american guinea pig size



But if you decide to bring home two males, be sure they are fixed. And, definitely do not put more than three males together unspayed — they will fight. The American guinea pig is perhaps the oldest and most popular breed of domestic guinea pigs. The American is the oldest and most popular Guinea pig. In the Andes today, some people either lack or do not trust Western medicine. How to Exercise Your Guinea Pig. While many breeds of hogs can get up to 800 or even more than 1,000 pounds, the AGH adult weight is usually in the 250 to 300 pound range. American guinea pigs today sport 19 different color combinations! Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. It was caused when human sailors didn’t have access to fresh fruit on long sea voyages. One common cause of dental issues is insufficient vitamin C in the diet. Length at maturity varies from 8 inches to 12 inches. You may rub their coat from the nose to rump, and then the underside of their neck and belly in the direction of hair growth. The American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA) recognized it as the American guinea pig in the 1960s. The American is the oldest breed of guinea pig. The Guinea hog, officially named American Guinea Hog, also called the pineywoods Guinea, Guinea forest hog, acorn eater, and yard pig, is a breed of domestic pig originating in the United States. Just create a safe space where they can do a few laps on their own. American guinea pigs are smaller than most other guinea pig breeds and are on average, seven to nine inches long. It’s important to be gentle with them and avoid loud noises which may scare them, especially at first. So while pregnant, avoid cleaning your cavy’s cage and don’t touch its saliva, urine, blood or droppings. Without sufficient material for gnawing and chewing, the teeth can grow to an unhealthy length. Be gentle with it and it will come to know you as a bite-free zone. Check out our guide of guinea pig breeds to learn more about physical traits, behavior, and grooming needs. To stay healthy, guinea pigs must have constant access to their own feces. Often, younger children may do this without meaning to cause harm. However, she will need time to finish the birthing process before you can or should hold them. A newborn guinea pig may weight anywhere for 60 to 120 grams and be 3 to 4 inches long, depending on genetics and size of the litter. They were first domesticated around 5000 BC in the Andes, but it wasn’t until the 1500s that humans began to selectively breed Guinea pigs, creating several different varieties. Sometimes, guinea pigs are kept alone and then relinquished to a rescue organization or animal shelter. The shedding, however, increases during the springtime and summer months when they need to be brushed more frequently to get rid of loose hair. When your pig gets stressed, the bacteria can get triggered. That way, you won’t panic when you see it happening! Since I am getting two should I get them as babies? Make sure to keep your American cavies’ bedding clean. Obesity can be a real issue in sedentary pigs, especially if they are kept in too-small habitats. You just need to meet their basic requirements consistently. With so many potential health issues to watch out for, you may be wondering what you should look for to be sure you select a healthy baby American guinea pig! Remember, though, no more than three unspayed male guinea pigs should room together. This small size was one of the reasons it almost became extinct. My 13 year old daughter and I love taking care of them and learning about guinea pugs together. Give them some safe pet toys to play with so that they can keep themselves engaged and entertained. Guinea pigs are known for being irresistibly chubby-looking, with big round eyes and petal ears. They also have fairly exacting environment needs to stay healthy. Fur Texture: Straight, smooth, silky; should not have side-whiskers, ridges, rosettes, or feathering, Color: Over 20 colors divided into five groups are recognized, including self group (black, beige, chocolate, lilac, cream, white, red, red-eyed orange), agouti group (silver agouti, golden agouti, dilute agouti), solid group (silver solid, dilute solid, roan, brindle, golden solid), tan pattern (chocolate tan, lilac tan, beige tan, blue tan, black tan), and marked group (Dutch, dalmatian, tortoiseshell, Himalayan, broken color). They are good pets for older children who are sufficiently strong and responsible to hold them securely and handle them confidently. Most guinea pigs will weigh in between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds at maturity, with males outweighing females. Look out also for clean soft fur, healthy teeth and gums, healthy feet and skin. If you want to learn about all 13 guinea pig breeds, we highly recommend this informative article! American guinea pigs are smart and social and they wear their hearts on their sleeves. The American Cavy Breeders Association (ACBA) groups these colors into 5 categories: agouti, self, marked, solid and tan. Hamsters, guinea pigs and mice can carry a virus called lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) which can cause severe birth defects and miscarriage. While it sounds super-gross, coprophagy is similar to how a cow will regurgitate once-chewed grass. Its Size and Temperament Suit the Smaller Homestead Adult American Guinea Hogs range in height from 22 to 27 inches tall, and 46 to 56 inches long. They will then and chew it again in the form of a “cud.” Guinea pigs don’t have the second stomach to store the cud and send it back up for a second chewing. If you think adult guinea pigs are cute, you should see them when they are babies! Guinea pigs as a whole are accustomed to living in groups. The American guinea pig can range in size from 1 to 3 pounds. Make sure your guinea pig comes from a clean and healthy living situation. Rat Names – Over 200 Great Ideas For Naming Your Pet... Hamster Breeds – Differences, Similarities, and Choosing the Best One. This applies whether at the breeder’s or from the rescue housing. Some guinea pigs can even nearly reach 20 inches in length. So, you are smart to seek out as much information as possible about the American guinea pig. This distinguishes them from many other small “pocket pets” that are nocturnal (active at night). The American guinea pig is the most common breed and is very popular due in part to their sweet and friendly personalities. Unless you plan to breed your guinea pigs, however, be extra careful that your new pet pigs are fixed or same-gender! Plus, there is nothing like cuddling a soft, furry guinea pig in your arms! A full-grown and healthy guinea pig should measure somewhere between 10-14 inches long and about 5 inches tall. The annual cost of maintaining an American guinea pig is average. You can either use full-fat goat’s milk or make a milk mixture. They have excellent temperaments, are easy to take care of and are robust in their health. No, this is largely a myth. Finally, we’ll discuss the health and habitat needs of these precious furry cuties! As guinea pigs spend a lot of time in their cage, it’s very important for the proper guinea pig cage size. But how big can the guinea pig grow? Even better, if you’re doing so before you make the commitment to care for a piggie of your own! Bouquet of Guts and Gore is a fictional account of … Weight can be between 1-3lbs, again halfway at around 2lbs beingthe average. These are some of our favorites: American guinea pigs are very popular pets today. Guinea pigs must have uninterrupted access to fresh hay. American Guinea Pig Size. It can also occur in the ureter (narrow tube connecting the kidney to the bladder) or urethra (the narrow tube carrying the urine outside the body). Indoor/outdoor pet, competition/show cavy, Families with children, beginners, singles, seniors, Sweet, docile, easygoing, laid-back, curious, clingy. Bacterial and fungal skin infections and parasites can plague guinea pigs. When the tissue gets infected and swells, this can lead to an abscess. You may also adopt a rescued pig in need of a new home. Distinguished by its smooth, short-haired coat, the American guinea pig is known for its lovable character and thus makes a perfect companion for animal lovers. The origin of American guinea pigs can be traced back to thousands of years in the past when the earliest ancestors of guinea pigs occurred around the Andes Mountain in South America. Have recently had a piggie in my back yard. The guinea pig has a low capability for jumping or climbing. Guinea pigs are very sensitive to many antibiotics and medications that other mammals tolerate well. Believe it or not, the American Guinea Pig is the oldest breed that there is.Researchers have concluded that Americans have been domesticated as far back as 5000 BC in the Andes of Western South America.However, modern humans did not start raising them until the mid 16th century, when European traders brought them back from expeditions to South America. However, some few captive guinea pigs have lived to be a whopping 14 years old! Wiki How. There is plenty of room for variation here depending on health, breed, and age. In this article, we share fascinating American guinea pig facts. Beck, Angela. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For many enthusiasts, the American guinea pig is “the” guinea pig to choose. Since they are short-haired breeds, American guineas shed a lesser amount of hair than long-haired breeds. Do guinea pigs eat their babies if you touch them? Our readers’ most popular and frequently asked questions about the American guinea pig. However, besides running and hiding, biting is one of their few defense mechanisms, so don’t be shocked if it happens occasionally. We’ll also talk about important American guinea pig care tips and offer insights into their personality. All guinea pig breeds are active but especially American guinea pigs. The typical lifespan for the American guinea pig is 5 to 7 years. More importantly, they need an enriching environment and a caring owner – YOU! American guinea pigs have vivacious and social personalities. This makes sense because the more babies there are, the less room they have to grow when inside the sow. Temperature