blue spotted sunfish care



Green Sunfish are very common in lakes and streams throughout Louisiana. My son & i collected a sunfish/pumpkinseed/the like quite by accident. For years I’ve kept green sunfish, orangespotted sunfish, and bluegill, as well as the little blue-spotted sunfish and the giant largemouth bass, and they are all awesome. Try not to disturb him, for he is quite high strung, even to the point of attacking hands placed in the aquarium. Today, I decided to try 3-inch long sunfish instead, and obtained 2 pumpnikseeds and 2 bluegills. I have two bandeds that patrol the bottom of 36 x 18 x 24 high (approx 50 gallon) tank... they seem to like the bottom of the tank and the shadows under the largers amazon sword I have ever grown... have had a variety of killies do OK with them... living on the surface, so not much interaction.As far as food, they prefer live or frozen, but I can get them to pick at some pelleted foods... at least enough to keep em happy until I can get more frozen. The maximum depth is equal to or less than half the total length. I’ve attempted to add a couple green sunfish(the same size as the other fish) three times now and every time they jump out of the pond within a few days and die. Enjoy and please let me know if you need anything, best, frank. He was 3/4″ long when I caught him in a creek and when I set him free(we were moving), he was almost 6″ long. tank and I’m going to move him to an 1,000 gallon tank once he gets to 4 inches, I already keep various sunfishes, but none of the bass, I’m able to identify each one by distinctive patterns, but I want to know one thing, how will I know if they are pregnant and when is their mating season (or do they breed year round?). I have kept 4 longear sunfish and 2 rock bass in my 150 gallon back yard pond all summer and they are doing great. Now you guys tell me you are keeping O-spots with E.glorious ?spelling with the O-spots. I would love it if my son had pet fish. If it is the only fish in the tank, it is likely not a huge concern but you would want to monitor it carefully. “Please write in for information on individual species. They would be likely to attack and kill other tankmates. Redear sunfish: Look for the red spot on the ear. Feel free to let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. Many anglers discovered their love of fishing while while targeting sunfish in their childhood years. ''Enneacanthus gloriosus'' is a species of fish in the family Centrarchidae, the sunfishes, known by the common name blue-spotted sunfish. The tank they are in now is smaller and the heater keeps the temp at about 75 degrees. But I would be able to feed them well with chunks of fish, bread, worms, and bugs that are always on my porch because of my garden. The world’s 30-35 freshwater sunfish species (Family Centrarchidae) range throughout Canada, the USA and Central America. If you are able to get a photo of what you are referring to, you can email us at and one of our staff members can try to help you. Eileen Daub: Hi Sonali, I wish I had some secret, magical technique to ma... Steve: Been using UGF since 1976. It had a four-stage filter because frogs tend to be quite messy. If you'd like a shipping quote, please email us an exact order and shipping address: You can cancel or modify your order before it is finalized. I have book marked it for later! The banded sunfish is distinguished from the bluespotted sunfish by the six or seven dark vertical (not light horizontal) stripes on its body. Due to his aggression, he’s in a tank by himself. Enjoy, frank. Young sunfishes will often form mixed-species schools, but adults generally become quite territorial and each pair may require a tank to itself. Is a member of the sunfish family and is native to the southeastern and eastern United States, This fish reaches about 9.5 centimeters (3.7 in) in maximum length. Bugs and worms would be fine. I ended up with some dead fish when I removed the plants to clean the tank. They like lots of vegetation too! "Enneacanthus glorisus" So what do you feed these? I would really like to have a tank full of these blue and bandeds. It is native to the southeastern and eastern United States, its distribution extending as far north as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and far southern New York. His color faded and his fins started to look like they were rotting.He had been floating around the top lately, but he can go to the bottom and stay there when he wishes. You’ll want to make sure the water chemistry is the same as the environment it is coming from as well – pH, hardness, temperature, flow. Your questions will be answered by our expert staff from our store in the USA. And I knew you were talking invertabrates but I just did not know what particular ones, or did I know the names of any. I have never seen a banded yet nor have I seen an orange spot. My parents told me that I had to pay for everything and with me limited funds, the largest size tank I could afford was a two gallon tank with a filter. 