uses of maize



The other important maize producing countries are—China (4.4 per cent), the Russia (3.3 per cent), Manchuria (2.9 per cent), Yugoslavia (2.4 per cent) and Mexico (2.3 per cent). “We hypothesize that maize stalk juice just may have been the original use of early domesticated maize plants, at a time when the cobs and seeds were essentially too small to be of much dietary significance. 32 As the ethanol industry absorbs a larger share of the maize crop, higher prices for maize will intensify demand competition among domestic industries and external buyers. Maize , also known as corn (American English), is a cereal grain first domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 10,000 years ago. South Africa Online (Pty) Ltd. Maize is used for making indus­trial alcohol. Maize had reached Europe a short time before the dates mentioned for India and China. As such, maize or maize derivatives can also be used in snacks, such as popcorn, corn chips like Doritos and … The Portuguese came to Java in 1496, that is to say four years after the discovery of America and to China in 1516, Magellan’s voyage from South America to Philippines took place in 1520. In the food industry it is used in the preparation of pies, puddings, salad dressings and confections. More is produced, by weight, than any other grain, and almost every country on Earth cultivates maize commercially for a variety of uses. 1 Review . In addition to playing a major role in the human diet, maize is also used as livestock fodder. The maize germ processed to produce oil gives as a by-product maize germ meal, used as an animal feedstuff. In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Maize also known as ‘Indian corn’ or simply as ‘corn’, is a food crop of considerable importance in many parts of the world, especially in the U.S.A., which produces nearly 57 per cent or the total maize grown in the world as compared to about 1.4 per cent produced in India. Super fine and super maize may not contain more than two percent fat or 0,8% fibre, and at least 80% of the meal should pass through a 0,3 mm sieve to qualify as super fine or 90% should pass through a 1,4 mm sieve to qualify as super maize meal. Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most important grain crop in South Africa and is produced throughout the country under diverse environments. mays. The fat content of the oil is about 80%. Kitale Best Animal Feeds Feeds. Z. mays ssp. Benefits and uses of Maize … More uses of maize includes starch and glucose manufacturing industries consume about 650 000 tons of the 10 million to 12 million tons of the maize produced in South Africa each year, according to the Prospectus on the South African Maize Industry. Generally, the taller the variety, the lower should be the plant population. For unsifted maize meal, an oil content of 3,5% to 4,5% and a fibre mass of 1,2% to 2,5% is allowed. In cosmetics, maize starch form an ingredient of various forms of toilet powders. Globally, less than one-half of applied N is recovered by maize. TOS4. The grains are also used in making com starch and industrial alcohol. In Andes its cultivation goes back to prehistoric time. Maize grain is used as food [Boiled, roasted, or ground into meal for porridge and pasta], as feed for livestock and poultry, and as raw material for many industrial products [Starch, oil, beverages, beer and alcohol, flour, sugar, cornflakes etc. Some recovery growth did occur under rainfed conditions, but it did not completely compensate for the growth reduction that occurred during the co-growth period. The chief use is as a food for man and livestock. Selected pages. The leafy stalk of the plant produces pollen inflorescences and separate ovuliferous inflorescences called ears that yield kernels or seeds, which are fruits. All Rights Reserved. The table shows that maize contains all the essential nutrients of food when compared to Wheat and other food-grains. Maize can also be used in a number of other ways: Maize flour, or meal, is made into a thick porridge in many cultures (polenta, Italy; angu, Brazil; mãmãligã, Romania; sadza, nshima, ugali, and mealie pap, Africa). Human consumption of maize has declined in the country since 2008, due to the growing middle-class and as a result, in a shift towards other staples, such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Maize is used as staple food for the majority of the country’s households and the most important livestock feed ingredient in South Africa. The grain is very nutritious, with a high percentage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is of special importance in the hilly and sub-montane regions of the country where it forms the staple diet of the people, particularly in the winter months. Skip to content. Maize meal is also used as a replacement for wheat flour, to … How does it happen? Yeast: Origin, Reproduction, Life Cycle and Growth Requirements | Industrial Microbiology, How is Bread Made Step by Step? It is thus very probably that in the Upper India maize was much more extensively grown at the beginning of the last (nineteenth) century. But other standards also apply. Content Guidelines 2. Privacy Policy3. In India the crop is generally sown in June-July and harvested in September-October. After a month of this curing process, the ears (cobs) are husked by hand or by machine. Maize can be used and enjoyed as a vegetable, for example as corn on the cob or mini-veggies. Maize is also used for making vegetable oil and starch is also obtained from it. Maize must be stored in well ventilated bins so that the excess of moisture is evaporated. Maize starch is extensively used as a sizing material in the textiles and paper industries. On the other hand maize stalks are used in making rayon, plastics, paper and … The crop is of special importance in the hilly and submontane regions where it makes the staple food of people.

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