should remain in the range of 65 to 75°F (18 to 23°C) to avoid heat stroke. Guinea pigs don’t sleep much but take naps throughout the day and night. This can cause your pig’s skin to become itchy, crusty, scaly and, over time, hairless. Here are a few things you may wish to consider if you’re a potential guinea pig owner. We recommend using half water half evaporated milk. Some Guinea Hog lines are smaller and slower growing - adults topping out at 200 pounds. While they reach sexual maturity earlier, Guinea Hogs will reach their full size at about 2 or 3 years of age, topping out at approximately 200 to 300 lbs. Trim your guinea’s nails when they grow too long. They’ve come to Europe in 1500s and spread all over the continent. The male boar guinea pig will typically weight more that the female. This is much preferable to bringing home a guinea pig and then discovering you have to relinquish it due to your hay allergies! This is especially important to know if you will be caring for a guinea pig for the first time. Did you know that guinea pigs are the 12th most popular pet choice in America today? American Guinea Pig Size. Where the average adult guinea pig size typically is about 10-12 inches, the Rex guinea pig’s size at maturity is as much as 17 inches which is 1.5 times greater than the average guinea. I just bought an Abyssinian and an American and they are so good together! Length at maturity varies from 8 inches to 12 inches. Guinea pigs are much friendlier and social creatures and do not need as extensive taming. This article has been extensively revised for 2019. When it comes to size, Ridgeback guinea pigs are the smallest with some adults being only five inches long. Here are some examples: When you bring your cavy home, they need a few supplies to feel comfortable. This guinea pig has a fairly uniform body size from nose to tail stub and is sometimes described unflatteringly as “brick-shaped.”. Hi, I’m a teacher,and will be purchasing two piggies as a classroom pets. This can cause “scurvy,” which is perhaps best known as the sailor’s disease. Guinea pigs are great pets to have and there a several different breeds to choose from. The American guinea pig is one of the three most popular guinea pig breeds of all time. Hence, the nickname “cavies.”. So now read on to learn all about this smart, cute, small mammal! American guinea pigs tend to stay at the shorter end of the spectrum lengthwise, with adults only reaching about 8 to 9 inches (20-22 cm) at maturity. Experts believe it was first domesticated around 5000 BC in the Andes. Similarly, males will typically be longer than females. 3. All guinea pigs are considered tailless, although they do have tiny stumpy tales that are hard to see underneath all that fur. I have a year old female American piggy. Origin: The American guinea pig originated in South America, particularly in the Peruvian Andes. This practice, known as coprophagy, is essential. Still, they may need time to adjust to your presence and home. The American guinea pig is one of the smaller breeds on the guinea pig size chart. Talk with the rescue coordinator and your vet to decide what is best. Similarly, males will typically be longer than females. I consider most of the "American Guinea Pig" films to be the next level in Horror movies. Its regular diet should include unlimited timothy hay, a cup of fresh fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens, about a one-eighth cup of quality pellets, and a plentiful supply of fresh, clean water. Guinea Pigs: Keeping and Caring for Your Pet. Most guinea pigs will weigh in between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds at maturity, with males outweighing females. Diarrhea is another common health concern that can arise from stress, imbalance of digestive flora and certain bacterial infections. While they aren’t necessarily as active as mice or hamsters, your guinea pig can exercise in your home. Full Grown American Guinea Pig. These guinea pigs were brought to the US during the early 1900s and were originally called English guinea pigs. Since they are short-haired breeds, American guineas shed a lesser amount of hair than long-haired breeds. American Guinea Pig Size They grow up to 10inches on average, although some will be smaller/bigger depending on the individual, somewhere between the 8-12inch range. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. But, a lot of factors go into determining how big a guinea pig gets. The American guinea pig breed is widely available through breeders and rescues as well as pet stores (read on below for why we don’t recommend purchasing your new pig from a pet store!). Fully grown adult American Guinea Hogs range from 46 to 56 inches, measured from a point between the ears to the base of the tail. The number of pups in the litter also has an effect on how big each baby is - a larger litter will tend to produce smaller offspring. At 13 years old, kids can sometimes become aloof, or drift from parents a bit but having our pugs provides us with conversation, shopping adventures for perfect piggy stuff, and researching info together has become invaluable