why is my cat staring at nothing



If your cat is indoors, you may notice her stalking a spider, insect, or cat toy. Your cat’s senses are so keen. It could, however, be linked to stress, seizures, abnormal brain waves, or electromagnetic signals in the brain. Petplace notes that hyperesthesia may make your cat to “stare at the wall in between episodes of seeming mania.” Pawing on things on air, twitch their tail, rip their skin, and so on may also be noted. Could it be that she is planning out the next sleep schedule or contemplating how to catch the goldfish in the aquarium? Watch Queue Queue. Do cats see ghosts or spirits of dead people and other supernatural beings? A symptom of ageing if your cat is a senior. To understand them a little better, we will summarize some truths and myths about the vision of cats, only this way you will understand why cats are staring at nothing: 1. Cats know how to ask for things, and they will not hesitate to do that. Your email address will not be published. I'm really starting to worry about him because he does this several times throughout the day. Chalk this up with your cat’s curious nature. She stayed frozen in that anxious pose with her eyes fixed on an empty spot right in the center of the room. The advantage of their superior eyesight is highlighted at night when they are able to discern more objects in the dark than humans ever could. This video is unavailable. MY CAT IS STARING AT NOTHING, FLICKING HIS TAIL AND BACKING AWAY… HE REFUSES TO GO INTO MUMS ROOM… THAT’S IT! Hello?" Could she be seeing ghosts? Maybe your feline pal is just trying to figure something out. Do ghosts make them stare at nothing or space? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My cats would stare at the base of the refrigerator for hours. Here’s what you should know about what your cat is looking at. But, could this be jealousy? Even when a cat seems to be simply staring at a wall there are things that they can sense that humans cannot. As … Tagged with: why WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!?! The cat will then become aggressive to assert alpha status. If you stare straight into a cat’s eyes, it may be seen as a hostile gesture. Felines keep their owners on their proverbial toes, from stalking “dangerous” bits of string hanging from blankets and clothing to taking off at top speed straight out of the litter box. It could be the color, shape, structure, and what have you. So, sometimes a cat just needs to stand next to a wall and stare. There is a lot happening out there which looks very exciting to the cat. Am I paranoid? Share your opinion in the comments section below! Try as we may, we often don’t quite understand the things they do. As a cat parent, you might have seen your cat do some bizarre things once in a while, including staring at the wall, even though you don’t see anything there. stare at nothing But it is a lot, because cat’s senses are so keen. She could be in a single location for many minutes watching you as you work, eat, watch TV, nap, or do just about anything else. But if our eyes and ears were as powerful as a cat’s, maybe … You think there’s nothing there, but your cat’s gaze is fixated on that spot. Cats See What We Can’t. She could have found something that opened a can of her imaginations. Why does my cat stare at me? Whether this is true or not, it is one avenue worth pursuing, but not for the faint-hearted. may be the main reason why they stare at seemingly nothing. Of course, she expects that you do something to manage the situation, and that is what you should try to do. Posted on Friday, September 12 2014. And stare. It's actually not that unusual for a cat to stare fixedly at nothing (apparently) for several minutes. She is a Certified Cat Trainer and a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. What Your Cat Might Actually Be Staring At, Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Staring at You, When Your Cat’s Staring Becomes a Problem, Do you think there are other reasons why your cat might be staring at nothing? My cat is constantly staring into one corner of my room. Have you ever get confused or spooked by your cat staring into space? By staring, they are trying to be watchful or being detectives to any noise they may have heard which may be subtle or beyond the sound frequencies, we can hear. At 10 PM exactly every night, my cat goes from sleeping to erratically staring at the ceiling, yowling, and acting as though something is chasing her. Is your cat staring at a wall? When your cat stares at you, there is the possibility of different things running through her mind. For those who have an indoor cat, staring out the window could be the closest she can get to understanding the outside world. Much scientific research has been done to better understand cats. Most likely, your cat is checking you out and stalking you. Kitties gazing into space or nothing has been associated with the presence of ghosts, things we cannot see. That is why she will come to you when she is feeling depressed, cold, anxious, or just out of her skin in any way possible. Before you conclude that the cat is staring at nothing, you might want to consider that you are not able to see what she is so interested in—although it doesn’t mean that your mind should immediately wander to spirits and ghosts—it could just be insects or shadows. It can be unnerving to look up and suddenly notice that your cat is staring at you intently. A staring competition is not a game for a cat. You will be able to know if this is what your cat is suffering from if such behaviors are accompanied by: Aggressively attacking her own tail between or after staring episodes. Staring off into space is one possible