rationing by queues



POLTEROVICH, (1979): "The Budgetary Paradox in the Model of Economic. COROLLARY Theorem 5 hold, B' =B~,and n = 1. Politicians would like to use economic theory. Then a stagnation period came. Q.E.D. Rationing also … So the rationing system of the good i really works only if pi 0 such that 1; I7= O'(1 -~)/2under E 5F,. So, the scalar ri means the quantity of time which is necessary to buy a unit of the good i at the fixed price jii. If V; 2VY and m = 2, then V/ 2V: due to Pareto optimality of competi- tive equilibria. Black market models were also considered by Ericson (1984), Makarov et al. Obviously, the second inequality (6.20) entails A8. . is increasing in c,,. A5: Each component of the demand function is nondecreasing with respect to A (normality condition). There were serious obstacles for empirical research of queue mechanisms and black markets in centrally planned economies. Perestroika revealed the serious shortage of knowledge about rationing mech- anisms and their connections with interests of consumer groups of different welfare levels. Denote by Ck(p, w, P,), L,(p, w, Pk) "the demand functions" of consumer k for goods and leisure correspondingly. By continuity one can find S > 0 such that if llcll IS then, for all T, from (6.19). By contradiction, suppose W,(p", p,, Or) 3 WO > 0. V. (1978): "Economic Equilibrium under Disequilibrium Prices," Unpublished manuscript (in Russian). Then, Due to (8.121, (8.13) one has balance B-equilibrium conditions and (8.10). Secondly, the development of black markets may intensify the resistance to the transition. The transition involves larger losses for this group if black markets prevail under rationing or queues, while a group of high income consumers gains. Let @,(h, A) = (@,,(h, A)):=+/ be a solution of the problem (2.1) under k = 1. They have utility functions, One can check that under 6 > 0, these functions fulfil all assumptions of Theorem 9 excluding A9. The following statement gives a result of comparison of R-and Q-equilibria. One can note that gf =pR, if i G Il and cE > d:,; the difference & -Pk is a compensation for price increases. Q. E. D. The first statement of Theorem 6 resembles the so called Third Hicks' Law. Some If the total quantities of goods y grow under fixed z, then the share of the official markets decreases, market and official prices draw nearer, and one could suppose increases in leisure time. Price Ceiling Definition | Effects, Graph, and Examples | BoyceWire It is nondecreasing in B as well since, C(pl,wl,B~)Ic(pl, wl, B1) =y15y2 = c(p2, w2, B'), P(pl, w1,p2, z2, B2) + p25 P(pl,~l,pl,zl, B1) + p1= 0. Hence p' =p2. COROLLARY8: Under the assumptions of Corollary 7, if utility functions, incomes, and time endowments of all consumers are identical (or close enough), then all agents lose under proportional increasing of their incomes. This phenomenon (the "budget paradox") is possible in the market economy with several consumers but not under GS- and normality conditions (Polterovich and Spivak (1979)). Competitiue Equilibria under Fixed Incomes, If all prices are flexible and there is no rationing, then consumer behavior is described by the standard optimization problem, where u,(c,) =u,(c,, T,). By contradiction, suppose, Using necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality one can check that for each k there exists a price vector qk such that qf =pp if i E I,; qf 22i, if i G I,, and. Their dependence on j, z, and B = (P,) is described by the following theorem. Then cf = ~~-yk, Pi). PHOT: Meat rationing commences in butchers shops. Note that e depends on utility functions and constants y', y", Or, O", z', u. SANDBERG, I. W. (1978): "A Criterion for the Global Stability of a Price Adjustment Process," Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 192-199. If w' = 0 then p' SF, 1; = Tk, lb =0 (see (63, (6.31, (6.6)). 