time spent together. These breeds pretty much eat the same, are the same size, and need just about the same type of care. American guineas are easily available at animal rescues, shelters, or local pet stores where they are typically priced at around $20. Let them run outside in a predator-proof area or around the house for about an hour. A guinea pig’s teeth are what vets call “open-rooted.” This means they will grow continuously throughout your pig’s lifetime. Most breeds come with a variety of markings and colors, making each individual guinea pig unique unto himself. Since there is limited space in our living areas. Litter sizes ten… Baby American guinea pigs need their mother’s milk for the first few days of their life. Experts believe it was first domesticated around 5000 BC in the Andes. However, they are more easy going than some other guinea pig breeds. Your American guinea pig will need a very specific habitat and environment to remain healthy and thrive. We’d love to hear all about them in the comments below. I just brought in a two month old “baby” and after some typical rumble strutting and wheeking, they have become harmonious cage mates! But choosing to bring home a new pet of any species is a commitment. The key to stopping it is to make sure your cavy feels safe with you. These tips will help you when it comes to keeping your guinea pig — and yourself — healthy. Look for a guinea pig that is active, curious, friendly and open to being handled. They’re also fairly healthy although they require regulated living conditions. It is recommended that you give your American guinea pig at least one hour of time to run around outside of their cage, but we are big believers of unlimited playtime so use this number as the absolute minimum. The average litre size for guinea pigs is usually 2-4 piglets. Shedding. Guinea pigs are small creatures. Guinea pigs also purr like kitties, squeal like pigs and chatter like squirrels. How Big Are Baby Guinea Pigs? Their coat is also smooth, often one colour – however they do … American (9) 4. They need the fiber for digestion and to keep their teeth filed down. Female guinea pigs are particularly prone to bladder infections, which are also linked to the formation of stones. You can also put its cage in a guest room and just get someone else to be in charge of your piggy. Where does the American guinea pig come from. Otherwise, they may still fight with one another. Elliot P. MRCVS, Wiki How. Description and Physical Characteristics of Guinea Pigs, 8 things you didn’t know about guinea pigs, Skinny Pig Breed Information – A Guide To The Hairless Guinea Pig, Cockatiel Care – A Complete Guide To Looking After Your Bird, Guinea Pig Breeds – Discover 13 Different Cavies, Guinea Pig Sounds: A Guide To Guinea Pig Noises, Cute Guinea Pig Names – 200 Unique Names To Choose From. Constant access to a large, grassy exercise area. Guinea pig mills are a big problem in the pet trades today. They have a straight to slightly arched back. If you like American guinea pigs, here are some other guinea pig breeds you may be interested in. Before you bring home an American guinea pig pet, be sure you have already located a knowledgeable exotic vet. You may make your hand moist using water so that loose hair sticks to it. The origins of this breed lasts 5000 years B.C. What to do? Melrose Park, IL: Lake Book Manufacturing, Inc, 2014. Unless they’ve passed some form of waste — urine or poop — and remained unclean for a long time, they’re unlikely to smell. These cuties are social and enjoy the company of other guinea pigs. Required fields are marked *. Size: 8 to 9 inches Lifespan: 4 to 7 years Breed profile: American guinea pigs are noted for their prominent ears and round nose. Yes, you can keep your guinea pig, but you have to be careful. Veterinarians specify the following environment requirements: In general, all guinea pigs will be healthier and happier when kept with other pigs. Veterinarians offer the following guidance when choosing a pig from a breeder or adopting a rescued guinea pig: Yes, they are! Yet, they’re vastly different in other ways. If you suspect you may have an allergy to hay, you may want to first purchase some hay and handle it for a week or so to see if you develop allergies. Remove soiled bedding and replace it with a new one. However, many Ridgeback guinea pigs can grow up to 12 inches in size. Pregnancy and pets can be super tricky. This is a detailed guide to the agouti focusing on its appearance, colours, caring requirements and showing requirements. They have smooth, short and soft coats that lie flat and come in a variety of colors ranging from very dark to very light coats with unique patterns. Gestation (pregnancy) in a guinea pig is 63-68 days. Your guinea pig will also need feeding hay to eat. In fact, the American guinea pig is one of the three most popular guinea pig breeds of all time (sharing this honor with the Abyssinian and the Peruvian). The biggest breed of guinea pig out there is the Rex guinea pig. You have entered an incorrect email address! They may also run around in their cage occasionally — be sure to leave it