sign of cats developing cognitive dysfunction syndrome. It seems like your cat is staring and meowing at nothing, and for no reason. Stella Noble lives in Warren, Michigan with her family and three cats. 1 Notes. Your friends say that your cat is looking at ghosts, but you say your cat might see a small bug because you don’t believe in spirits. Are they trying to avoid making eye contact with us? When you catch your cat staring at the wall, and you don’t seem to see anything, she could be having a curious interest in bugs or tiny objects (such as a speck of dust) on the wall. This may be your reaction when your cat suddenly jumps on your chest and stares at you while you’re lying on your back in bed. Reasons Why Your Cat Might Be Staring at You. I was looking at this because if I make eye contact with my cat while he’s staring at me nothing happens but if I stare back , his pupils get big and he stars to lick my face. "When cats appear to be staring into space, they may actually be detecting subtle motion, as their vision is much more acute than ours," Dr. Barrack said. When your cat gets bored, she sometimes launches into what you deem a destructive behavior to get your attention. But there’s another issue. musiciansfury reblogged this … The cat will be sitting or standing a few meters from you and have her eyes fixed steadily in your direction. https://perromart.com.sg/.../why-is-my-cat-staring-at-nothing-or-the-wall But if our eyes and ears were as powerful as a cat’s, maybe we’d feel differently about it. We had a discussion on why kitties stare at their owners or why they may gaze at each other. Let us look at the possible reasons why these pets may keep their eyes fixed at a wall, blank space, out of the window or what may seem like nothing. I couldnt understand why. If you suppose your cat is stressed out or feeling insecure, you should pick her up and let her know everything is okay. Learn why this is happening here. That is not the only interesting thing about their hearing, though. This is more on to the side of superstitions that reality. Even though the eyes are open, times like these are when one is said to have blanked out. It is said that seeing is believing. Humans sometimes sit in one position and stare into space while not actually seeing anything in front of them. When my cats are staring at the floor or wall, it’s usually because they’re obsessed with an insect. Why do they do so? So why is my cat staring at me? May 24, 2019; Fact Checked; Felines keep their owners on their proverbial toes, from stalking “dangerous” bits of string hanging from blankets and clothing to taking off at top speed straight out of the litter box. I paused to pet him and I noticed him staring right past my head into the kitchen. If your cat starts staring at the wall, ceiling, you, or any other object in the house after an episode of mania, she might have something else bothering her. Sometimes your cat is just listening to the echoes from elsewhere bouncing off the wall! There are different things about a bug that could fascinate the cat. Why do cats stare at the walls, nothing or space? She was walking around looking for something, - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Sometimes, kitties stare at various things including in the space, wall, corners, out of the window, their owners, and other objects out of pure curiosity. Cats Staring At Nothing. At times, they can be snuggly companions, at other times, they act more like creatures from the great beyond. Cats have incredible hearing and sight. While I don’t want to anthropomorphize what’s really going on in your cat’s head while she stares at you, I often feel it’s due to the predator’s instinct. You can always get a vet to perform some tests on your cat to be sure she is fine. It is possible they are looking at small bugs on crevices on your wall, dust particles reflection by the sun or even a reflection on your television on the wall. lol Usually, this means cats will stare at something, like the ceiling, or a particular place on the wall and WE can't see ANYTHING. Staring at a wall sounds like the most boring thing you could do — it’s even less exciting than watching paint dry. Cats Have Super-Powered Hearing. She can sit in a spot for a long time, trying to make sense of what she has just seen or heard. For a cat that seems to stare deep into space at what seems to be nothing at all, it could be because they do see something. Your cat’s meowing at night may have much to do with the fact that they are naturally more active at certain hours of the night. Your cat isn’t necessarily a pest control expert, however. Cats are territorial by nature and usually don’t take a liking to a rival cat moving in on their turf. Next, we will explain what it is your cat could be looking at that you can’t see, then we will list the reasons why your cat keeps staring at you, because that’s often the creepiest part. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she is plotting your demise, though. The other day though, I was sitting on the couch playing video games and he jumped onto my lap, purring. Cats are naturally more active at night. So, the cat staring in my case is my cat’s way of signaling their desire for me to engage with them. 2019 Agu 14 - Besides being playful, extremely brainy and so cutes, cats are also curious creatures who want to interact and communicate with their owners, other kitties or pets. She will go from staring one minute to frantically zooming around chaotically, hissing at inanimate objects, and panting. Where we see nothing but dull drywall and flat colors, cats see a range of fascinating things that are almost psychedelic. One, way more than others. I'll be laying in bed, not doing anything and she sits next to me and stares at me, doing nothing but purring. At this point, you should have a better idea of what could be going through your feline’s brain when she enters this staring state. I found my cat underneath my porch this morning, sitting in the middle, staring at absolutely nothing and meowing as loud as she can. They will also hear things from a location that is 4 to 5 times farther than what humans are capable of. It can be a sign of dominance. For instance, it may “wander aimlessly, stare at walls, and appear lost or confused at times or stand still and stare.”