5. We get Theorem 2 by considering a slightly generalized version of the S-model. In other cases he preserves all the quantity for leisure. Let vF(~,z) be the B-equilibrium value of the utility function uk under fixed official prices p and total rations z. Denote PB = {p: pM sp spB)where p M, are M-equilibrium and B-equilibrium prices. The same is true without these restrictive assumptions if income of a consumer is small enough. Firstly a group of people with low incomes has serious reasons to be against transitions from rationing and even queues to the market system. -(i982j: "Equilibria and Efficiency in the Fixprice Setting," Journal of Economic Theory, 28, 113-127. BALASKO,Y. If rBz = 0 then 1; = Tk, (pB -p)+z = 0 (see (3.8)-(3.11), (3.13)). Let Fk(p, p,) be the solution of problem (3.1). All quantities which are not purchased at fixed prices (including y -2 and a residual of z) are sold in free markets at flexible equilibrium prices pJ. We have dkq = 0 and Ykr = 0 Vk if r EI. where h' = w'), h2= (p2, w2), x = (y, -y). due to normality and the GS-property. Under p w =w', one has competitive balance conditions: We shift to the B-equilibrium under p =p(to) into two steps. (The revalua- tion of unmarketable goods is quite usual for real rationing systems.) In frameworks of a one-good model with queues and production a similar phenomenon was observed by, The richest consumer may be better off or worse off under transition from a B-equilibrium to a market equilibrium. Is it reasonable to permit reselling of coupons and goods purchased at official prices? (4.1) fulfil GS- and normality conditions. Rationing. 91+5 sentence examples: 1. Wartime austerities included food rationing and shor 9: The utility functions are time-separable: where pk is strictly increasing in each of two cariables, and ck is a function of n cariables. -(1991): "Price Distortion and Shortage Deformation or What Happened to the Soap?" As an example, consider the following situation with two consumers and two goods. Since wB(t0)s wB(0)this step doesn't deteriorate the position of the richest consumer m due to the GS-property and because of the increasing ratio of his income to the incomes of other consumers (see Corollary 1). Therefore u,(c(T,), KT,)) > u,(O, T,). . I am grateful to Vladimir Spivak and three anonymous referees for exceptionally thorough and helpful comments on earlier versions of the paper. ASSUMPTIONz >> 0, and maxi (CkFki(lj, Pk), A8: yi) > 0. and L,(p, w, p,) is the Br-demand functions for leisure. There are two reasons to consider rationing and queues jointly with the free market. It means that the property to be a gross substitute and normal demand function is inherited under fixation of some arguments of the utility function (see Corollary 5 in Section 6). Then, Since vectors qBare uniformly bounded one can find a vector d' >> 0 such that 7wB2pBd' for all B-equilibria, and we have, Let F IE,. Therefore for all e small enough. If ~(p', wl) = T, then (8.17) and (6.14) entail. pB = (p --Z)= 2, wB= [p(y+ z) -2pyz]/T(y -z) = 2.95, where p = p, + p2, T = T, + T2.One can check that dcf/dp1 < 0, dlf/dp, < 0,and the first loses under increasing pl. The fixed commodity vector y must be distributed among the consumers. w,. Suppose that the set p ~ I = {i~pp, ( 0 under p E P. Since W,(p, p,, 0) 5 W,(pU,p,, Or), Corollary 10 will be proved if Wk(prr, p,, Or) 30 under p, -0. American Economic Review, 81, 401-414. Rationing, long queues and empty shelves in Cuba as the … If approaches zero uniformly with respect to j,z, y, 8, p,. © 1993 The Econometric Society PROOFOF LEMMA2: Consider the case Lk(p, w, p) = Tk and w > 0 which entails the general statement. We have: pf I (p,+ wBT1)/cfl and, wB/pf 2 17wB/(pl f wBT1)> 85/(54 + 20) = 7> 1. Suppose that only the first good is useful to the first participant, but the second consumer purchases both commodities. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. This lemma is a variation of well-known propositions (see Sandberg (1978), Polterovich and Spivak (1983)). THEOREM9: Let Assumptions A1-A5 and A9 hold and the functions @,,(h, A) be increasing in A under all h >> 0, all k and i I n. Suppose in addition that (6.19), (6.20), are fulfilled and Tk = O for all k. If PI = min Pk, p,/max Pk 5 K < 1. then there exists e, > 0 such that under 0 5 F IE, the poorest agent 1 prefers any B-equilibrium to the corresponding M-equilibrium. Many shops closed early and waiting queues were disappointed. Since p(t) sp(tr) under t 5 t', and in view of Theorems 5 and 6, the function pB(t) is nonincreasing and the functions l:(t) are nondecreasing in t. Therefore there exists toE [O, 11 such that, (It includes the possibilities that only one of the relations holds for the whole interval.) Its price increases and the first consumer loses. In this case both of the B and B'-equilibria coincide with a competitive equilibrium. As a rule, legal free markets coexist with other types of allocation mechanisms even in centrally planned economies. Our main purpose is to study dependencies of equilibria and equilibrium consumer welfare on these and some other parameters. where Or, O", y', y", z', v are constants. Therefore we write the first balance condition (ii) as an equality.3. Med Econ. To prove the GS-property and normality one should show that, for 0 < /L) I p + w -w', i # n + 1, i E J. queues, then consumer k can spend his total quantity of nonwork time T, for waiting and for leisure. Theorem 3 shows that, for a rationed economy, the legalization of black markets can entail stronger resistance to the competitive market transition since it increases the transition losses for a group of poor people. Therefore one can take d; = di, = zi\m if p! In this section we study the dependence of equilibrium prices pB and leisure lB= CI; on fixed prices 2, incomes pk, and quantities of goods y and z. The introduction of reselling makes the situation better for the first: he receives a half of the second good and sells it to increase his income. BRAVERMAN,(1972): "Production Models with Disequilibrium Prices," Economics and. Suppose that 1; 1. Denote by F(p) the total free market demand function under incomes Pk, F(p) = CF,(p, Pk), where Fk(p, Pk) is the solution of the problem (3.1). If, in addition, Assumption A7 and y 2 P are calid, and A8 or y > p holds, then w' = w2. Besides the time constraints are fulfilled as equalities, From (6.21, (8.151, and (8.12)-(8.14) one has. Let us consider the general case p 2 1, and compare the equilibria for two situations: one has: p1 =pp3, w' =pw3, 1; = 1: = w3, P;), and the problem is re- duced to the case p = 1for situations 3 and 2. Under time separability and weak depen- dence on leisure, the poorest prefers queues with black markets to the competi- tive market. So, the first consumer is poorest, and consumer m is richest. This contradicts A7. Let us introduce an additional assumption. The transition involves larger losses for this group if black markets prevail under rationing or queues, while a group of high income consumers gains. It was shown in the proof of Theorem 8 that the set of wB is separated from zero and the set of qB is bounded above. (1986): "Equilibrium, Rationing, and Stability," Optimization, 38(55), 5-120 (in Russian). One can finish the proof by the comparison of optimality conditions for consumer problems at B'- and B-equilibria. The government introduced meat rationing in May. One can prove that Assump- tions A1-A5 entail gross substitutability and normality of the functions5 Fk. Let us recall that Qk(h, A) is the solution of problem (2.1) as a function of prices h = (p, w) and income A. That is a contradiction with the budget equalities and F(3) > 0. To explore some properties of G(h) we need two weak additional assumptions. It is omitted. Let ij ~j, and let qS,pS be the corresponding S-equilibrium prices. Then one can check that pf/@,2~://3, for all k, P;/P, 2 P~/P, + wB(l -~)8'/ 2. If (a) is valid then. (1975): "On the Role of Money in the Process of Exchange and Existence of a Non-Walrasian Equilibrium," The Review of Economic Studies, 42, 489-501. (1986), and Zak. It follows from Theorem 2 that the richest gains under the transition from rationing with speculation to the competitive market, but the poorest loses. Canada--the truth about queues. It promotes studies that aim at the unification of the theoretical-quantitative and the empirical-quantitative approach to economic problems and that are penetrated by constructive and rigorous thinking. [page