5-8 years Habitat. Please write in for information on individual species. Makes me want to get rid of all of what I have in my forty and have orange spots, banded, and blue spots. best, Frank. But the one species I feel has the most potential as a aquarium species is the green sunfish. Sexing [edit | edit source] Males more colourful, females plumper. Although popular among European aquarists, sunfishes have been largely been neglected in American aquaculture. I feed them just about anything other than pellets & flakes. Like other people, I have found that they tend to get into fights with cichlids. These fish are widely distributed across the middle and eastern United States, from the Rocky Mountains to the east, from the Great Lakes south into the Gulf Coast. Seven species in the genus Elassoma, known as the Pygmy Sunfishes, have recently been placed in their own family. You currently have javascript disabled. At home, he runs an Emperor 400 on one side and an Aquaclear 110 on the other. They can certainly be by themselves, but it might spice up their life a bit to have a tank mate. Hello Brian, Without knowing more about the tank setup and situation – water chemistry before and after adding the fish, fish health before and after they were added, how they were collected, the equipment being used, how everything was set up and acclimated – it is really impossible for me to say. Thanks for the kind words and glad to hear of your interest. Sunfish seemed a good option after finding some very friendly sunfish while diving some of the local lakes (I think they’re seeking out food, not looking for company). Blue-spotted, black-banded, clad banded are the color variation of the sunfish. малый солнечник ryšiai: platesnis terminas –… This fish is well named since the adult males are covered with brilliant blue spots that shine intensely. Would this be fine? With these two filters, you should have a flow rate of about 700 gallons an hour and with monthly maintenance these should run for years. Commercial fish hatcheries often stock sunfishes. Without similar assistance, their close relative, the spotted bass, continues to occupy only the Ohio River drainage in Pennsylvania. They did very well on watercress and frog food, but the other day when we slept over a friends house, we came home and the bluegill had eating all the tails off the tadpoles. Enneacanthus gloriosus is a species of fish in the Centrarchidae, the sunfishes, known by the common name blue-spotted sunfish. Blog. You may just need to change the food or try something live if you haven’t already. Sure enough, little guy about 2 in long, an inch high & ALL eyes!!! A Pumpkinseed Sunfish should have at least a 30 gallon tank; without knowing what kind of minnow and crayfish you have, it is hard for me to say what size would be best for them. Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner; Size of fish - inches: 3.9 inches (10.01 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 30 gal (114 L) Temperament: Peaceful; Aquarium Hardiness: Moderately hardy; Temperature: 39.0 to 72.0° F (3.9 to 22.2° C) Enter a Freshwater Aquarium. Brisk and hardy also. That spot is not always visible so if your sunfish lacks any of the characteristics of the other three species, it might be a redear! When they reached 4-5 inches in length, they ganged up on their larger relative and nearly killed it before I could intervene. They do come up in the water column for food, but seem to hesitate and not take anything off of the surface... waiting for it to sink somewhat before hitting it.MW. What am I doing wrong? San Diego & temps have been in the high 30ts and low 40ts in the AM. Hi Brian, If you are collecting wild Sunfish to keep in an aquarium, the best thing to do would be to mimic the water parameters where they are collected. I would certainly recommend testing the water; water tests are like the aquarium equivalent of vital signs at the doctor’s office and tell a lot about the tank and potential problems in it. Bluespotted sunfish are also resident in Jamesville Reservoir (east of Syracuse) where it was either … I put all the frogs back where I found them, cleaned the tank thoroughly, and aged the water for seven days. Thank you! What are the current values for temperature, pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate to start with? It is native to the southeastern and eastern United States, its distribution extending as far north as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and far southern New York. In my teens, I kept 6 small Pumpkinseeds with a Largemouth Bass in a 75 gallon aquarium. Bluespotted sunfish never attain the size of these much sought after fishes, but they do perform an important job of keeping mosquito and other insect populations in check by feeding voraciously on their larvae. They’re independent fish and I’m not sure if more fish would add stress or comfort her. Now he/she (I can’t seem to sex them) comes to the top and he/she eats out of my hand. Hello Kristopher, “Fry” and “Fingerling” are both terms used to describe juvenile fish. They eat almost anything. After a detour as a lawyer, I was hired as a Bronx Zoo animal keeper and was soon caring for gharials, goliath frogs, king cobras and everything in-between. Hello Michael, A 15-gallon tank is really too small for Sunfish to be kept in long-term. that is, AFTER theyve adapted to eating brine shrimp and bloodworms. Do you over-winter the fish in the pond? Difficulty. ( Smith, 1979 ). One being the pumpkinseed has been fine . I would like to add a couple of madtoms but haven’t had any success trapping them so i might go with corycats instead. how do i get him to eat. This worked well and with the exception of losing one fish this year that became battered beyond belief (lost all fins) by an aggressive Dollar all of the other Blue Spotted have thrived and are growing well.

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