medusa before she was cursed



Medusa desired revenge on Athena. Medusa, in Ovid's telling of the tale, was a beautiful young woman, possibly a priestess of Athena. Medusa’s Famous Encounter With Perseus. Medusa was not cursed by Aphrodite. Medusa is the daughter of Phorkys and Keto. people didn't like the way she looked so … i. ( Public Domain ) The Powers of Medusa’s Head . She was cursed by Athena. You see, Medusa was a loyal priestess who just happened to be attractive enough to catch Poseidon’s eye. Among the three girls, Medusa was the only one to be mortal, but she was of radiant beauty, especially her wonderful hair, and consequently had many suitors. In the oldest surviving sources for the Medusa myth, she is seemingly born a Gorgon with the ability to turn people to stone at a glance, she is never raped by … ‘The Perseus Series: The Death of Medusa I’ by Edward Burne-Jones. Medusa kept all the people that turned into stone in her lair, She kept them for decoration. When the blood dripped from Medusa’s head onto the plains of Libya, each drop of blood transformed into venomous serpents. This story, however, is actually radically different from the story the ancient Greeks were familiar with. Medusa was once very beautiful but she was cursed by Athena. Our story begins with a woman named Medusa. Most of what we know of Medusa comes from her short time serving in Athena’s temple and the way in which her head was used after she was beheaded by Perseus. Contrary to some people’s belief, Athena was protecting Medusa when she “cursed” her. She was once a beautiful woman until one day she had been cursed with snakes in her hair and her appearance had changed to the point she was so frightening that if anyone looked into her eyes they would be turned to stone. When Poseidon starts to advance on her, she runs into the temple, thinking that Athena would protect her. While Medusa is known to be one of the most famous monsters in Greek mythology, there is relatively little that is recorded of her existence before she was beheaded by Perseus. But Poseidon rapes her in … The power of Medusa’s head is seen again when Perseus encountered the Titan Atlas. Her hair which was once beautiful turned into poisonous snakes. Her eyes turned blood shot along with her skin turning green. Medusa was beautiful but when she had relations with Poseidon, Athena became jealous and turned her into a Gorgon with green skin and snakes for hair. After Medusa was raped by Poseidon, all Olympians other than Athena ( and … She is the only one of the three sisters known as Gorgons that was born a mortal. Her features also changed and were so ugly, that whoever looked at her face was turned into stone. It seems that Medusa’s fate was sealed once she was cursed. - picture from team hercules, tumblr One day, as Medusa was worshipping in a shrine of Athena, Poseidon surprised and ravaged her – an outrage against the sacred location. Among those was Poseidon, God of the Sea. Her beautiful hair was changed to that of a head full of snakes. The godess Athena gave her snakes for hair ,and made her so ugly that anyone that stared at her turned to stone. When Perseus asked Atlas for a place to rest for a short … The goddess Minerva was not happy about this behavior and cursed Medusa. Medusa was an extremely beautiful priestess. Apr 24, 2017 - Medusa before and after curse.

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