uncrowded. Some other small mammals are similar to the American guinea pigs in many ways. Older animals may grow larger. Plus, there should be a clean area around and under the tail. In a matter of weeks, the little ones can double in size! What Is the Smallest Guinea Pig Breed? Mama guinea pigs will not reject their babies because you touched them. I adore them both. The most serious health issues for guinea pigs are respiratory, digestive and dental. Eliitot P. MRCVS. Environment. All rights reserved. How to Get Your Guinea Pig to Stop Biting You. These include poor wound healing, skin and coat problems, joint swelling, and mouth and skin ulcers and bleeding. Instead, the guinea pig is believed to cure a number of illnesses, including arthritis and jaundice. The American Guinea Pig breeds are descendants of the South American Tschudi Guinea Pig breeds. The American Cavy Breeders Association recognizes 13 distinct guinea pig breeds. They stay awake during the day and early evening and mostly rest at night. Here are three fun facts about the American guinea pig: Historically, guinea pigs played a significant role in South American medicine. If your baby cavy was separated from its mother, then you’ll need to hand-feed it. Otherwise, a guinea pig can easily be injured if dropped, squeezed or handled too roughly. Considered one of the larger-sized rodents weighing up to three pounds (48 ounces), the American Guinea Pig is physically characterized by its stout body, short, flat coat appearing in a variety of colors, rounded nose, and the absence of a tail. However, overfeeding the wrong diet is the primary cause of obesity. Use a teaspoon rather than with a syringe because baby American guinea pigs can choke this way. How to Care for Baby Guinea Pigs. A heritage hog breed, the American Guinea hog may be the best pig for your small homestead. American guinea pig is one of the most natural breeds. They’ll need to be able to choose when to go to bed and when to be active. Habitat should be located in a quiet area during sleep hours. You should expect some natural variation in size between the animals in a litter, with some bigger than others. As a landrace breed, variations are common. Fully adult hogs range from 150 to 300 pounds, depending on sex, frame, and body condition. Clean its cage on a weekly basis, keeping the area dry as well as free from drafts. Guinea pigs can develop abscesses anywhere, but oral abscesses are the most common. determined though genetic testing that the American Guinea Hog is a distinct breed. Personality. They wean their babies at three weeks of age. Typically this happens both inside the gums and outside, causing injury and infection. Sign up, drag and drop and you have you own unique shadow art for any room of your home or business. Guinea pigs are safe, lovely pets that don’t typically bite. Eventually, guinea pigs were brought over to Europe where royals like Queen Elizabeth I bought them as pets. Breeders tend to use the word cavy to describe the animal, while in scientific and laboratory contexts, it is far more commonly referred to by the colloquial name guinea pig. American Guinea Pig Colors Congrats on getting pregnant! These stones are painful and can cause lethal obstructions. Despite its name, the breed is not from the country of Guinea, though the foundation stock was thought to be derived from West Africa.Newer DNA studies point to European origin. They can have solid (one color) fur or patterns. Habitat must be placed in a draft-free area that is not exposed to direct sunlight. If a female guinea pig does not give birth before she is six months old, her pubic bones will fuse. But even though they are small, it doesn’t mean that guinea pigs are easy to care for. It’s also one of the most popular and is probably the breed people picture when thinking of guinea pigs. If you have ever seen a guinea pig “popcorning” with happiness (hopping up and down repeatedly), you know how easy it is to fall in love with these fuzzy cuties! Scurvy leaves your pig vulnerable to all kinds of minor and severe health issues. A single litter can have some size variation, so you can select toward the size that suits you. The guinea pig or domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also known as the cavy or domestic cavy (/ ˈ k eɪ v i /), is a species of rodent belonging to the genus Cavia in the family Caviidae. The shedding, however, increases during the springtime and summer months when they need to be brushed more frequently to get rid of loose hair. To groom your American cavies, brush their coat two to three times a week using a soft-bristled brush. And only you can determine whether now is the ideal time to start a new life with your guinea pig. American guinea is one of the founding cavy breeds that was recognized and shown by the American Cavy Breeders Association. Raise these hogs on pasture for superb meat and charcuterie. Guinea pigs are prone to skin and mammary tumors, as well as other growths. Some of the color variations of American guinea pigs are; dalmatian, Himalayan, white crested, lilac etc.

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