why do camels have dry faeces



Will you now say that we humans were born in different environments thats why our body works a different way from one another. Donkeys have a very dry round poop for an equine. Some, like the camel, have developed great tolerance for dehydration. The camels also had a lower water intake than Zebu cattle (Maloiy, 1972). Urine comes out as a thick syrup and their faeces are so dry that it can fuel fires. 12 – Hardly surprisingly, the amount of water the camel allows to be wasted in excretions is minimal; its intestines and kidneys reabsorb so much water the camel’s urine is a thick syrup and its faeces are so dry the Bedouins collect it for fire fuel. Camels have evolved to survive in one of the harshest environments on the planet. They of course are from deserts. they have dry faeces so they dont lose much water when they poo, and concentrated pee for the same reason. Camels avoid stony deserts, as the gravel harms their feet. Why do camels have dry poo and concentrated pee? These animals are also experts at drying out their faeces. If your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush his teeth or have his teeth cleaned, then the most likely cause of his bad breath is plaque … General Diet of Camels include dried leaves, seeds, desert plants, thorny twig, dates, grass, wheat, and oats. I don't think it's a disgusting question at all. During deprivation studies, camels lost far less water in urine and feces than did sheep (Farid, et al., 1979). Unlike other mammals, camels' red blood cells are oval rather than circular in shape. A camel's anatomy has several features that allow it to survive extreme desert weather. For example, under some conditions, camels can withstand the loss of one third of their body mass as water. Camels, llamas, alpacas, all come from deserts, or dry mountain areas. Cattle originated in lush, damp areas, and never had to become water efficient. For correction these camels were meant to have humps just like us humans and YES they were created by GOD. Camel loses just 2.5 kg litres of water daily though feces while a cattle loses 20-40 litres! The dromedary camel can drink as seldom as once every 10 days even under very hot conditions, and can lose up to 30% of its body mass due to dehydration. Camels have short, thick fur that protects them from the sun during the day, and it protects them from the freezing temperatures at night. Diet Camels are not choosy when it comes to eating, they will eat any plant that comes their way especially when there is a shortage of food. Coping with water loss is a particular problem for animals that live in dry conditions. For survival in desert environment, camels have physiological, anatomical … They can also survive wide daily changes in temperature. Dromedary camels have a number of adaptation mechanisms that help them to survive successfully in dry and arid climates in which there is shortage of water and high environmental temperature. Stay up-to-date on the latest news about your horse's health with FREE newsletters from TheHorse.com. Amazingly their urine is as thick as syrup because they retain water. Topics include Nutrition, Soundness & Lameness, Equine Behavior, Farm & … Reproduction The sheep, however, utilized crude protein better than the camels. Camel’s faeces are dry enough to be used for fuelling fire when drought. Kangaroo rat poop is less than half water, much drier than normal. Goats and sheep came originally from dry mountain areas. Camels have a series of physiological adaptations that allow them to withstand long periods of time without any external source of water. View image of A camel … The camels digested dry matter and crude fibers better than the sheep.

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