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And we also may be able to develop in a timely fashion, maybe in four to six months, a consensus strain that bakes in a lot of the different variation that we're seeing to have boosters available for the fall. JANET YELLEN (Treasury Secretary/@JanetYellen): Good morning, and thank you so much for having me. I probably spent more time with Xi Jinping, I'm told, than any world leader has because I-- I had twenty-four, twenty-five hours of private meetings with him when I was vice president, traveled seventeen thousand miles with him. And he said, "Unfortunately, we've had some former coaches of color who I think have given excuses, or cover, for the league in this." Photography Videos The Goods Press Room TIME Guide to Happiness. SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: Yeah, well, he wasn't charged with that. We cannot rely on only one product, and that is not the goal of anyone around the world. MARGARET BRENNAN: You said if the President committed a crime, he should be charged. CBS News… More correspondents engage the guests in a lively roundtable discussion focusing on current topics. But wherever there is vaccine in both the developing and the developed world there are plenty of takers. The pandemic, racial and political divisions, Armie Hammer, but today we come together in a spirit of unity to watch football and murder billions of chickens for their delicious wings. Mandatory face masks. And it had to welcome German doctors and equipment to help. Well, these viruses change all the time, and-- and every time they replicate, the more they spread, the more changes that they can have. She joins us in Washington. MARGARET BRENNAN: And we'll be right back with a lot more FACE THE NATION, so stay with us. They have virtually no COVID cases. You know as well as I do, there's still speculation even in the government that it could have been from an accident in a laboratory. Some of your fellow economists have been very critical. MARK STRASSMANN: Health officials worry that Super Bowl Sunday could become superspreader Sunday. It's not a question of how the trial ends. MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you concerned by this AstraZeneca report? They just can't enrich. Given that how do you justify writing these checks? Good morning, and welcome to FACE THE NATION. MARGARET BRENNAN: Mm-Hm. MARGARET BRENNAN: Republican Senator Lindsey Graham will join us, along with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. And job creation is what we need to see. It's got the highest death rate anywhere in the world. MARGARET BRENNAN: That, of course, was not CBS, but about last night's Saturday Night Live. And we've had three such variants being reported, actually four such variants being reported in the last few months. And that's what Republicans are doing right now. And many, over two million, have dropped out of the labor force because it's so hard to manage that-- that conflict. Any contacts of confirmed cases are provided supported quarantine so that if they are infected themselves, there is no opportunity for them to pass the virus to others, making sure that we open up our workplaces safely, our schools safely. MARGARET BRENNAN: What's your floor and ceiling on that? to-- to him. When it comes to Iran, I would caution the Biden administration to go back into the Iranian deal. JAMES BROWN: Excellent question. But thank you for having me on, anyway. Are we going to see athletics get vaccinated or be part of sort of a public relations push to encourage Americans to go get that shot in the arm? Demand still dwarfs supply. That information, if it's available, the Chinese government would have that. You know they've made a lot of progress. . PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Job number one of the American Rescue Plan is vaccines. Where do you think the stalemate goes from here? MARGARET BRENNAN: You know the U.S. is still ten million jobs short of where we were before this pandemic. Good luck to you today. So we need to make sure we prevent as many infections as we can. Plus, we'll have more of CBS' exclusive interview with President Biden. MARGARET BRENNAN: You're an epidemiologist. So, yeah, we have ten million people unemployed. So the fact is, sadly, there is a history that I know definitively, that Roger Goodell, the commissioner, Troy Vincent, the highest ranking African-American, have done everything possible to create an environment and a culture to that. You hear us say a lot, do it all. Let's talk about now. So I'm looking forward to it. Updated Jan 17, 2019 1:32 PM EST. Watch CBS News anytime, anywhere with the our 24/7 digital news network. It is dedicated to interviewing newsmakers on the latest issues. Don't you risk spending your political capital now when you need to create jobs in this next bill? That really does influence them significantly. SCOTT GOTTLIEB: I think for now. Impeachment is a political process. We've had some days where there's two million vaccines that have been delivered. So this is not process. MARGARET BRENNAN: --cut you off, I have to take us to a commercial break. So, the trial is going to result in an acquittal. I suspect they're not going to get that. MARGARET BRENNAN: Past May, which is when the Trump deal would call for conditions-based drawdown? JANET YELLEN: Well, it's certainly something that President Biden is interested in and, you know, the current package that he's proposed, the American rescue package, is intended to deal with the immediate crisis, the economic crisis and the healthcare crisis. But beyond that he looks forward to proposing ideas to-- to address longstanding challenges that our economy has faced. SCOTT GOTTLIEB, M.D. One Super Bowl tradition that is going on as planned this year, the pre-game interview with the President. Check if it is available to stream online via "Where to Watch". Keep taking steps to protect each other. There was a good news milestone this week: The number of vaccinations given worldwide was greater for the first time than the number of new recorded COVID cases. Politics World Business Tech Health TIME Health Entertainment Science Newsfeed Living Sports History The TIME Vault Magazine Ideas TIME Labs. MARGARET BRENNAN: When you're talking about things like enforcing