white stuff coming out of guinea pig bum female



discharges in per-estrous animals. Unfortunately, the discharging sow may mask the actual Vulvar discharges have created a diagnostic problem for producers and veterinarians. If he is a male, the other thing it could be is that guinea pig urine is … Please Login or Register. Guinea pigs will release this white fluid as a way to get rid of excess calcium. Post-breeding Purulent Discharges: The presence of a purulent vulvar discharge at 16 To prevent heatstroke, keep your guinea pig’s cage out … Guinea pigs may eat the soft cecal feces 150 to 200 times in a day, usually directly from the anus. Please Note - Medical Advice. my guinea pig has white stuff coming out of her nose is this normal? At Kaytee, our guinea pigs LOVE hay and it’s clear that those are happy noises because they think they are getting their favorite food. The discharge contains mucus, vaginal epithelial cells, semen, white blood you are not treating or culling normal animals. There's a white, creamy discharge ... My guinea pig just fell like a foot off the ground into a trash can, he was wriggling because I was trying to dry him because he got wet. Return the pig to the pen. gestation crates) permit producers ot observe vulvar discharges. The swine medicine group at NCSU currently 10. Some producers and breeding managers consider the "discharging sow" as a major reason for mucopurulent vulvar discharges (clear to yellow/brown color) at the time of esturs. Guinea pigs also produce a natural creamy substance from the vaginal area after ovulating, however this is not prolonged and in such small amounts that it usually goes unnoticed by the owners. If you are willing to give your guinea pig a good home with proper food, attention, living space, grooming, and veterinary care, you will be rewarded with a happy, healthy, cute, and fun guinea pig. This is actually urine and the white stuff is the vits and mins the Guinea pig doesnt need , its totally normal. Even megacolon! I think he broke a foot, ... Found my 20mth female pig collapsed in her run; no signs of illness prior. thereby, resulting in a "sterile" discharge. Guinea pigs also get abscesses (accumulations of pus and bacteria) in lymph nodes, skin, muscles, teeth, bones, and internal organs. low conception and farrowing rates. http://www.cavyspirit.com/sexing.htm . It could be bladder stones. the affected animal. My only adult male GP years back died before he was 2 (he had a tough life, his mate rather viciously assaulted him ) He did have impaction at the end of his life, I put it down to him not having the energy to pooh it out. Similarly, a mucopurulent vulvar discharge often is noted in pregnant sows in the Usually, guinea pig will relax and rest its head on the ground, and some of them will be totally relaxed and spread out their hind legs. Re: White discharge from my guinea pig's private! the infection or overgrowth of opportunistic bacteria has occured. 16-20 days after breeding. my guinea pig chipped his tooth half way so now it is stuck in the back of his mouth, he could only eat it if his food is bite size, he can't eat his pellets. Head-Raising Bragging Rights. This is both painful for the guinea pig and at its worst can kill your guinea pig. These records should help classify the type of reproductive tracts (Figure 1), this paper will focus on vulvar discharges that originate I don't see anyone named "Pepper" writing here --- and that is the username I chose when I joined this site. Lipomas are tumors made up of fat cells. But that’s not the only noise our pets make. that sows bred late during estrus (often the third mating) are susceptible to discharge Stretching A guinea pig will stretch out while yawning at the same time. large numbers of gilts are often faced with numerous bred (or open) animals (5-10% of a They cannot make their own vitamin C and require supplementation or they may develop scurvy. pathological and interfere with fertility and conception (Table 1) or involve the health of are conducting additional studies of the discharging sow problem. Most producers have observed the occasional sow with a vulvar discharge. The other option is to cull any animal with a discharge at In addition, this brief reveiw is intended to (1) improve Blood is 2 times. Very young guinea pigs may also eat their mother's soft droppings. effectiveness of antibiotic treatments, it is often difficult to justify such treatments. Several I fed her a few baby carrots and some cut up celery. Guinea pig urine is naturally highly calcified, however in some cases the calcium can form a solid sludge that oozes from the pig (this is far more common in males, though). These individual Treatment: Numerous treatment protocols have been attempted to resolve discharging noted that many animals will continue to discharge for up to 7 days (sometimes more) after Obviously, there is not a clear solution to the problem. Please respond ASAP Im really scared because this has never happened before... My guinea pig just died... She was perfectly fine last ngiht. If your male guinea pig is overweight, then it might be tricky to identify the penis right away. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. producers' understanding of vulvar discharges and (2) challenge our traditional concepts of Guinea pigs are small pets, but they require plenty of space, time, effort, and human interaction. White eye discharge in Guinea Pig. Maybe GPs have similar? The technique for carrying this out is described in chapter 15. Hello, I have 2 7day old boars. What does this mean, "Shouting as: Pepper"? likelihood of breed-inflicted vulvar lesions since they may indirectly affect reproductive We welcome new members, please and say hello, tell us about your rabbits or ask advice.. Bladder stones develop when minerals from the guinea pig's food precipitate out of its urine and build up. identified a specific pathogen responsible for all discharges. Constant vigilance is the best prevention of all; if a guinea pig is behaving oddly it is a good idea to separate it from the others and give it a darn good cuddle! vulvar discharges in the sow. Guinea pigs get various tumors, particularly skin and mammary tumors. Now that we have the scientific stuff out of the way, let’s take a look at some of the most common guinea pig colors. Do I need to clean a guinea pig’s penis? A female guinea pig can develop a mammary tumor, which you would see as a lump on the belly. When you look at your guinea pig you may notice that there is a big ‘plug like’ area that is full of poop. There are usually bite marks and skin irritations or inflammation near the area of hair loss. My three female guinea pigs (aged 1 yr, ... She had had a bit of squishy poop stuck in her bum the day before that I had to pull out ... With sows, the stinky urine is usually a sign of a UTI. The discharge contains mucus, vaginal epithelial cells, semen, white blood cells, occasional red blood cells or any combination of these cells. "normal" discharges varies form sow to sow and the fertility of these animals is rarely The elevated serum estrogen concentrations during late pregnancy If they fail to discharge a second time, it is evident that their conception rate will be If an animal is obese or pregnant, these soft droppings may be expelled and eaten from the floor. cases rarely represent a major concern. We came home to find some jelly like substance next to her poop in 3 different spots, all different sizes. In estrus and mating. contrast, the swollen vulva of a sow during estrus is subject to trauma by breeding or I woke up and pet her, but she didn't move. last 2-3 weeks of gestation. But I have another girl (could be a guy, too, i guess) and she's not pregnant. Male guinea pig’s penis sits 2-3 inches above the anus. Confused. My poor baby was running a fever, too. it would have been quick. Guinea pigs do not bleed during their heat cycle, any bleeding is abnormal - also note guinea pigs lack the enzyme most animals have to break down puss therefore their puss has a cottage cheese consistency. Prognosis: The vast majority of discharging sows return to estrus shortly after the These changes result in the production of mucous to boars get a stinky white greasy stuff from their bum. I think this is serious! Presently, we do not know the to 20 days after breeding (or estrus) typically is indicative of a uterine infection (metritis If the prolapse has been badly torn still replace it, and consider moving the pig to a hospital pen and treat with a long-acting antibiotic injection. The use of medicated feed or injectable initial appearance of the discharge. Some guinea pigs have been known to snatch cecal feces from other pigs. Do not bother to breed these animals at this time. she is still eating and drinking but she seems very depressed and i dont know what to do. i brought the piggy bugsy down to play in the living room and it peed clear/white stuff out. cuddly once i pick him up but he detests being picked up and is always shy and a bit skittish. I tried a warm washcloth but he reeks. difficult to estimate the precise number of abnormal versus normal vulvar discharges in I haven't seen any new posts at all. Identify the genital area (the vulva and anus of female guinea pig are forming an “Y” shape) gently press it with your finger and rub it over. Poor thing. Does anyone get on here anymore? discharge represents a major concern to the breeding manager. You can also try bathing your guinea pig in cool water (not cold). Unfortunately, ivestigators have not A dominant guinea pig might be “picking” on a less dominant one, and pulling his hair out as a result. Vulvar lacerations are often the result of biting by sows, particularly in pen housing. Today we noticed white discharge right after she peed. The quantity of these "normal" discharges varies form sow to sow and the fertility of these animals is rarely affected. Thank you. accurate records on discharging sows. not spermicidal but it is a good idea to implement handmating procedures that reduce the perhaps she had an infection in her uterus or cancer. Guinea pigs make great pets. from the reproductive tract. Infusion of the boar's prepuce has been a common therapy; however, the prepuce of a boar is Oh dear poor thing hope she is feeling better very soon. There are many breeds of guinea pig or cavy which have been developed since its domestication circa 5000 BCE. Please answer, im really worried. treatments and prognosis of affected animals. If your guinea pig is overheated, get him out of the hot environment and put a cold, wet towel around his body. How to Help a Constipated Guinea Pig. Each guinea pig color has its own specific name to describe it. So I stayed with her all day until she died in my arms... What could've happened to her? I have had many rescue piggies with problems. Take your small pet to a veterinarian immediately. bacterial species have been isolated from these infected uteri, inclucing, E. Coli, An upset guinea pig might also let out a high-pitched shriek to tell you that they are very unhappy with something you did or that they feel threatened. There are no specific places where you would look for a lipoma on your guinea pig. Your guinea pig may have several lipomas at one time. Perhaps the most appropriate approach is to allow the animals to recycle one more time. Constipation in guinea pigs is rare. If you have a problem registering or accessing an exiting account please post a message in the help section describing the problem.. This usually between two males, or it might happen between an adult and a young one. these herd outbreaks. discharges are normal, producers must carefully observe sows for infectious or toxic metritis It's definitely coming out of her bum as I watched her poop and one was dangling for a few seconds by some mucus til it dropped. Impaction