5-7.0. In either case, you should stop watering right away. If so, you’ll want to take action. I did not repot immediately as I wanted the plant to acclimate. I did not repot immediately as I wanted the plant to acclimate. Having to fix root rot in houseplants is a little different than with outside plants. If all else fails, buy a fake one (but they aren’t as nice!). Fiddle leaf fig propagation: Leaf or cutting in water Another propagation method popular for fiddle leaf figs is putting a cutting or single leaf in water . The Ultimate Guide to Watering Your Fiddle Leaf Fig, 6 Ways to Tell if Your Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree is Healthy, 3 Simple Secrets to a Healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree, Diagnosing and Treating Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs, The 10 Commandments of Fiddle Leaf Fig Care. Sections of the roots were brown and mushy, as the infection spread through the roots and up to the leaves of the plant. Having to fix root rot in houseplants is a little different than with outside plants. If you are noticing signs of distress like dropping or browning leaves on your plant, you may want to remove the plant from its pot and have a look. You can use a moisture meter like this one to check the bottom of the root ball to see how wet it is. Are they turning brown and mushy? If your plant receives too much water, it can lead to a fungal infection, commonly known as root rot. Also, you should remove any fallen leaf. Choosing a Pot for your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Where Should You Place Your Fiddle Leaf Fig? The fiddle-leaf fig tree is a slow grower; in winter it goes dormant. Root rot is a plant disease caused by fungi growth in the roots and is brought about by overwatering. Fertilize about once a month with a water soluble houseplant fertilizer. This infection travels all the way upward to your plant and starts infecting the leaves. Root rot is an infection of a plant’s root system that can be caused by both bacteria and fungi, with fungi being the most common culprit in fiddle leaf figs. If you use a fertilizer with this NPK ratio for your fiddle leaf fig care, then your tree will reward you with healthy, lush growth. Like; Save; rhizo_1 (North AL) zone 7. 1. The damage to the roots will eventually transfer to other parts of the plant if left untreated. This post was adapted from the Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Resource by expert Claire Akin. Tip: Try our Houseplant Leaf Armor, designed to protect your plant against insects, bacteria, and fungus. Like most indoor plants, Fiddle Leaf Figs like to dry out a bit in between waterings, and by watering them too frequently or too much, they may develop a nasty rot that will first infect the roots below the soil and later begin to show up top by browning or dropping leaves. After that, wait. Fiddle leaf fig roots need oxygen to live, they should be kept slightly moist but never wet. Apr 5, 2018 - The two most common problems for fiddle leaf figs are opposites. A Complete Guide To Buying Plants Online. Our Root Rot Treatment is a natural plant bio-stimulator, enhancing your plant’s existing immune response and promoting growth. Many plant owners who are anxious to take good care of their new plants water them too often, causing the roots to sit in water and drown. Whatever the case, with a bit of water, light, and love, your Fiddle has a good chance of recovering! Your plant may still lose a few leaves at first, so be patient and wait for the plant to stabilize. If the leaves on your fiddle leaf fig are dark green with brown spots around the edges, your plant could be sick with Root Rot. To avoid root rot you should follow these steps to keep your plant happy and healthy. Root rot is one of the leading causes of unhappy fiddle leaf figs. It’s best to choose a pot that is only 1-2 inches wider than its current pot. Fiddle leaf fig brown spots caused from under watering typically happen because the plant is too dry. Get rid of the old soil. In this post I’m sharing three ways to propagate a Fiddle Leaf Fig, starting with the method I think is easiest and gets the most success. The Best Soil Mix for Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees – The Essentials. About 3 days after bringing the plant into my home I noticed millipedes and beetle-like bugs crawling from the plant so naturally I set out to repot with new soil. When to Trim a Fiddle Leaf Fig . Like most plants, fiddle leaf fig plants require oxygen and water to survive, but too much water can kill your plant. Some identifiable symptoms for this infection can be light brown crusting on the outer edges of the leaves. You can remove the damaged leaves with sharp pruning shears, taking care not to remove more than 10% of the total leaves at once. When repotting your Fiddle Leaf Fig, you need to make sure not to choose a pot which is too big or too small. The good news is that root rot can be cured if taken care of quickly and correctly. If your fiddle leaf fig still needs help or you would like to protect it in the future, we’ve spent over a year creating a treatment to protect