quarantine, I-- it sounds like you're talking about Australia, New Zealand. I'm sorry. Good morning to you, Senator. MARGARET BRENNAN: But will that effort slow down due to distractions on Capitol Hill, such as the second impeachment trial of former President Trump revisiting a dark and terrifying day in American history. I am James, no, not that one, Brown. Concerns already realized overnight in North Carolina. Say that again-- say that again. They say it wasn't just the speech. He doesn't have-- and I don't mean this is a criticism, just the reality, he doesn't have a democratic, small D, bone in his body. And this is-- these are studies that are ongoing to find the virus origins and understand the intermediate hosts. Good luck to you. ROGER GOODELL (NFL Commissioner): We had a lot of unknowns ourselves. This week on "Face the Nation," the nation's capital is an armed fortress as America anxiously awaits the next 72 hours. MARGARET BRENNAN: Liz Palmer in London, thank you. He had a consequential presidency. Where does that conversation go next? This is your tenth Super Bowl, I understand. Bill Shadel was then the Washington, D.C. bureau chief for CBS News. "Face the Nation" with Margaret Brennan broadcasts live Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time, following "Sunday Morning." If you assume a sixty-forty split between first doses and second doses, you assume about sixty percent of the supply that's coming onto the market is going to first doses--. Infection and hospitalization rates in the U.S. are all headed down, and the number of Americans vaccinated is going up. For the rest of the country, it's probably less than one percent all around the country. You're very special. So we have-- we're in a deep hole with respect to the job market and a long way to dig out. And I think Arabs would sign up for that deal, which would be a good deal for the world. ROCHELLE WALENSKY: Now is not the time to let our guard down. COVID has reminded millions that life in fleeting and precious. Stay with us. Have you spoken to the President since inauguration? It was going too far. MARGARET BRENNAN: I asked the doctor about the probe underway in China. MARGARET BRENNAN: You told us on this program last Sunday that it was Miami and Southern California that you were most concerned about as hot spots for this B117 strain detected in the U.K. Are there-- are those still the areas of greatest concern for you? So, I think there are different complicating factors in-- in different parts of the world for different reasons. And this is really, really critical from a public health perspective so that we know and we can take steps further to prevent this from happening again. Should it be your-- your 2019 income level or your unemployment status? January the 6th was a very bad day for America, and he'll get his share of blame in history. SCOTT GOTTLIEB: Well, I think the prerequisite is putting in place mitigation steps in the schools. Doctor Gottlieb, good to talk to you as always. So they're a little further behind Florida. I'm so happy to see full-time female assistants on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers that you'll get a chance to see. JANET YELLEN: --targeted relief also. So they're in a good spot, I think, on Afghanistan. And the only question is, will they call witnesses? In spite of the progress, though, this pandemic is more lethal now than it was last spring. JB is CBS News special correspondent and host of the NFL Today. On that first program, his guest was Wisconsin senator Joseph McCarthy. MARGARET BRENNAN: The trial memorandum from the House impeachment managers actually lays out a pattern of behavior. Senior national correspondent Mark Strassmann reports from Tampa. MARGARET BRENNAN: JB, it's always good to get your reflections. We need to make sure everyone who is at risk, you know, the old-- elderly, people who are most at risk for severe disease, receive the vaccine--. How long does the trial take? Overnight Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran will not scale back its atomic work until the U.S. removes all sanctions. If we leave too soon without a conditions-based withdrawal ISIS and al Qaeda will come roaring back. They closed their borders early on. California Privacy/Information We Collect. The federal government will ship them roughly one million doses weekly. Guests include government leaders, politicians, and international figures in the news. Rep. Will Hurd (R-Texas), House Intelligence Committee; Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.); 2020 Democratic presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo); political panel with Amy Walter (Cook Political Report), Jeffrey Goldberg (The Atlantic), David Nakamura (Washington Post), Susan Page (USA Today), and CBS News legal analyst Jonathan Turley; But there are a lot of families that are struggling with lower income and need-- need those payments. The series premiered on Sun Nov 07, 1954 on CBS and 1/10: Face The Nation (S2021E02) last aired on Sun Jan 10, 2021. It's in-- it's individual levels that we've-- individual-level measures that we've seen people take, you and I, in terms of our physical distancing, our mask wearing, our avoiding of crowded spaces, our opening of windows, our sneezing into our elbow. We'll probably be able to get ahead of it with our vaccines and the seasonal effect from the warming weather. And so far they have not made that available. Copyright © 2021 CBS Interactive Inc.All rights reserved. And bottom line, there's a McKinsey report that came out in May 2020 that said, "Diversity wins; inclusion matters." Jan 17 46:09 1/10: Face The Nation "Face the Nation" with Margaret Brennan broadcasts live Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time, following "Sunday Morning." Home U.S. I mean the House is impeaching him under the theory that his speech created a riot. This is what we mean by when we say do it all. Thank you for your time this morning. Good morning. Obviously, a lot of the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Super Bowl, the parties, the celebrations and all of those things have been nonexistent. This week on "Face the Nation" with Margaret Brennan, the impeachment inquiry ramps up with a key vote on rules and procedures. Face the Nation, CBS’s Sunday morning news program, airs