josé martí obras



José Julián Martí Pérez, nacido el 28 de enero de 1853 en La Habana y muerto en combate a los 42 años el 19 de mayo de 1895 en Dos Ríos, en el Oriente de Cuba, había organizado la Guerra Necesaria que continuaba desde el 24 de febrero de ese año la Revolución iniciada por Carlos Manuel de Céspedes en 1868. [6][5] Following his death in 2016, former Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who played a major role in promoting Martí's image in Revolutionary Cuba,[84] was buried next to Martí in Santiago. The military would have to subordinate themselves to the interests of the fatherland. Consequently, Martí resigned from the Argentinean, Paraguayan, and Uruguayan consulates. On June 30 his wife and son arrived in New York. In January 1871, Martí embarked on the steam ship Guipuzcoa, which took him from Havana to Cádiz. He used many aphorisms—short, memorable lines that convey truth and/or wisdom—and long complex sentences. Tradujo Mis hijos de Víctor Hugo, y Ramona de Helen Hunt Jackson. He worked for Appleton and Company and, "on his own, translated and published Helen Hunt Jackson's Ramona. He married Carmen Zayas Bazán on Havana's Calle Tulipán Street at this time. Obra Poetica - Marti,jose $ 2.891. Havana's international airport is named after Martí. [65] The poetry encountered in this work is "in many [ways] autobiographical and allows readers to see Martí the man and the patriot and to judge what was important to him at a crucial time in Cuban history".[65]. Las obras completas de José Martí no descargan. 7 Obras de José Martí Político republicano democrático, pensador, periodista, filósofo y poeta cubano de origen español (1853-1895) Este libro electrónico presenta una colección de 7 Obras de José Martí en texto completo. Obras completas de José Martí, Edición digital, Centro de Estudios Martianos, La Habana. [20], In 1877, using his second name and second surname[21] Julián Pérez as pseudonym, Martí embarked for Havana, hoping to arrange to move his family away to Mexico City from Havana. There he met Auguste Vacquerie, a poet, and Victor Hugo. In December, Sociedad Gorostiza (Gorostiza Society), a group of writers and artists, accepted Martí as a member, where he met his future wife, Carmen Zayas Bazán, during his frequent visits to her Cuban father's house to meet with the Gorostiza group. "No me entierren en lo oscuro/ Five years after his death, the first volume of his Obras was published. Escritores y artistas cubanos fuera de la isla recuerdan a Martí … Until his last minute, Martí dedicated his life to achieve full independence for Cuba. There is the deliberate intention and awareness to expand the expressive system of the language. All his writing defines his moral world. José Julián Martí Pérez fue un político republicano democrático, pensador, escritor, periodista, filósofo y poeta cubano, creador del Partido Revolucionario Cubano y organizador de la Guerra del 95 o Guerra Necesaria, llamada así a la Guerra de Independencia de Cuba. Gómez had recognized that the Spaniards had a strong position between palm trees, so he ordered his men to disengage. After his breakthrough in Cuba literature, José Martí went on to contribute his works to newspapers, magazines, and books that reflected his political and social views. On November 26 he was invited by the Club Ignacio Agramonte, an organization founded by Cuban immigrants in Ybor City, Tampa, Florida, to a celebration to collect funding for the cause of Cuban independence. [75], The modernists, in general, use a subjective language. On December 7, Martí published his article Alea Jacta Est in the newspaper El Federalista, bitterly criticizing the Porfiristas' armed assault upon the constitutional government in place. Later still, in 1980, Nicaraguan poet Ernesto Mejía Sánchez produced a set of about thirty of Martí's articles written for the Mexican newspaper El Partido Liberal that weren't included in any of his so-called Obras Completas editions. Martí and the CRP were devoted to secretly organizing the anti-Spanish war. This pamphlet's purpose was to move the Spanish public to do something about its government's brutalities in Cuba and promoted the issue of Cuban independence. Here it is noted that after Cuba his interest was directed mostly to Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela. On November 27, 1872, the printed matter Dia 27 de Noviembre de 1871 (27 November 1871) written by Martí and signed by Fermín Valdés Domínguez and Pedro J. de la Torre circulated Madrid. He continued translating for the rest of his life, including his time as a student in Spain, although the period of his greatest productivity was during his stay in New York from 1880 until he returned to Cuba in 1895. out the heart with which I live, In addition to producing newspaper articles and keeping up an extensive correspondence (his letters are included in the collection of his complete works), he wrote a serialized novel, composed poetry, wrote essays, and published four issues of a children's magazine, La Edad de Oro[60](The Golden Age, 1889). meaning: "Young man, charge!" Here [he] was surprised... [he] remarked that no one stood quietly on the corners, no door was shut an instant, no man was quiet. After his death, one of his poems from the book, Versos Sencillos (Simple Verses) was adapted to the song "Guantanamera", which has become the definitive patriotic song of Cuba. Hijo de los españoles Mariano Martí y Leonor Pérez (un cubano universal The style changes the form of thinking. José Martí – Obras Completas (edición crítica). [55] Martí criticized and condemned the elites of the United States as they "pulled the main political strings behind the scenes". Artículos; Cartas; Poesía; La Edad de Oro; Apuntes; Discursos; Documentos; Teatro; Ensayos; Novela ¿Dónde estoy? These things are real magic, more marvelous than any. Se ganó la vida escribiendo para publicaciones tanto en español como en inglés. Entre los centenares de libros que Fidel Castro leyó y estudió durante su permanencia en el Reclusorio Nacional para Hombres de Isla de Pinos se encontraban esos dos tomos, que aun se conservan en la Oficina de Asuntos Históricos del Consejo de Estado. ... Born José Julián Martí y Pérez, he was a Cuban nationalist leader and an important figure in Latin American literature. José Marti - Obras Completas - 2 Cuba Politica Y Revolución $ 847, 31. A consecuencia de estos últimos, fue deportado de Cuba y estuvo mucho tiempo en tierras extranjeras. From this he established the Cuban Revolutionary Party in early 1892. "), The death of Martí was a blow to the "aspirations of the Cuban rebels, inside and outside of the island, but the fighting continued with alternating successes and failures until the entry of the United States into the war in 1898". Como puedo descargalas y en que pagina. [78], Martí's dedication to the cause of Cuban independence and his passionate belief in democracy and justice has made him a hero for all Cubans, a symbol of unity, the "Apostle",[79] a great leader. This page was last edited on 9 February 2021, at 12:55. In 1866, Martí entered the Instituto de Segunda Enseñanza where Mendive financed his studies. On May 27, in the newspaper Revista Universal, he responded to the anti-Cuban-independence arguments in La Colonia Española, a newspaper for Spanish citizens living in Mexico. La gratitud, como ciertas flores, ... El único autógrafo digno de un hombre es el que deja escrito con sus obras. In August he signed up as an external student at the Facultad de Filosofia y Letras de Zaragoza, where he finished his degree by October. Faith in the cause could not die, and the military would not try for domination. In New York he contributed to Venezuelan periodical La Opinión Nacional, Buenos Aires newspaper La Nación, Mexico's La Opinion Liberal, and America's The Hour.[62]. ("Do not bury me in darkness / to die like a traitor / I am good, and as a good man / On June 3 he had an interview with Máximo Gómez in Montecristi, Dominican Republic, where they planned the uprising. [23], In 1878, Martí returned to Guatemala and published his book Guatemala, edited in Mexico. Índice interactivo: - Amistad funesta - La Edad de Oro - La niña de Guatemala - Los z Like many professionals, he undertook for money translation tasks which had little intellectual or emotional appeal for him. The concepts of freedom, liberty, and democracy are prominent themes in all of his works, which were influential on the Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío and the Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral. Martí proposed in a letter to Máximo Gómez in 1882 the formation of a revolutionary party, which he considered essential in the prevention of Cuba falling back on the Home Rule Party (Partido Autonomista) after the Pact of Zanjón. [52], Although Martí opposed US intervention in Cuba, he found American society to be so great that he believed Latin America should consider imitating the United States. For the sincere friend Juan Gualberto Gómez was assigned to orchestrate war preparations for La Habana Province, and was able to work right under the noses of the relatively unconcerned Spanish authorities. Morukian, Maria. A month later, Martí and Máximo Gómez declared the Manifesto de Montecristi, an "exposition of the purposes and principles of the Cuban revolution". The first critical edition of Martí's complete works began to appear in 1983 in José Martí: Obras completas. [29] He turned for solace to Carmen Miyares de Mantilla, a Venezuelan who ran a boarding house in New York, and he is presumed to be the father of her daughter María Mantilla, who was in turn the mother of the actor Cesar Romero, who proudly claimed to