needed] [page needed]At the start of the Second World War in 1939, the United Kingdom was importing 20 million long tons of food per year, including about 70% of its cheese and sugar, almost 80% of fruit and about 70% of cereals and fats. Firstly, we substitute lB(t0)for IB(0) and find the new equilibrium point. We show that queue rationing under price controls is one driver of high-frequency trading. D. ALEXEEV,M. Oxford: Oxford University Press. DRBZE,J. The sum of the payments should be equal to the total income which could be obtained from black market activities. Obviously, z 2 v, y for some v, > 0. Its main points may be found in the proof of Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 below (see also Remark 3 in the Appendix). BENASSY,J.-P. (1982): The Economics of Market Disequilibrium. u,(u,(c~M), ee) < u,(u1(cf), 0) < ul(uI(cIB), elf). 2. Obviously, oR2 z/m, wS 2 z/m for R-and S-equilibrium rations. It means that V;(jj(t), 2) is the maximum value of um(cm, 8) under pB(t)cm = pm, c, 2 0. Uniform tick sizes constrain price competition and create rents for liquidity provision, particularly for securities with lower prices. We proved that I = 0 and pQ >p. Wartime rationing 80 years ago - plus powered egg, horse meat, … The existence of rationing schemes which prevent black market activities was proved in Balasko (1979) and Polterovich (1980, 1990). If Assumptions A1-A5 hold, then =p2. Therefore the statement of Theorem 9 seems to be obvious and A9 looks like a superfluous assumption. We shall compare equilibrium vectors hS= (jS,zS, BS, yS), s = 1,2 under futed T,. Since pB(t) is nonincreasing. E. (1984): "The Second Economy and Resource Allocation under Central Planning," Journal of Comparative Economics, 8, 1-24. If dkq = 0 and ckq = 0, then we redefine yk, and take yk, = 0. Let p, = 54, p2= 108; T, = T2= 4 and y = (18;36).Consider the case 6 = 0. Many shops closed early and waiting queues were disappointed. -y,, >p,. Q. E. D. COROLLARY9: IfA1-AS, A7, and A8 are fulfilled, T, = 8, and all preferences are identical, then the richest doesn't lose under transition to the market. It means that the constraints (3.7) are taken away. During transition from rationing and queues to a market system, a group of low income people loses. Therefore the following proposition is valid. If the value of time is very low for a poor consumer, then it is reasonable to suppose that she/he would prefer queues with black markets to the competitive equilibrium. Downloadable (with restrictions)! During transition from rationing and queues to a market system, a group of low income people loses. If one introduces rationing of the second good only (by setting p, large enough) and the fixed price j, is low, then the second consumer can save some money to demand a larger quantity of the first good. Q.E. THEOREM 3: Let Assumptions A1-A6 be fuljilled. Some other comparative statics results are developed for a queue model with black markets. . In this case (I/;)' > 0, if the vector pM -Ij is nonnegative and small enough and if wk(pM, P,, T,) is not the minimum time value. BARRO, R. J., AND H. I. GROSSMAN (1971): "A General Disequilibrium Model of Income and, Employment," American Economic Review, 61, 82-93. CEMI, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117418, Russia. Hence the pair of vectors cl = dl =Fl(p, PI) fulfills the constraints (3.4)-(3.7); therefore. As above, we denote p = Cpk. 자세히 알아보기. Due to (6.24), (6.29, and (5.21, we get, 7. It is possible that a is large but P,/CP, is small. THEOREM6: Assume that Al, A2, A4, A5, A7, and A8 are ualid, y1 >> zl, and. This is impossible under y > p or under y = p and A8. Firstly, B-equilibrium prices are higher than competitive ones. Indeed, in this case every agent chooses a resale vector d, by maximization of profit from resale (p -p)d, under the same constraints. Main empirical explorations of Soviet black markets were made by western economists (see Grossman (1987a)). SO all budget constraints are satisfied. GROSSMAN,G. New York: Academic Press. = Vm"($(l), 2) 2 V,B(F(~O), z). TOBIN,J. Reselling of goods purchased at fixed prices is not