your plant from root rot infections. Here’s In this article we’ll explain what causes root rot, how to treat it, and what to do to prevent future cases! This is so the lower, big roots get adequate moisture and the entire root ball should be saturated every time you water. Repot your fiddle leaf fig with fresh potting soil in the well-draining container. Given enough time and TLC, your plant can make a full recovery. But even still, the plant has likely been overwatered at the nursery. Remove your plant from its pot and take a look at the root ball. Then start from scratch with a container with excellent drainage and a fast-draining soil. Perhaps the most common problem we see is root rot in fiddle leaf fig trees. Indeed, to avoid having to deal with root rot in the future, you should ensure proper drainage and create more air space around the roots. That means it contains three parts nitrogen, one part phosphorous, and two parts potassium. If you want screaming success with your fiddle leaf fig, read on my friend! With a new container with good drainage, repot your plant with fresh, fast-draining soil. And don’t expect immediate miracles even then. Both root rot and bacterial leaf spot will cause the leaves of your Fiddle Leaf Fig to eventually fall off. Select a slightly bigger pot or planter with good drainage, as the fiddle leaf fig is susceptible to root rot. It was designed with input from microbiologists, fiddle leaf fig growers, and botanists. How To Fix Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata) Adopt a watering schedule. Fiddle Leaf Fig Care: What is the Best Fertilizer for a Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant? The drainage that she thought was adequate was not, even with a week between waterings, the soil was not drying out at all. Root rot is caused by too much moisture in the soil due to over-watering. Your Positioning Is All Wrong. Fiddle leaf fig care is easy, it involves several requirements and steps, which use can check below. The only way to truly know is to see the roots below the surface. A fungal infection caused by allowing your pot to sit in water or over-watering, this can quickly spread to the leaves of your plant. Note: Fiddle leaf figs are prone to root rot. Watch as I diagnose a reader’s fiddle leaf fig with fungal root rot. If your fiddle leaf fig is looking a little worse for the wear, try one of these tips and tricks to revive a dying fiddle leaf fig. Fill the remainder of the bottle with water and spray onto the leaves. It may be more than a week before the roots have a chance to dry, depending on the size of your plant, how much sunlight it gets, and the configuration of your container. It grew a new leaf on the other side soon after this. It’s gentle and safe for your plant, designed to be used every time you water, along with fiddle leaf fig plant food. This guide is sure to give you all the info you need to see your indoor fiddle leaf fig THRIVE! ♥ KC. "However, it is also known for its finicky properties." You may remove the heavily damaged leaves, and trim some of the slightly damaged ones to remove the brown edges. To repot a new fiddle leaf fig, I recommend doing so immediately. It provides protection against the common Pythium, Pphytophthora, and pseudo-fungi that cause root rot in fiddle leaf figs. You can actually use these methods for most plants, but I’m using a Fiddle Leaf Fig as the example. In either case, you should stop watering right away. Singapore . Check For Root Rot. In this 30-minute presentation, we’ll review care tips, tricks, and answer your questions. 5 years ago. It’s gentle and safe for your plant, designed to be used every time you water, along with fiddle leaf fig plant food. If your fiddle leaf fig is dropping its leaves at a rapid rate it could be … How Can You Tell the Difference Between a Dry and Over Watered Fiddle Leaf Fig. Also known as Ficus lyrata, fiddle leaf figs can grow up to 10 to 15 feet or more inside your home, says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf of The Houseplant Guru. Even a fiddle leaf fig that appears to be relatively dry on the surface can be suffering from root rot underneath, depending on the type of soil, the size of the container, and the drainage. Do not over water your plant, as too much water will sit at the roots of the plant and start to rot the roots. The differences are that root rot is often (though not always) most pronounced at the bottom of the plant rather than all over and the spot coloration will be a lighter brown rather than almost black. While the thought of fiddle leaf fig pruning might seem challenging, cutting back fiddle leaf figs is actually really easy. The plant’s owner had also noticed the plant dropping several leaves. Common Fiddle Leaf Fig Problems. Fill the new container with 4in of potting mix. Make sure it has indirect sunlight, water every 1-2 weeks and don’t let it get cold. Too little sunlight, on the other hand, will cause its leaves to turn yellow or brown, or worse, fall off. Diagnosing Root Rot. Hey! Root rot is a serious problem in fiddle leaf figs that will kill the plant if it’s not treated quickly, so it’s important to