be Martí's grandson. Martí demonstrated an anti-imperialist attitude from an early age, and was convinced that the United States posed a danger for Latin America. The Writings of Martí at Peoples are only united by ties of fraternity and love.". Another volume included his poetry. Jose Marti Obras Completas Edicon Critica 22 La Habana $ 900. His writings have created a platform for all that he went through during the duration of this period in time. "El Doctor Fermín Valdés-Domínguez, Hombre de Ciencias y Su Posible Influencia Recíproca Con José Martí", Nassif, Ricardo. The prose is a service to his people. [93], Martí's fundamental works published during his life, Cuban poet, writer, philosopher and nationalist leader, United States, Central America and the West Indies: 1891–94, It is common, and in fact legal, practice in Spanish-speaking societies to use and include the maternal surname as the "second" last name, such that both surnames are the legal and customary surname of an individual. In March 1892 the first edition of the Patria newspaper, related to the Cuban Revolutionary Party, was published, funded and directed by Martí. This was around midday, and he was dressed in a black jacket while riding a white horse, which made him an easy target for the Spanish. [54], However, not everything in the United States was to be admired by Martí. He took residence in the prosperous suburb of Ciudad Vieja, home of Guatemala's artists and intelligentsia of the day, on Cuarta Avenida (Fourth Avenue), 3 km south of Guatemala City. ... We write for children because it is they who know how to love, because it is children who are the hope for the world". [9] In Spain, Martí, who was 18 at the time, was allowed to continue his studies with the hopes that studying in Spain would renew his loyalty to Spain.[13]. Albert Einstein Su Vida Su Obra Y Su Mundo - Jose Ron [16], In June 1874, Martí graduated with a degree in Civil Law and Canon Law. This coincides with his ideology about establishing unity amongst the people, more so those of Cuba, through a common identity, with no regards to ethnic and racial differences. Seu pensamento transcendeu as fronteiras de sua Cuba natal para adquirir um caráter universal. [71], José Martí is universally honored as a great poet, patriot and martyr of Cuban Independence, but he was also a translator of some note. Escribió las obras de teatro: Amor con amor se paga, Patria y libertad, Abdala y Adúltera. José Martí: Revolutionary Democrat. [18] Prevented from returning to Cuba, Martí went instead to Mexico and Guatemala. The former was seen as "hardy, 'soulless', and, at times, cruel society, but one which, nevertheless, had been based upon a firm foundation of liberty and on a tradition of liberty". El ideario de José Martí. On March 2, 1875, he published his first article for Vicente Villada's Revista Universal, a broadsheet discussing politics, literature, and general business commerce. [27] He also served as a consul for Uruguay, Argentina, and Paraguay. One floor above him lived Manuel Antonio Mercado, Secretary of the Distrito Federal, who became one of Martí's best friends. Martí's distrust of North American politics had developed during the 1880s, due to the intervention threats that loomed on Mexico and Guatemala, and indirectly on Cuba's future. Los hombres se dividen en dos bandos: los que aman y fundan, los que odian y deshacen. Martí applauded the United States' Constitution which allowed freedom of speech to all its citizens, no matter what political beliefs they had. He was a key figure in the planning and execution of this war, as well as the designer of the Cuban Revolutionary Party and its ideology. Often, Martí recommended countries in Latin America to "send representatives to learn more relevant techniques in the United States". Before leaving for Cuba, Martí wrote his "literary will" on April 1, 1895, leaving his personal papers and manuscripts to Gonzalo de Quesada, with instructions for editing. [14], On November 27, 1871, eight medical students, who had been accused (without evidence) of the desecration of a Spanish grave, were executed in Havana. He traveled extensively in Spain, Latin America, and the United States, raising awareness and support for the cause of Cuban independence. [7], Martí signed up at the Escuela Profesional de Pintura y Escultura de La Habana (Professional School for Painting and Sculpture of Havana) in September 1867, known as San Alejandro, to take drawing classes. - A los niños que… The vast amount of writing that Martí produced in his lifetime makes it difficult to determine his exact political ideology, but his major goal was the liberation of Cuba from Spain and the establishment of a democratic republican government. I cultivate a white rose[66]. Born in Havana, Spanish Empire, Martí began his political activism at an early age. [76], The