at 10:30am each week.. Maryland's building this mass vaccination site. MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: Well, that's a great question. So, we're hoping for the reports as soon as possible, and that will be made available as soon as it can be. MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: --in all countries around the world, as well as health workers all around the world, as opposed to everybody in just a handful of countries. Is getting U.S. to adopt a legal mandate for expanded paid leave and childcare your ultimate goal? That doesn't mean what happened on January the 6th was okay. So when you have a case that is infected, that individual who is infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus needs to be provided with good clinical care, and they need to be isolated from others so that they don't have the opportunity to pass it to someone else. There are constructive exchanges between this international team from ten different countries, as well as the Chinese counterparts, looking at the earliest cases, looking at studies from the markets. Face The Nation is a news interview program which airs every Sunday morning, live from the CBS studio in Washington D.C. The schools are not a vector of transmission and especially children under the age of fourteen are less likely to both get infected and transmit the infection. They are reevaluating our presence in Afghanistan to keep the footprint low, but not to walk away and lose all the gains we've achieved. MARGARET BRENNAN: Those emergency paid leave provisions would expire in September. On this "Face the Nation" broadcast, we sat down with Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Gilead Sciences CEO Daniel O'Day and Dr. Scott Gottlieb. Face the Nation (TV Series 1954– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. From Morocco to Sweden, where the majestic hall normally used to award the Nobel Peace Prize was being repurposed as a vaccination center. SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: So I would slow down if I were President Biden and re-evaluate some of these Trump policies and keep them in place if they make sense. Stay with us. We'll be right back with Doctor Scott Gottlieb. South-- South Africa is-- is a good example where they got through their first peak, countries across Asia and the Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand. Heavens, who would've thunk it that we would have gone through seventeen weeks of the regular season, getting two hundred and fifty-six games in, and now we're at the Super Bowl, but that's a real tribute to the players, the teams, and the coaches who have-- who have adhered to the COVID protocols, by and large, throughout this season. We love you. You know what were the zoonotic origins of this pandemic? MARGARET BRENNAN: Right, but you have oversight of the Justice Department. It's all of this. SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-South Carolina/@LindseyGrahamSC): Good morning. And it will be a major part of his presidency. He sits on the board of Pfizer as well as Illumina, and he joins us this morning from Westport, Connecticut. You heard the President. I want to ask you about what's happening here at home with the scheduled trial that is supposed to begin on Tuesday of former President Donald Trump. MARK STRASSMANN: For fans watching anywhere, the CDC urges no chanting or cheering and mask up. But he is-- the question is I've said to him all along that we need not have a-- a conflict. - John Boehner on the morning he woke up and decided to retire What should be a prerequisite? JANET YELLEN: Well, you know, President Biden wants to make sure that the-- the payments that he's proposed, fourteen-hundred-dollar hundred payments to make good on the total two-thousand-dollar pledge, goes to families that really need it, that are struggling. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN (CBS EVENING NEWS): A lot to talk about, a whole lot to talk about. Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer is an American Sunday-morning political interview show which premiered on the CBS television network on November 7 1954. 7,259 talking about this. MARGARET BRENNAN: We want to go now to former FDA Commissioner Doctor Scott Gottlieb. We're not prosecutors. The school districts that have reopened successfully and it was good data out of North Carolina where they did some sys-- systematic research looking at the experience in those schools which were open, showed that when they wear masks, when they distance, when they try to take precautions in the classroom, there's very little transmission within the classroom. On this "Face the Nation" broadcast moderated by Margaret Brennan: Janet Yellen, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina Dr. … MARGARET BRENNAN: You know-- you know, football and activism really became a-- a hot topic in the past few years. I think Donald Trump has to rehabilitate--, SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: --himself as a politician. MARIA VAN KERKHOVE: Mm-Hm. Just twenty-five thousand fans will see the game in person, including seventy-five hundred vaccinated health care workers. So the B1351 variant was identified-- first identified in South Africa, there's a number of studies that are underway to look at the response of the body, the immune response of the body, but also the impact of vaccination. ELIZABETH PALMER: That's partly due to aggressive public health action. Face The Nation is a news interview program which airs every Sunday morning, live from the CBS studio in Washington D.C. Well, I-- I don't have specifics for you today. I think--, SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: --most Americans are going to look--, SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: --at the Biden administration and--. MARGARET BRENNAN: You've known the Biden family for years. Check below for where and when we air in your area. Watch CBS News anytime, anywhere with the our 24/7 digital news network. I think we're going to see that more consistently. But I'm wondering, JB, what are you hearing about what comes next for the league? MARGARET BRENNAN: There's more from the head of the NFL Players union, DeMaurice Smith, on our latest podcast.

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