factors affecting moral development in adolescence



Adolescence is a time of great changes, including those concerning moral development. They are influenced by the notions of good and bad that prevail among his chosen companions. Moral development is influenced by … They have a profound effect on both mortality and morbidity ranging from birth defects through many childhood diseases, … One important aspect to look at with children’s moral development is peer interaction. Hence moral development is a complex process in which the action and interaction of an individual and those surrounding him is of greatly importance. According to Havighurst, for adolescents aged 12 to 20 years old, their development tasks include: (1) accepting one’s physique and accepting a masculine or feminine role; (2) new relations with age-mates of both sexes; (3) emotional independence of parents and other adults; (4) achieving assurance of economic independence; (5) selecting and preparing for an occupation; (6) developing … Moral development in adolescence has reached maturity as an area of re-search. Heredity is the transmission of physical characteristics from parents to children through their genes. The adolescence stage consists of numerous complex concepts. The acquisition of these moral behaviors is usually due to modeling the behavior of people or characters the child admires, and by learned emotional responses to what is seen in the media. The child is influenced by the notions of the good and the bad as a result of his relationship with his classmates, teachers and senior students. The changes which take place during the adolescence stage have various influences. Your child will likely learn the difference between right and wrong by observing your reaction to a behavior and by modeling the moral behavior exhibited by you and other family members. (Source: Thorne (1999), p. 160) An individual’s moral development is in any of the three levels elaborated in the table above. Moore worked for two years with at-risk teenagers in a therapeutic setting. PreserveArticles.com: Preserving Your Articles for Eternity, Short essay on Moral development during infancy. of moral development. It helps to understand moral development by looking at factors and influences that can affect development—throughout early childhood and adolescence. For example, if your child is rude to a friend or other adult and you tell him to modify his behavior and explain why, your reaction can provide incentive for him to adopt better behavior in the future. How Does Society Affect Behavior in Teens? The main developmental tasks of adolescence involve acquiring the skills necessary for adulthood. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, A Father's Role in Cognitive Development During Late Childhood. They try to be less critical of the moral tone set by their elders. peer group, self-esteem ADOLESCENCE is an important stage in human development. Moral- development proceeds along with social development. For example, mothers who explain rules, punishments and why a behavior is inappropriate are more likely to foster moral reasoning and behavior in their children by teaching the proper responses to situations says Dr. Deborah Laible, a psychology professor who specializes in childhood development. Intrapersonal factors also impact moral development, such as cognitive changes, emotions, and even neurodevelopment. The teaching of moral science and a programme of moral education go a long way in the moral development of children and adolescents. For example, educational programs and shows portraying caring or helping characters can encourage your child to develop these qualities. But in later adolescence he comes to accept many things which he had earlier rejected. Factors Influencing Progression • Postconventional morality cannot occur until an individual has acquired formal operational thought • Conventional and postconventional moral reasoning usually doesn’t occur until adolescence • Disequilibrium helps move an individual from one stage to another characterized by important physical. What your child sees on TV, in video games, on the Internet and in the news can also influence the development of moral behavior 2. Adolescence is defined as the years between the onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. Moral development is one of the most significant aspects of the personality development. Therefore, adolescent social development involves a dramatic change in the quantity and quality of social relationships. PreserveArticles.com is an online article publishing site that helps you to submit your knowledge so that it may be preserved for eternity. During the early adolescent period, peers have a much greater influence. Peer pressure can exert a powerful influence because friends play a more significant role in teens' lives. Factors Affecting Adolescent Development Adolescence is a ephemeral phase from childhood to adulthood. The three journals reviewed explain the impact of psychosocial factors that affects adolescent’s behavior both on an individual and on a broader societal level, and psychosocial environmental risk factors for suicide attempts in adolescents. they become more defiant of there early childhood lessons based on moral behaviour. Physical and Cognitive Development PSY/ 103 Introduction to Psychology This paper is will focus on the influences of physical and cognitive development in adolescence from 12 to 18 years of age.

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