difference that Martí established between prose and poetry are conceptual. On this mission, Martí made numerous speeches and visited various tobacco factories. The following night, another lecture, " Los Pinos Nuevos", was given by Martí in another Tampa gathering in honor of the medical students killed in Cuba in 1871. At this time, Martí registered himself as a member of independent studies in the law faculty of the Central University of Madrid. Martí learned English at an early age, and had begun to translate at thirteen. They are nourished by a different system of trade, have links with different countries, and express their happiness through quite contrary customs. In July he visited the president of the Mexican Republic, Porfirio Díaz, and travelled to Veracruz. in the newspaper Patria where he denounced collusion between the Spanish and American interests. His unification of the Cuban émigré community, particularly in Florida, was crucial to the success of the Cuban War of Independence against Spain. Martí believed that "el hombre del sur", the man of the South, should choose an appropriate development strategy matching his character, the peculiarity of his culture and history, and the nature that determined his being. He wrote for numerous Latin American and American newspapers; he also founded a number of newspapers. (Notimérica) - Se cumplen 164 años del nacimiento del político, filósofo y poeta cubano Título: Poemas / traducción de José Martí. [42] Together with other Cubans resident in New York, Martí started laying the grounds for the Revolutionary Party, stressing the need for a democratic organization as the basic structure before any military leaders were to join. José Martí: Vida y Obra es un sitio especial dedicado a promover la vida y obra del Héroe Nacional de Cuba en su 160 aniversario de natalicio. En un día como hoy.. jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011. José Martí: Obras Literarias: José Martí consagró su vida a sus ideales filosóficos y patrióticos. 178–81. [57] Although North American society had its flaws, they tended to be "of minor importance when compared to the broad sweep of social inequality, and to the widespread abuse of power prevalent in Latin America". El mes anterior celebramos el natalicio de Rubén Darío, el precursor del modernismo. Usado. And for the cruel person who tears [77], Martí produces a system of specific signs "an ideological code" (código ideológico). Edición conmemorativa del Cincuentenario de su muerte. [He] stopped [him]self, [he] looked respectfully on this people, and [he] said goodbye forever to that lazy life and poetical inutility of our European countries". Volumen 8. Some of his Versos Sencillos had a premonitory quality: El final de Martí.. domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017. Martí was the elder brother to seven sisters: Leonor, Mariana, Maria del Carmen, Maria del Pilar, Rita Amelia, Antonia and Dolores. [90] These Cuban exiles still honor Martí as a figure of hope for the Cuban nation in exile and condemn Castro's government for manipulating his works and creating a "Castroite Martí" to justify its "intolerance and abridgments of human rights". The awards are given for Editorial Articles, Editorial Sections, Design, Photographs, Marketing, and Best Overall Categories. A novel appeared in this collection in 1911: Amistad funesta, which Martí had made known was published under a pseudonym in 1885. Cuba needed to be free.[39]. Martí's writings reflected his own views both socially and politically. In November he returned to Madrid and then left to Paris. Martí also saw the necessity of a country having its own literature. Obras Completas de José Martí, para la cual realiza investigaciones sobre las fuentes literarias de dicho autor. Moriré de cara al sol." Fue precursor del modernismo, junto a José Asunción Silva (Colombia), Rubén Darío (Nicaragua), Francisco Gavidia (El Salvador), Julián del Casal (Cuba), Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera (México), Manuel de Jesús Galván (República Dominicana), Enrique Gómez Carrillo (Guatemala), José Santos Chocano (Perú) y Manuel González Prada (Perú), entre otros. [9], In March of that year, colonial authorities shut down the school, interrupting Martí's studies. His written works include a series of poems, essays, letters, lectures, novel, and a children's magazine. A group of Cubans held a funeral in the Caballero de Gracia church, the first anniversary of the medical students' execution. Who gives me his hand frankly 2 vols., pp. (Habana: Editorial Lex, 1946. [80] This is why Cuba became an independent nation. On January 29, Martí drew up the order of the uprising, signing it with general Jose Maria Rodriguez and Enrique Collazo. That same year he published "Abdala", a patriotic drama in verse form in the one-volume La Patria Libre newspaper, which he published himself. The Cuban nation-state under Fidel Castro consistently claimed Martí as a crucial inspiration for its Communist revolutionary government. Contexto de la obra de José Martí: rasgos del modernismo. These symbols claim their moral value and construct signs of ethic conduct. [45] He specified his plans for the future Cuban Republic, a multi-class and multi-racial democratic republic based on universal suffrage, with an egalitarian economic base to develop fully Cuba's productive resources and an equitable distribution of land among citizens, with enlightened and virtuous politicians.