mordecai prayer points



Secondly, when God remembers us he answers our prayers. I receive GRACE to connect to the last-day WORLD ANOINTING OPEN-REWARD SERVICE – … December 14, 2009. Every visible and invisible force assigned to hinder my connection with my destiny helpers, be arrested in Jesus name. Mordecai prayed to the Lord, calling to mind what the Lord had done in the past: "O Lord, you are the Lord and King of all creation, and everything obeys your commands. When he heard of a plot against the King’s life, Mordecai informed the King of it via Esther. Turn our misfortune into joy so that we may live to sing your praises. Esther was a strategic prayer warrior for a queen and knew what Spiritual warfare was all about. Salem Media Group. When God visits us he brings us out from darkness into light (Luke 1:78,79). Also, it is important to know that a non … Watchmen are encouraged to gird their loins like Esther and Mordecai because the spirit of Haman is arising in the earth. Most commentators agree up to this point — that Esther and Mordecai are thoroughly assimilated into their pagan culture — but many speculate that the two experience an awakening when their people face annihilation from a high-ranking Jew hater, Haman, which makes them turn back to God and secure … 2 Jehovah, the OPEN REWARDER; do for me what You did for Joseph and Mordecai. God will answer our prayers too, if we persevere in prayer and live lives that are pleasing to Him. And all the people of Israel prayed loudly and earnestly because they were sure that they were going to die. DAY 1 PRAYER POINTS AGAINST FOUNDATIONAL DREAM Start from Wednesday midnight (12am – 2am) Holy Spirit, I open the door of my heart to you, come in and dwell in my life, in the name of Jesus. Save us from death so that we can keep on praising you.". 20:26; Ezr. She pronounced what I call a 3-day-crisis fast to pray against the plot of Haman. Bible Studies in the Book of Esther. The spirit of Haman is the spirit of the thief, the one who steals, kills, and destroys (John 10:10a). 6TH-9TH BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONIES OF FEBRUARY: NEVER STRANDED AGAIN! "And now, O Lord, God and King, God of Abraham, spare your people; save us from our enemies. Mordecai was also loyal to God’s chosen leader of that time, the King of Persia. (… THANK YOU, HOLY SPIRIT…) I DON’T KNOW YOU AFTER THE FLESH, BUT IF YOUR NAME…, Daughter from Ghana: “Hellooo Papa, so so excited today, and its been the very first day of the month, God…, Daughter from Nigeria: “Dad good morning Sir. Esther’s approach to the king was preceded by three days of fasting and prayer not only on her part, but by her personal attendants … 2. 34:28; Dt. helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum – all 100% free online.. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. When Mordecai learns of the decree (Esther 4), he leaves the king's court, putting on sackcloth and ashes as a sign of great mourning. 1. Haman conspired a plot against the King and Mordecai,who was Esther’s uncle. He had been faithful in his service to the king, though probably only in a mundane day-to-day job. Silence Doesn’t Mean it’s not There. 2021 PRAY FOR GRACE EVERYDAY: click here. I refuse to bow to anyone but you, my Lord; and this is not because of pride. 8:21-23).” 47 I give glory and honour to God for today’s service.”…, •••7 MONTHS AGO••• 17377. He rescued them when He knew the right time had come. He deceived the king into writing a decree that would annihilate not just Mordecai… Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. You made heaven and earth and all the wonderful things on earth. Yet all this avails me nothing, so long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting at the king’s gate.” Proud member By the irrevocable power that promoted Joseph, Daniel, Mordecai and Esther even in the land of their captivity, O God Arise for me this season and PROMOTE ME FROM LACK TO PLENTY, FROM SHAME TO GLORY, FROM MISFORTUNES TO UNCOMMON FAVOUR; AND FROM PRISON TO … (, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. This is a huge lesson in the story of Esther: pride … Humility is key. In other words, he is doing the kingdom a big favor by getting rid of them. Every evil cloud, covering my destiny helper from locating me, be unveiled in Jesus name. The end of the year is really a thanksgiving period. If you wish to save Israel, no one can stop you. Mordecai found about it and foiled Haman’s plot. In an attempt to rid himself of Mordecai, Haman construed another treacherous plot, but he hid his plot in deceit. When God remembered Mordecai he visited him. You devil, get out of my foundation by force and by the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. Mordecai (Esther 6:1-12) God made the king to open the book of the records of the chronicles for the good deeds of Mordecai and he