act fast before your plant has suffered too much damage. Both root rot and bacterial leaf spot will cause the leaves of your Fiddle Leaf Fig to eventually fall off. Select a slightly bigger pot or planter with good drainage, as the fiddle leaf fig is susceptible to root rot. Remember to avoid soggy, overly wet conditions. Roots need exposure to available air as well as water, and planting in porous soil in a pot with adequate drainage is the best way to achieve this. Upon purchase, do not wait to repot your fiddle leaf fig. Fiddle Leaf Fig Care. This will... Make sure your plant has the correct amount of drainage. "Its large, shiny, fiddle/violin shaped leaves make this architectural plant unique and one of the most popular houseplants on the planet," she says. When in doubt about your plant’s water level, it’s … This may be anywhere from one to two weeks or more depending on the size of the plant and the temperature it lives in. Once a section of the roots begins to rot, this can spread through the rest of the root system and begin to travel up to the leaves of the plant. We recommend reevaluating the size of your pot every couple of years. Red markings on fiddle leaf fig leaves mean that the plant is drinking up too much water at a fast pace. It appears your plant may be suffering from root rot. It’s gentle and safe for your plant, designed to be used every time you water, along with fiddle leaf fig plant food. This particularity aids in avoiding root rot. The fiddle fig plant needs the soil to dry out between the watering. Fiddle Leaf Fig Root Rot Treatment. It was designed with input from microbiologists, fiddle leaf fig growers, and botanists. This guide is sure to give you all the info you need to see your indoor fiddle leaf fig THRIVE! and water once. Root Rot is the most common killer of Fiddle Leaf Fig trees. Read the subtle differences between an over watered and dry fiddle leaf fig. Check For Root Rot. The best thing you can do to help your fiddle leaf survive is to let it recover, slowly, on its own. How to Treat and Prevent Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Fig Trees (Video) Join us for an exclusive webinar to learn everything about taking care of your fiddle leaf fig plant! Annoyingly, brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves caused by bacterial infection can be similar to those caused by root rot. Do the roots feel mushy or are they turning dark brown? As the name implies, root rot is caused by an accumulation of moisture or humidity in the plant’s soil due to overwatering. Remove the … Make sure not to remove too much of the plant (a good general rule is no more than 30%), as this may throw the plant into further shock. Root rot is a plant disease caused by fungi growth in the roots and is brought about by overwatering. Fill the new container with 4in of potting mix. Premium plants paired with stylish ceramic pots, plus lifetime plant care support. Where Are The Flowers On My Peace Lily? What makes it so popular among design circles? Repot your fiddle leaf fig with fresh potting soil in the well-draining container. If planted in too large a pot, Fiddle Leaf Figs can suffer from root rot, mineral build up, or underwatering. ... Is the pot too big and moisture at the bottom will cause root rot although the roots will not reach as deep as the bottom from the length we observe while we repot. Fiddle Leaf Fig Brown Spots Due to Root Rot. When the container is too large, on the other hand, it’s the best recipe for rot root. The ideal container is just 4 to 6 inches larger in diameter than the container your plant arrived in. In winter, reduce the watering to avoid root rot. L eaves will often droop from lack of water. Houseplants are the easiest (relatively speaking) to take care of. If you want screaming success with your fiddle leaf fig, read on my friend! Here’s Erring on the side of underwatering is usually best! Image Credit: Room for Tuesday. She wasn’t sure what was going on beneath the surface, so she took the plant out of its pot and inspected the roots. Fiddle Leaf Fig Root Rot is a life-threatening condition for your plant that can lead to its death if you don’t treat it promptly. 2. Get yours today on Amazon. 5 Tips To Help Your Plants Thrive This Summer. "Its large, shiny, fiddle/violin shaped leaves make this architectural plant unique and one of the most popular houseplants on the planet," she says. (As an added bonus, it also cleans and adds shine to your plant’s leaves!). The good news is that root rot can be cured if taken care of quickly and correctly. Is there accumulated moisture around the base of the plants? If your fiddle leaf fig still needs help or you would like to protect it in the future, we’ve spent over a year creating a treatment to protect your plant from root rot infections. This makes them somewhat challenging for the home grower, who is likely to have trouble duplicating these steamy conditions. It provides protection against the common Pythium, Pphytophthora, and pseudo-fungi that cause root rot in fiddle leaf figs. The most common problem you’ll see on the discussion board of this site and in our Facebook group is root rot in