[46]. José Martí: su vida y su obra. [16], In May, he moved to Zaragoza, accompanied by Fermín Valdés to continue his studies in law at the Universidad Literaria. [31], In 1894 he continued traveling for propagation and organizing the revolutionary movement. On December 16, he published the article "Extranjero" (foreigner; abroad), in which he repeated his denunciation of the Porfiristas and bade farewell to Mexico. Nació un 28 de enero de 1853 en La Habana. Se ganó la vida escribiendo para publicaciones tanto en español como en inglés. His uncompromising belief in democracy and freedom for his fatherland is what characterized his political ideology. Throughout his writing he made reference to historical figures and events, and used constant allusions to literature, current news and cultural matters. "The Cuban Republic and José Martí: reception and use of a national symbol". [32], On January 12, 1895, the North American authorities stopped the steamship Lagonda and two other suspicious ships, Amadis and Baracoa, at the port of Fernandina in Florida, confiscating weapons and ruining Plan de Fernandina (Fernandina Plan). [72], In New York he was what is known today as a "freelancer," as well as an "in house" translator. Un matiz muy peculiar de José Martí es el control del idioma que sus obras demuestran, y que se requiere dominar otras lenguas para llegar a captar. A consecuencia de estos últimos, fue deportado de Cuba y estuvo mucho tiempo en tierras extranjeras. His wish to build a national or Latin American identity was nothing new or unusual in those days; however, no Latin-American intellectual of that time had approached as clearly as Martí the task of building a national identity. Encontrá Jose Marti Obras en! Capítulo I Vida y obra de José Martí 4 I.1 La vida de José Martí Jose Marti se considera como uno de los más importantes novelistas del Modernismo, y uno de los mayores representantes de la literatura española del siglo xx. According to Martí, the elites "deserved severe censure" as they were the biggest threat to the "ideals with which the United States was first conceived". El modernismo de Martí surge en pleno proceso de independencia de la Corona española, junto con el avance de tropas estadounidenses las cuales fueron desencadenantes para que el año 1898 Cuba lograra la independencia gracias a la ayuda del país norteamericano. [55], Martí started to believe that the US had abused its potential. Gómez later rejoined Martí's plans, promising to comply. Martí is considered one of the great turn-of-the-century Latin American intellectuals. Político, pensador, periodista, filósofo, ensayista y poeta. His work with the Cuban émigré community, enlisting the support of Cuban workers and socialist leaders to form the Cuban Revolutionary Party, put into motion the Cuban war of independence. José Martí (1853-1895) Político y escritor cubano. Su producción literaria fue excesiva. During Martí's Key West years, his secretary was Dolores Castellanos (1870-1948), a Cuban-American woman born in Key West, who also served as president of the Protectoras de la Patria: Club Político de Cubanas, a Cuban women's political club in support of Martí's cause, and for whom Martí wrote a poem titled "A Dolores Castellanos." One could also say that his ideological and spiritual sphere is fortified in his writing. [73] In addition to fluent English, Martí also spoke French, Italian, Latin and Classical Greek fluently, the latter learned so he could read the Greek classical works in the original. The fact that his wife never shared the convictions central to his life was an enormous personal tragedy for Martí. [35] Martí had persuaded Gómez to lead an expedition into Cuba. Lally, Carolyn. As a result, he was transferred to another part of Cuba known as Isla de Pinos instead of further imprisonment. The kindness of one person should be shared with all people, regardless of personal conflict. Martí's consolidation of support among the Cuban expatriates, especially in Florida, was key in the planning and execution of the invasion of Cuba. From Martí's 'Campaign Diaries', written during the final expedition in Cuba, it seems evident that Martí would have reached the highest position in the future Republic of Arms. [74], There