was honoured and promoted by the king. TOPICS: 11th hour Agag Amalekite Babylon end of the year prayer Esther prayer points Haman Jews king Ahasuerus of Persia Mordecai pillar of fire prayer points Vashti. Scripture taken from the Good News Translation - Second Edition, Copyright 1992 by American Bible Society. prayer points 20-Esther 5:12-14 Moreover Haman said, “Besides, Queen Esther invited no one but me to come in with the king to the banquet that she prepared; and tomorrow I am again invited by her, along with the king. If it would help to save Israel, I would be willing even to kiss the soles of his feet. In 1993, Mordecai, his wife Sharan and their two children moved to Organ, NM just outside of Las Cruces, NM. by I Gordon. Mordecai’s loyalty to the king was a factor in Haman’s downfall and proved to the King that Mordecai would be trustworthy when his time of … It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel … We are at the end of the year prayer season. Home Mordecai Mordecai. 10TH BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONY OF FEBRUARY: FAILED EXAM SUPERNATURALLY REVERSED TO PASS, AND FEES FOR RE-SIT EXAM REFUNDED IMMEDIATELY! In 1995 they founded Etz … I…, THE BRIDAL OIL {MATTHEW 25:1-13} – (FIRST SUNDAY SERVICE IN FEBRUARY), 15TH BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONY OF FEBRUARY: HE TOUCHED ME WITH THE HAND OF BRIDAL DELIVERANCE, BRIDAL ANOINTING SERVICE FOR SINGLES AND UNMARRIED TOPIC: POWER TO KISS THE SON (PSALM 2:12), 11TH-12TH BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONIES OF FEBRUARY: DELAY IS NOT DENIAL – DOUBLE ARRIVALS OF GLOBAL BREAKTHROUGHS. ABOUT RABBI MORDECAI Rabbi Mordecai Silver, Ph.D., was born in Philadelphia, PA., and raised in a Conservative Jewish home. Pride is a trap. The third addition (C) relates two prayers, one by Mordecai, the other by Esther. The Book of Esther never mentions God by name, there is never the word “prayer” uttered, and the only spiritual discipline that is mentioned is fasting but that never says anything about prayer and fasting. Though prayer is not mentioned, it was always the accompaniment of fasting in the Old Testament, and the whole point of fasting was to render the prayer experience more effective and prepare oneself for communion with God (Ex. Introduction. We care about our users, and we want to see the hand of God rest upon them as the pray. As you engage in this prayer points today, all the evil plans of your enemies will backfire back on their faces in Jesus Christ name. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. H ere are 5 important lessons that I learned from the Book of Esther.. To overcome the enemy assigned to mess up your year, aggressive prayers are highly needed. January 28, 2021. The end of the year is really a thanksgiving period…. 3. The Israelites (Ex. PRAYER POINTS By Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. Thank you so much, Sir. Share this: WhatsApp; Tweet; More ... DAY 2 PRAYER POINTS: BATTLE ⚔ OF GATES 2021 . MORNING/NEW DAWN BREAKTHROUGH PRAYER POINTS: PRAY HERE. You know, Lord, that when I refused to bow to that arrogant Haman, it was not because I was arrogant or trying to impress people. 2ND BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONY OF FEBRUARY: THE SET TIME TO FAVOUR ME WITH BRITISH CITIZENSHIP IS NOW! of As you pray, you may want to seriously consider fasting. I…, Daughter from Nigeria : “Good morning daddy, mummy, my aburos and the Prayer fire family. Long ago you chose us to be your people and rescued us from the land of Egypt. God has a plan for our lives. If you fail to pray now then your enemy may descend on you and take away your … When God remembered Israel he answered her prayers. That is what Jesus means in his last words in the gospel today on how to be pleasing to God: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. They are determined to destroy us; they are looking for a chance. If you wish to save Israel, no one can stop you. The end of the year is really a thanksgiving period…. Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Your faith in God will prove how much you believe in God and His word. Category: Prayer for Alcoholics Praying through Esther 9:17 Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful story of Esther, which adds to our understanding of Your goodness and grace towards us, as well as Your purpose for Israel, in Your perfect plan of redemption. Read verse in Good News Translation w/ Apocrypha THE CLOUD OF GLORY IS MOVING, COME WITH YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS AND JOIN OUR EFFECTUAL, FERVENT AND RIGHTEOUS PRAYER ALTAR,…, Daughter from South Africa: “Greetings to you daddy and family. You know all things. Additions to Esther 4:18-28 Mordecai prayed to the Lord, calling to mind what the Lord had done in the past: "O Lord, you are the Lord and King of all creation, and