. There won’t be any of that pawing or meowing that she does when she is around you too, so there is no telling for how long she has been there. If it is getting out of hand though, don’t forget to see a vet or an experienced pet care specialist for professional help. We were in the living room. One, a male black shorthair, is starting to act rather oddly. What to do? Share your opinion in the comments section below! Hence, the marathon staring session. Some cats have learned, just like some dogs have, to sit in front of their owners and stare to get their owners to feed them or play with them. Why Does My Cat Stare At Me While I Sleep? Here are some reasons why our feline friends can’t stop staring into space. It is thus not surprising that we assume our cats see things that are not there simply because we can’t see these things. Copyright © 2021 Pet Care Advisors | All Rights Researved. This is more of an assumption, but given the intelligence of cats, cannot be ruled out. There are a lot of myths on this subject alone—ghosts and other spectral beings being the most common answer. There actually is something scientific to the kind of horror movie scenario mentioned above. With the help of a cat behaviorist, "Simon's Cat Logic" explains why cats suddenly dart around the house, on the furniture and even (grrrr) up and down the curtains. When the bug moves, the cat suddenly becomes active again, not wanting to lose her source of amusement. It’s always the same corner, plus he’s scared and just moves away when I try to pet him and assure him everything is okay. evil creatures cat Eurgh What's scaring you what is it what can you see? It can be unnerving to look up and suddenly notice that your cat is staring at you intently. We will explore these possibilities in the section below. For instance, your cat may walk around for a while and then get "stuck" in corners, or they may "forget" to use their litter box. Does anyone else have a cat that does this? What we see as the passing of a shadow is something your cat could see in real time. This can be attributed to the fact that they have a spectacular brain we might not grasp how it works. 1. Do you think there are other reasons why your cat might be staring at nothing? Very interesting reading, especially for this age. Having associated you with being her parent and providing everything she needs—food, care, and shelter—it is not unnatural that she looks to you for affirmation in times like this. Now that we have established a basis being that your cat is not just doing things out of the ordinary, we have curated a selection of things she could be fixating on. Just watching you do whatever it is you are engrossed in could be enough entertainment for her. As we all know, cats are said to be able to bridge this world and the next. Medically, this is referred to as hyperesthesia. I have two cats and they both stare at nothing or at least something which I can't see! Why is my cat staring at the wall? Therefore, there is a possibility that they are seeing something we may not be able to see with our own eyes. For the past 20 minutes my cat has been staring at the same spot on the wall behind me. I don’t believe in them. I don’t think so. It seems like your cat is staring and meowing at nothing, and for no reason. Just watch their […] Ms. Smith was a journalist who originally set out to disprove such things and later learned a great deal. SAVE UP TO 50% OFF or More on Today's BEST DEALS on Pet Supplies! For instance, they may be stalking prey on the wall since they have natural hunting instincts before they can sneak on them without being detected. He started to drift off to sleep, and then he sat up really quickly with his eyes wide open and his ears perked up. Plus, cats have a natural sense of entitlement — they think everything we do must be for them, so why shouldn’t they expect a bite? The problem is that when a cat is growling, it's not always obvious to us why they're growling. Nearly every pet parent who has spent some quality time with their pets have been there before. The cat will. If your dog sees something of interest, he will either pursue it or move on from it once he’s determined that it’s not worth his attention. Why do cats stare at nothing? To understand your cat better, you should check out our article on, Why Cats are Better Than Dogs: 17 Reasons Why Cats Are Superior Pets, Why Do Cats Stare at Walls: Understanding the Spooky Wall Show, what does it mean when a cat winks at you. Why does my cat meow at night? Could a cat staring at the wall be a sign of the supernatural? I've found, with my own cat, that usually, there IS something there, like tiny bug or a piece of 'something' that I see when I get very up close to it! While the human hearing frequency is between 20Hz and 20,000Hz, your cat can easily triple that to about 60,000Hz! What may look like your cat staring at the wall may actually be your cat listening to something that you can’t hear. And yes, I'm positive she's looking at me. Before cats got domesticated, their ancestors were wild animals roaming the forests like every other species in the animal