permitted. COROLLARY1: If Assumptions A1-A5 hold, then the St-equilibrium price vector P is nonincreasing in supply y and in fixed prices j, and nondecreasing in incomes B and rations 8. DEFINITION4: An array E~ = (pB,T B, {c:, df, It}?) In these cases we omit the second argument and denote u,(c,) = u,(c,, T,). If, in addition, A7 is ualid, and A8 (for y = y2) or y2 > /? Due to A9 the consumer demand functions for goods C,(p, w,P,) in the B'-model can be presented in the form, where F,(p, p,) are solutions of problem (3.1), and. JSTOR is part of ITHAKA, a not-for-profit organization helping the academic community use digital technologies to preserve the scholarly record and to advance research and teaching in sustainable ways. THEOREM2: If Assumptions A1-A5 hold, then the function vS(p, z) is well de$ned; the function V? During transition from rationing and queues to a market system, a group of low income people loses. where I = (i: 7?>0, zI >0). 4: The B-and B'-models are equivalent: if, is a B-equilibrium, then one can find w' such that, is a B'-equilibrium under 4= T -El;; and if is a B1-equilibrium, then, It follows from Theorem 4 and from the classic first welfare theorem that B-equilibrium allocations ({cf, If,}?, I,) are Pareto-optimal on the set. B~~B~,y Then p1 2p2. >Ji, and dfi = dci = 0 if p! MUMBAI: Banks played down expectations of a dramatic improvement in currency availability, raising the prospect of queues lengthening as salaries get paid and people look to withdraw money from their accounts. In view of (6.20) the set of B-equilibria is separated from the set of M-equilibria. Due to the GS-property and normality of individual demands Fki(q, pk) 5 cfi for i EIl; hence, Using (5.3) and the GS-property again, we have, In view of (5.3)-(5.5) and A6, we get the following inequality for the total demand. Let us denote, qS =pS/wS, AS, =P;/w\ AS=BS/wS, AS =PS/wS= Chsk. So, the constraint (3.12) is absent, and we have the following definition. 1993 May 24;70(10):168-72, 174-80, 183. For example, one egg per week per person. So S-equilibrium may be considered as a special case of B-equi- librium. L., V. A. VASILYEV, A. N. KOZYREV, AND V. M. MARAKULIN. Manuscript received Nouember, 1991; final revision received September, 1992. The demand of consumer k (1 5 k 5 m) is supposed to be a solution of the following problem: where w is a price of time (implicit wage rate). GRANDMONT, J.-M. (1977): "Temporary General Equilibrium Theory," Econornetrica, 45, 535-572. The function u, depends on the n-dimensional consumption vector c, and on leisure I,. Women’s tendency to spend their time caring for their families rather than indulging in personal leisure pursuits was utilised by the state as an indispensable aspect of the austerity policy. Rationing by Waiting Lists By COTTON M. LINDSAY AND BERNARD FEIGENBAUM* Queues are observed to emerge in two distinct settings in economic theory. Boston: Academic Press. One can find a constant wk> 0 such that the triple c;, dt, 1; is a solution of the problem. Suppose in addition that at least one of the conditions (a), (b) is fuljilled: PROOF: Using Theorems 5 and 6 and the equalities, T -IS= q" -ps/wS = (qS -ps/wS)+zS, C(qS, 1, BS/wS) = y, one can prove that q1 < q2 and B1/w' << B2/w '. Basic foodstuffs such as In 1916, it became illegal to consume more than two courses whilst lunching in a public eating place or more than three for dinner; fines were introduced for members of th… * An arbitrary finite number of consumers is assumed but basic comparisons are made for the poorest and the richest. The positivity of some components of @, under small incomes and arbitrary prices means that for very poor consumer 1 marginal M-equilibrium values of some goods are much larger than the marginal value of leisure. PROOF: It follows from Lemma 1that pM23, where pMis an M-equilibrium price vector. Due to (6.17) and the definition of Wmone has Hence li(to) = 8, and in view of Theorem 6 lE(t) = O for t E [to, 11. = CP,. In the M-equilibrium the first agent gets all quantity of the first good: c,": = 18, cg = 0, I?

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