everything obeys your commands. At this time, her cousin Mordecai had been arrested and was sentenced to the gallows to be hanged because of Haman’s scheme at work. Esther Chapter 5: Esther's Prayer and the power of the third day. I am super proud of you Dad. We saw in the last Bible study that Queen Esther had, after some initial resistance, obeyed Mordecai and made the decision to go to the king without being summoned. So, with prayers and thanksgiving in your heart saturate your sphere with these new month prayer points for breakthroughs and watch how the new month unfolds your blessing in a grand style. Do not abandon us now. This is the law and the prophets.” Queen Esther’s Prayer Esther C: 14-25, 14:4-9 Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Despite extensive scholarship about Kaplan, historians have yet to address this seminal event in the life of one of twentieth-century America’s foremost Jewish leaders and thinkers.2 Though hardly the first time that Kaplan’s work had angered traditional Jews, his Sabbath Prayer Book proved to … DAILY FIRE! Then said the king’s servants that ministered unto him, There is nothing done for him. Esther Prayer Points . The new year prayer points below must be handled with the spirit of aggressive warrior. 2:23-25) God heard their cry after over 400 years of slavery in Egypt. You are the Lord of all, and there is no one who can stand against you. 9:9; Jdg. Join the Prayer Team Prayer Points Prayer at the Wall. He had carefully raised Esther as his own, and now she sat as queen of Persia. We are your chosen people, so listen to my prayer and be gracious to us. God to underscore their point. Pray about today’s word as led now. Happy New Month everyone. When God remembered Hannah he answered her petition (See … Through prayers and supplications, Haman died in place of Mordecai, he was killed by the same poisonous venom he designed for Mordecai. December 14, 2009. Below are 6 suggested prayers, with Scripture points, to pray and declare everyday for 6 minutes between now and Purim. In this month, I receive higher thoughts that can help me break free, I receive ideas that are life-changing and transforming. Posted on 25th March,2011 (Fresh Prayer Points to be posted on the 1ST April ,2011) Est 6:3 And the king said, What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this? We are at the end of the year prayer season. All manner of feasts … odm war against haman day 7-8 prayer points. The God of heaven and earth responded immediately to those prayers-By dispatching the answer through His human agent closest to the scene of action At this point we are ready to make the first 2 important statements: Important Statement #1: Your 3 days of prayer, when you neither eat nor drink, provide you … scriptures bullets: psalm 18:44-45; 66:3 110:1-2; exodus 12:29-36. to get free updates, kindly scroll down this website to add your email and get free updates on your email free 1. The new year prayer points demands focus and power. ... Mordecai, although short, was a strong and stocky man, and held onto the chief, but the rest of the tribe began beating him until he lost consciousness, taking his ear as a grisly souvenir and leaving him in the care of his Native American wife. So you are welcome as you join us today and pray with us, the God that answers prayers will meet you at the point of your needs in … In 1976 Mordecai came to faith in his Jewish Messiah Yeshua. Used by Permission. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Effective prayer points are however the prayer of faith. Mordecai nailed it when he said, “For if you remain … 3RD-5TH BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONIES OF FEBRUARY: STRANGE AFFLICTIONS TERMINATED BY THE MANTLE OF BREATH OF FIIIIIRRRREEEEE . The prayer points on our website is to guide you as you work on improving your prayer life. 1ST BRIDAL POWER TESTIMONY OF FEBRUARY: WASHED AWAY ALL AILMENTS, THE PORTAL OF MORIAH – MAKE YOUR PAYMENTS HERE, Search For Your Prayer Points on Prayers Fire, HAPPY NEW MONTH OF FEBRUARY 2021: ESTHER FAST-BREAKING AND PROPHETIC CROSSOVER SERVICE, THE MYSTERY OF COMPLETE OBEDIENCE (2 CORINTHIANS 10:6) – (DAY 1 JANUARY ESTHER FAST PRAYERS), 53RD-54TH ALPHA TESTIMONIES OF JANUARY: THE GOD OF DIVINE RESTORATIONS APPEARED IN OUR SITUATION, 3-DAY ESTHER FAST: UNLEASHING THE POWER OF RESTLESSNESS, ANNOUNCING 3-DAY END-OF-THE-MONTH ESTHER FAST 29TH – 31ST JANUARY. All rights reserved. Purim is celebrated at Full moon of March 6 from sunset 6 pm Eastern standard time. Mordecai Mourns. DAY 8 PRAYER POINTS. AND … We are at the end of the year prayer season. I simply did not want to honor any human being more than I honor God. Lest anyone question his motives, Haman is careful to point out how this will be beneficial to all since the Jews were a "subversive element."

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