kingdom. You have to admit that this has to be one of the options to look at. They can look at where you point, reading your intentions, and also seem to be able to read your emotions—when you’re happy, sad, excited, etc. One common thing these pets do is to stare. As they age, cats often suffer a decline in functioning, including their cognitive functioning. Why is my cat staring at my new kitten? Watch Queue Queue Check to make sure its something like that, the cat could even just need some stimulation. Besides being playful, extremely brainy and so cutes, cats are also curious creatures who want to interact and communicate with their owners, other kitties or pets. Sometimes her star… Maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle. It could be some food or just some attention. Perhaps something as such is at play when your cat starts staring. This is the last point of concern on this list, but it is certainly not the least. He will literally crouch down and stare under the couch. You will often look in such directions and find nothing of interest. If you have a cat yowling at night, it’s only natural that you’ll be wondering why they do it. We use cookies to help give you the best experience. If your cat keeps staring at the wall including a blank one or on space, corner and so on, you do not need to be worried unless they are also showing some abnormal behaviors that need medical attention. Why Is My Cat Staring at Walls or at Nothing? I saw nothing, but my cat's overt display meant something. Their strong hearing ability, may also explain why they seem to be staring at nothing at times, they may very well be listening to something. Their advanced eyesight helps them detect subtle motions that we aren’t capable of seeing. These senses have been passed down from generation to generation and domestication does not take it all out. When Can Kittens Leave Their Mother: Preparing Them to... Why Do Cats Hiss: Giving Words to the Scary Sound. It went on for like 10 minutes. How else could the strange behavior of the cat at the time be explained? Cats are naturally curious creatures. A few examples would be when my cat was lying on my bed next to me purring and just lying there, then suddenly she stops purring, freezes, fixated on a spot on my pillow next to me! Some may even do the head pressing. Other times, you could catch your cat staring at the wall or the ceiling with interest. Cats do not regard owners as their masters. If you have ever witnessed how cats play with their prey and stare at them till they move again, this will make more sense to you. Why do most cats stare like this? Your cat just seems to have found something. For the last 2 nights the cat won’t leave the kitchen and she sits staring at the floor ! And stare. They use various ways to communicate to you, other kitties or pets. We are sure you must have caught your cat watching you before. Many have argued that pets such as cats are very intuitive and perceptive of things that exist beyond the physical realm. My cat (she's black too) does this as well. For a cat that seems to stare deep into space at what seems to be nothing at all, it could be because they do see something.A study by Ron Douglas, a biologist at City University London, England, indicates that cats (among other mammals) are thought to see in ultraviolet light.UV light is the wavelength beyond the visible light from red to violet that humans can see. If so, we're pretty sure the above two questions have popped into your head before! Is there a scientific reason why your cat keeps staring at the wall? Don’t even imagine competing with them as they are obviously going to trounce you without even having to blink. Don't scratch constantly or the cat will get bored. As members of the feline species, cats are meant to be predators. Should I worry? When was the last time you took some time out of your busy schedule to play with your cat? Go onto the other side of the wall and very gently scratch your finger on it, quiet enough that the sibling can't hear it. Sometimes he even starts attacking the floor under it like there is something there. Their eyes are especially attuned to movement, so a glint of sunlight off a dust mote can transfix their attention until they are sure nothing is going to move again. They are only trying to send messages, express themselves or ‘talk’. Just because the cat is not vocal at that point in time does not mean she doesn’t need something from you. It was bright afternoon, sunlight was coming through the big front window, bathing me in warmth and light as I sat in my chair, working on something on my iPad. My husband and I joke around that she is watching Lucy (the ghost of the old lady that used to own our house) as she hovers around our bedroom. She can hear something that humans … Needless to say, many jump out of bed screaming. Cats are curious and capricious creatures. Forget TV, I’ll Watch the Wall. Yet, not much is known of their brains. This is almost like stalking, and it is the spookiest one of them all. Have you ever noticed your cat doing something strange? 6. Why Is My Dog Staring at Me? But if your cat is staring at you, it’s likely harmless. Why did I have to ask that? Also, as it may be due to cognitive decline or cognitive dysfunction syndrome where according to Dr. Catheryn Becker, may make your cat to disoriented and confused. It may however be good to check with a vet just in case, sometimes odd behavior like staring at nothing, placing it's head up against walls and/or other things like that can be a sign of neurological problems. That is understandable since cats are a naturally outdoor species before domestication kicked in.

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