fiddle leaf fig plants. Re-potting your fiddle leaf fig. Then, water once and make sure the excess water is draining out of the bottom of the container. Root rot can be difficult to diagnose by looking plainly at a potted plant. Then, water once and make sure the excess water is draining out of the bottom of the container. Especially for first-time plant owners, it can be difficult to identify root rot, as the condition often starts from within the root ball. Plant food specially formulated for Fiddle Leaf Figs, formulated to promote healthy root systems and new growth. Root rot may also be caused by a lack of drainage in the pot, or a combination of less than ideal or no drainage and overwatering. Also known as Ficus lyrata, fiddle leaf figs can grow up to 10 to 15 feet or more inside your home, says Lisa Eldred Steinkopf of The Houseplant Guru. How to Prevent Brown Spots Monitor your plant regularly. So what is root rot? Large containers can retain too much water and take too long to dry out between waterings. Head to their website to learn more about caring for the Fiddle Leaf Fig. You can also use a moisture meter to check the bottom of your plant. Under watering brown spots are crispy, light brown and will generally start at the leaf’s outer edges and work their way in, depending on whether the situation has been fixed or not. Re-potting your fiddle leaf fig. Diagnosing and Treating Root Rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs. Thank you for your question. Don’t water until you get a reading of 4 or lower at the root level. Make sure it has indirect sunlight, water every 1-2 weeks and don’t let it get cold. Our five inch pot with a drainage hole is well suited to keep your Fiddle Leaf’s roots happy - just let it dry between waterings! Our root rot treatment is a natural plant bio-stimulator, enhancing your plant’s existing immune response and promoting growth. Do not water again until you’re sure the roots have had a chance to dry out. Annoyingly, brown spots on fiddle leaf fig leaves caused by bacterial infection can be similar to those caused by root rot. Buy Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant Food on Amazon Now! Firstly, Fiddle Leaf Figs like to be snug in pots. Avoid over-watering. Do not water again until you’re positive the roots have dried out. After all, it’s a tropical plant. You can use a, Resume watering once a week or less and your plant should stabilize. Lots of people have great success with this method, and it’s fun because you can see the rooting progress instead of having to … Resume watering once a week or less and your plant should stabilize. It could be a year before a recovering fiddle-leaf fig tree starts to look really good again. If you suspect your fiddle leaf fig plant has root rot, pull the plant out of the pot to inspect the roots. Then, plant your fiddle leaf fig in fresh soil and a new pot with better drainage. "However, it is also known for its finicky properties." Calatheas And Their Browning Edges. Remove any that are brown or mushy with a sharp pair of, It may be more than a week before the roots have a chance to dry, depending on the size of your plant, how much sunlight it gets, and the configuration of your container. If the soil is wet and the roots are mushy, the fig tree has root rot. What is a Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree? Gently uproot the plant, and rinse away as much of the soil or potting mix as you can. See the photos of the plant and learn more about the steps she can take to save her plant. How to Prune Fiddle Leaf Fig . If your fiddle leaf fig is looking a little worse for the wear, try one of these tips and tricks to revive a dying fiddle leaf fig. ( 2) In a spray bottle, mix a teaspoon of oil with a teaspoon of baking soda. Do not water again until you’re sure the roots have had a chance to dry out. Root rot is common issue with indoor plants, and can be a very serious problem with the popular Fiddle Leaf Fig. Hey! A soil mix containing 1 part peat moss/coco coir, 1 part perlite, and 2 parts organic soil will ensure your Fiddle Leaf Fig has the best chance to thrive. Watch a helpful video on how to treat and prevent root rot in fiddle leaf fig trees by clicking here. Bacterial leaf spot prefers feeding on new growth, so if your newer leaves are worse off than your older leaves, bacterial leaf spot is likely to blame. Even a Fiddle that appears to be relatively dry on the surface of its soil may be in the processing of rooting down below. When in doubt about your plant’s water level, it’s … Fixing Root Rot in Indoor Plants Lift the plant up to look at the roots. Sorry you didn't receive my message via email. Check your fiddle leaf fig at least weekly to be able to catch any spots early. Fertilization. Your fiddle leaf fig may be dying from root rot, even if the soil on top is dry to the touch. It provides protection against the common Pythium, Pphytophthora, and pseudo-fungi that cause root rot in fiddle leaf figs. Root rot in Fiddle Leaf Figs does not necessarily mean certain death, though catching it quickly is important if you want to save the plant. Rinse off the root ball and inspect the