guppy tank mates



There are about 6 adults in the tank..and none of them even think twice about eating the fry. Guppies are a relatively peaceful fish, so tankmates of similar temperament can be kept alongside them such as corydoras, possibly neon or ember tetras, and MAYBE Celestial Pearl Danios. tank-mates for guppies ? Guppies are small and active fish that breed easily and are undemanding both in terms of water conditions and diet. It is worth considering that Guppies are overeaters and prone to obesity, therefore, the amount of feed given must be carefully monitored. Because they’re active swimmers and show schooling behavior, make sure that you offer them at least a 50-60 gallon aquarium. Good tank mates for Guppies? Platies are also beginner friendly fish, which makes them a good choice for anyone looking to start a freshwater aquarium for the first time. They get their name from their long sword-shaped fin at their bottom, but their unique color is also an eye-catching feature if you want to create a unique-looking aquarium. Guppy tank mates are certainly a possibility, without a doubt. As fin-nippers, they’re going to shred the long fins of guppies causing irreversible injuries, fin damage and potentially deadly infections. The peaceful nature of mollies makes them excellent tank mates for zebra danios. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. In this video, I show you 7 super good tanks mates that you should keep with your guppies!Thanks so much for watching! They will not overpopulate the tank, but their population will grow overtime. They’re available in a variety of colors and shades that range from green to red. They enjoy a planted aquarium that offers them shade and hiding places as they don’t like bright lights. Make sure you add lots of live plants, hiding spaces and provide large surface area. Fish Disease : Freshwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment. Keep other fish that are similar size and length of guppies. Guppy Swim Bladder Disease (Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention) Why Do Guppies Die And How To Prevent It from Happening! Just like guppies, platies also breed like crazy. Similar diet habit is also a must. Red Cherry Shrimp need a balanced omnivorous diet that includes fresh vegetables (boiled zucchini and spinach) and processed foods (pellets, flakes and specialized shrimp food). As their name suggests, these fish are popular for their algae-eating capabilities. It is known that guppies will eat baby shrimp, so the shrimp population will not grow. I’m going to start with a little 10 gallon community tank and see what happens. Dec 24, 2019 - When it comes to finding the best tank mates for guppies you definitely have a lot of options. Again, shrimp and fish should not be kept together, because there’s a high chance that newborns will end up as live food for fish, and in the case of the Crystal Red Shrimp, a rather expensive one at that. Platy Fish and Tiger Barbs – Can You Keep Them in Same Aquarium? I would not recommend keeping guppies with tiger, denison or any other barbs fish. I’m very keen to get my community tank started! My question is..are there any guppy tankmates that are too small to eat the fry, or find no appetite for guppy fry? The simple fact that Guppy fish are good community fish doesn’t mean they can be housed with any other fish. Cohabitation with large and aggressive fish is an exception to the rule. Betta fish are semi-aggressive, which isn’t something that guppies will tolerate well, however, I wouldn’t completely dismiss betta fish when it comes to their compatibility with guppy fish. In the wild, they feed on insects and their larvae, but in tanks they eat all types of frozen or live food. If you’re only keeping them for their looks, we recommend that you keep males only. 76 Posts . The only drawback of keeping the two species together is feeding difficulties. This platy tank mate is an active fish that spends a major part of its time in the upper levels of the water column, but they’re ready to … Very similar to guppies, read the breeding guppies article. Tetras thrive on an omnivorous diet, some varieties are extremely difficult to breed, meaning they require separate breeding tanks and pristine quality water. They’ll play well with other freshwater fish as well as long as they’re not aggressive. Freshwater Fish. Some guides may tell you that Guppies and Angelfish are compatible. Guppy fish have delicate flowy fins that can be enticing to fish with predatory instincts, so pick tank mates that won’t bother guppies. The best tank mate for a guppy is actually more other guppies. To set up a guppy tank, start by getting a tank that's at least 10 gallons and lining the bottom of it with 2 inches of aquarium gravel. If you’re curious about keeping frogs in your community tank, the African Dwarf Frog can be an interesting choice for a guppy fish tank. They’re a hardy species that adapts to a range of water conditions and they’re happy and content in planted aquariums that constantly shed plant matter, thus, they’re never excessively clean for these snails. The coloring of Amano Shrimp depends on their diet — when they have access to fish food only, they have a reddish coloring, when feeding on algae and detritus, they display a greenish tint. Keep other fish that are similar size and length of guppies. Because both guppy fish and swordtail fish are known to jump out of their tanks, keeping them in a tank with a cover secured into place will prevent unfortunate accidents from happening. Guppy Tank mates, photo by judhi. For a colorful show tank, consider the following ten tankmates for your guppies: Rummynose Tetra – These fish are named for their bright red noses. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. You can go even further in curbing any attempt at aggressiveness by limiting the number of betta fish you add to the tank (start off with one betta fish to see how it goes) and try to stick to female bettas, which are much less aggressive than male ones. Please check out my article on the top 25 plants that are suitable even for beginners. Keeping cherry shrimp and guppies together is a controversial topic. Otocinclus fish are more sensitive to improper water conditions, more so than guppies, so make sure your water parameters are excellent when keeping these two together. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. 12,629 Posts #15 • Mar 20, 2012. They’re not fussy and can be kept even by beginner aquarists. Also try to curb the aggressive tendencies of angelfish by adding your guppies to the tank while your angelfish are still small so that they won’t see them as a potential threat. The guppy is a very good peaceful community fish. naomi tamar / Unsplash. Apple Snail. How many guppies should be kept together? The question is what you want to do. Next, they require planted tanks that ensures they have lots of shade and plenty of hiding places. hey, ive just purchased the jewel lido 120 aquarium and i am going to put some guppys in there with a pleco. Normally, female spawns juveniles once in a month, but the terms may vary depending on the tank water temperature and conditions. A list of the best tank mates to house with guppies in an aquarium. (If you’re interested in other tank mates that can live with guppies then platies, ghost shrimp, and cherry shrimp are all great choices!) Most start their hobby with this fish, find out what are th requiremenst of these fish, tank mates, breeding & how to raise healthy baby guppy fry. Rainbowfish enjoy a densely planted aquarium and will accept most fish foods including live foods that will help them develop their beautiful colors much better. Sexing. If you want a beautiful and healthy guppy aquarium, shrimp are a really good addition to the tank. So, really hope this was helpful and you can decide what to do. If you want to house your guppies with other fish, here are 15 fish that are compatible with guppies: Swordtail Fish – Wojciech J. Płuciennik (CC BY-SA 4.0). A small school of dwarf cories or oto catfish would look great. A strange-looking fish, the Flowerhorn has a big bulky body and a brightly colored hump on its forehead. Your email address will not be published. Despite enjoying the company of a group, gouramis are a bit timid by nature and require shade and hiding places in their tank.

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