was clearly a dichotomy in Martí's feeling about the kind of work he was translating. [91] His writings thus remain a key ideological weapon in the battle over the fate of the Cuban nation. El Presidio Político en Cuba. [70], His didactic spirit encouraged him to establish a magazine for children, La Edad de Oro (1889) which contained a short essay titled "Tres Heroes" (three heroes), representative of his talent to adapt his expression to his audience; in this case, to make the young reader conscious of and amazed by the extraordinary bravery of the three men, Bolivar, Hidalgo, and San Martín. A poet and journalist, Marti led an insurrection in 1895 against the Spanish government in Cuba. He settled in Madrid in a guesthouse in Desengaño St. #10. [17] He sent examples of his work to Nestor Ponce de Leon, a member of the Junta Central Revolucionaria de Nueva York (Central revolutionary committee of New York), to whom he would express his will to collaborate on the fight for the independence of Cuba. He was also an important figure in Latin American literature. 25 obras completas en PDF Gratis de José Martí, precursor del Modernismo literario hispanoamericano El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO), el Centro de Estudios Martianos y el Ministerio de Cultura de la República de Cuba presentan la Edición Crítica de las Obras Completas de José Martí (1853-1895). [49] Cuba was a profitable, fertile country with an important strategic position in the Gulf of Mexico. José Julián Martí Pérez (La Habana, Capitanía General de Cuba; 28 de enero de 1853—Dos Ríos, Capitanía General de Cuba; 19 de mayo de 1895) fue un escritor y político de origen cubano. In May 1883, while attending political meetings he heard "the call for revolution – and more specifically the destruction of the capitalist system". On April 8, he was chosen delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Party by the Cayo Hueso Club in Tampa and New York. Aunque de José Martí (Cuba, 1853-1895) sean universalmente conocidas sus facetas como político y líder intelectual de la independencia cubana, así como su ingente escritura periodística, lo cierto es que tales trabajos no se pueden separar de su extraña y extraordinaria poesía. The prose is an instrument and a method of spreading the ideas, and has the goal of elevating, encouraging and animating these ideas rather than having the expression of tearing up the heart, complaining and moaning. Mencionamos aquí algunas obras de Martí que consideramos fundamentales desde el punto de vista literario. María Sahily Alonso Navarro (La Habana, Cuba, 1967). Editora de la Edición Crítica de las Obras Completas de José Martí. [69] As an orator (for he made many speeches) he was known for his cascading structure, powerful aphorisms, and detailed descriptions. After Martí was shot, the young trooper, Angel de la Guardia, lost his horse and returned to report the loss. [3] From adolescence, he dedicated his life to the promotion of liberty, political independence for Cuba, and intellectual independence for all Spanish Americans; his death was used as a cry for Cuban independence from Spain by both the Cuban revolutionaries and those Cubans previously reluctant to start a revolt. "Abdala" is about a fictional country called Nubia which struggles for liberation. Hizo varias traducciones al español de obras significantes, proclamó bellos discursos y su epistolario es un manantial de valores cívicos y patrióticos sin dejar cada carta de ser una lección en literatura. [34], José Martí was killed in battle against Spanish troops at the Battle of Dos Ríos, near the confluence of the rivers Contramaestre and Cauto, on May 19, 1895. Martí was alone and seeing a young courier ride by said: "Joven, a la carga!" A morir como un traidor/ Martí then joined the editorial staff, editing the Boletín section of the publication. During Castro's tenure, the politics and death of Martí were used to justify certain actions of the Cuban state. Compensa las debilidades de la lengua española que usualmente no notamos pero son tan obvias desde la perspectiva del inglés, el alemán o el latín. In March, the newspaper proposed a series of candidates as delegates, including Martí, to the first Congreso Obrero, or congress of the workers. When it came to politics Martí wrote that politics in the US had "adopted a carnival atmosphere... especially during election time". MSc. [63], According to Martí, the intention behind the publication of "La edad de oro" was "so that American children may know how people used to live, and how they live nowadays, in America and in other countries; how many things are made, such as glass and iron, steam engines and suspension bridges and electric light; so that when a child sees a coloured stone he will know why the stone is coloured.

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