roots. An Under-Watered Fiddle Leaf Fig. If all else fails, buy a fake one (but they aren’t as nice!). Gently uproot the plant, and rinse away as much of the soil or potting mix as you can. Be sure to choose a container that isn’t too large for your plant. Otherwise, the fiddle-leaf fig's pretty green leaves may burn and develop brown marks. Get rid of the old soil. Mar 8, 2020 - Perhaps the most common problem we see is root rot in fiddle leaf fig trees. You may consider adding some gravel or a foam block to the bottom of your container to improve the drainage and help keep your plant dry. Let’s explore how to diagnose and treat root rot in fiddle leaf fig plants. Though this plant is prone to browning and dropping leaves, if root rot goes untreated it can lead to the quick demise of your plant. You can see from these photos the classic symptoms of root rot on the leaves. If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is skinny and … Consider adding some gravel or packing peanuts to the bottom of your container to improve the drainage and act as a ballast to keep your plant’s root ball dry. Order online at, trim some of the slightly damaged ones to remove the brown edges. If the leaves on your fiddle leaf fig are dark green with brown spots around the edges, your plant could be sick with Root Rot. ... And from what I can tell, your Fiddle Leaf fig seems to be doing great as well, and doesn't seem stressed out at all. If you suspect root rot and the soil isn’t overly wet or if your plant doesn’t respond to root rot treatment , it could be a bacterial infection. Your fiddle fig won’t cope. If your plant receives too much water, it can lead to a fungal infection, commonly known as root rot. Don’t expect to see any improvement before April (and warmer temperatures). These three methods include water … The only way to know for sure is to remove the root ball from the pot to inspect. If your leaves look yellow, it means that your plant is overwatered. I recently purchased a fiddle leaf fig from a nursery. Overwatering Symptoms: Brown spots or brown shaded areas in the middle of the leaves along with around the edges, yellowing leaves, and leaf drop (lower leaves often dropping first).. Overwatering is one of the most common Fiddle Leaf Fig problems. 1. The new pot should be, at most, 6 inches (15cm) larger in diameter than the previous pot. At the first sign of distress, remove your plant from its pot and carefully inspect the roots. 3 Simple Secrets to a Healthy Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree. This is for two reasons. If your Fiddle Leaf Fig is root bound, you’ll need to choose a larger pot to replant it in. Diagnosing Root Rot. It typically starts as brown spots on the leaves that begin spreading, before the leaves drop. 7 Spring Care Tips For Your Fiddle Leaf Fig. Lastly, avoid watering the Fiddle Leaf Fig until the soil is dry over 2in (5cm) below the surface. The beginning signs of root rot: the roots on the left are healthy and strong, whereas the roots on the right are soggy and waterlogged. Fiddle leaf figs need to be watered enough so that water is flushed out of the bottom. Root rot is one of the leading causes of unhappy fiddle leaf figs. It was designed with input from microbiologists, fiddle leaf fig growers, and botanists. Join our Fiddle Leaf Fig Community to ask questions and register for our free webinar to learn more about Fiddle Leaf Fig … The 10 Commandments of Fiddle Leaf Fig Care. Indoor Plants. Place your Fiddle in bright, indirect light (these plants are picky about this!) is a natural plant bio-stimulator, enhancing your plant’s existing immune response and promoting growth. Bacterial leaf spot prefers feeding on new growth, so if your newer leaves are worse off than your older leaves, bacterial leaf spot is likely to blame. Like most plants, fiddle leaf fig plants require oxygen and water to survive, but too much water can kill your plant. Once they are clean, remove any that are damaged with a pair of clean scissors or pruning shears. The ficus lyrata, or fiddle leaf fig, is a tropical tree native to the West African lowland rainforests. helpful video on how to treat and prevent root rot in fiddle leaf fig trees by clicking here. 5 years ago. About 3 days after bringing the plant into my home I noticed millipedes and beetle-like bugs crawling from the plant so naturally I set out to repot with new soil. Houseplants are the easiest (relatively speaking) to take care of. Indoor Plants. The most ideal time for trimming fiddle leaf fig is when it is actively growing, which is generally spring or early summer. A fungal infection caused by allowing your pot to sit in water or over-watering, this can quickly spread to the leaves of your plant. Poor-drainage of soil and over-watering causes fungal infection in the roots. Even fiddle leaf figs that have adequate drainage can suffer from root rot if they’re not getting enough light. If your fiddle leaf fig still needs help or you would like to protect it in the future, we’ve spent over a year creating a treatment to protect your plant from root rot infections.

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