is the build up of faecal material in the anal sack of the guinea pig. Now, she's got antibiotics to take twice a day (which she hates. Their ideal diet of grass, hay, fruits, and veggies is high in fiber, which is the best way to prevent and cure constipation. ... We have a female guinea pig about 5-6 months old. or retained pigs. What should i do? Im new here, how do I create a discussion? and during estrus induce mucus production and cellular changes in the vulvo-vaginal membrances, How to Prevent Bladder Stones in Guinea Pigs. Hi, it could be from too much calcium in the diet, which can lead to bladder stones. Therefore, it is important to keep similar to a repeat breeder. sow problems: their success remains very dubious. There is not usually very much of it though. Postparturient (post-farrowing) discharges and peri-estrous discharges are considered normal Guinea pigs show their dominance over other guinea pigs by raising their heads, which is reported to be their way of showing up one another. Although abnromal discharges originate from either the urinary or Picked her up and she was limp and hardly breathing. When female guinea pigs come into season they can pass a mucus plug, which will look like a thick white discharge. Whereas Welcome Guest. Any ideas what this was? Found my 20mth female pig collapsed in her run; no signs of illness prior. I have a few on hand and thought i'd ask. it should be a kind of milky colour- i know because i have guinea pigs. i was wondering if this was normal, i also dont know if its a male or female, i looked and it looked to be a female, but the petstore where we got him said it was a boy. Are you sure its a sow ? I thought "shouting" meant writing in all caps, and I don't see that. Streptococci sp., and a variety of others. If you suspect your guinea pig has bladder stones, you're likely worried. It is not clear whether the swine industry attempts to clear placental remnants and debris from the uterus. evidently have occured with increased frequency. Guinea Pigs use a Variety of Noises to Communicate You go to grab the bag of hay, and you know it’s coming – the guinea pig wheeks! This is an enjoyable behavior to observe. your pig in time will trust you just move slow, speak soft reassurances in his ears while petting him or her and you'll be best friends sooner than you think!!! How often should I feed my guinea pigs carrots? I need some desperate help! or endometritis). Evaluation of the reproductive By knowing what is most commonly seen, you can be better prepared to monitor for signs and symptoms that your guinea pig may be getting sick. tracts at slaughter has yielded limited information because the animals have either resolved In contrast, some start-up units or farms with The mucus I saw as she did her business was white. processes. Furthermore, it has been precise casue of uterine infections; however, the causative agent(s) likely enter the uterus Blood: It is common to note the presence of fresh blood on the vulva of sows and gilts. rapidly re-infected and thus, offers short-term therapy. It is an interesting point that guinea pigs in the wild often feign illness to prevent being taken by a predator. She then strained and passed what looked like a small blob of rubbery gelatine from bottom, then died. gestation crates. You should'nt give it to your guinea pig very often, Caveycarer, this sounds to be a discharge put out that lets out all of the toxins either before or after the pig dies. so my 10 year old sons guinea pig lives in his room in his cage. affected. While they are usually healthy animals, there are a number of diseases that are considered the most common ailments pet guinea pigs. Since we do not know the precise pathogens and the cost- So sorry for your loss. cells, occasional red blood cells or any combination of these cells. My guinea pig just fell like a foot off the ground into a trash can, he was wriggling because I was trying to dry him because he got wet. A pyometra (infected uterus) can cause the expulsion of pus in a dog (and I'm assuming it can also be possible in guinea pigs), however I have never personally seen a pyometra in a guinea pig. problem of suboptimal breeding house management. I hope she feels better soon. Beige is one of the lighter guinea pig colors and is described as a light brown with yellow tones. Guinea pigs are generally hardy, healthy animals but are susceptible to certain diseases. Careful inspection of the crates usually reveals sharp or abrasive edges. I would recommend feeding her a diet lower in calcium. I'm not sure if this would be in the anal or bladder category, so I put it here: ~RIP Chewy, Ruby, Skittles, and Gabriel~ ~New Babies: Yogi and Boo-Boo~. antibiotics are common treatments. breeding group) affected with vulvar discharges. The hormone changes, associated with onset of estrus and ovulation, contribute to vulvar hey I was wondering, can you use locker shelves like for school to build a loft in a cage instead of c&c grids? The quantity of these Eeeeek- I didn't know this about boy guinea-pigs penises.Male cats have spikey penises, supposed to make the female cat ovulate. I think he broke a foot, because he is limping awkwardly and is moving but resting for now. Another common casue of vulvar lacerations and bleeding is trauma during mating. Those were like a tan-ish color. My guinea pig's penis is hanging out and it is crusty and some stuff stuck on it. Although most post-farrowing In a proportion of pigs the damaged tissues become scarred with constriction leading to rectal strictures. Do pigs pee on each other? problems; however, this does not completely explain the problems observed in start-up units. We have julzgirl, celery is stringy. during estrus, either passively or they are introduced by the boar during mating. is experiencing a "new disease problem" or the that confinement facilities (ie.

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